Koa Static Assets Pipeline

Koa middleware for serving static files.

#What is Koa Static?

Koa Static is a middleware for Koa.js, which is a popular web framework for Node.js. Koa Static provides a simple and easy-to-use solution for serving static files, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images, for Koa.js applications. It is designed to be lightweight and fast, with minimal overhead.

#Koa Static Key Features

Most recognizable Koa Static features include:

  • Provides middleware for serving static files in Koa.js applications.
  • Supports caching and conditional requests to improve performance.
  • Configurable options for setting the root directory, file extensions, and cache control headers.
  • Automatic index file serving for directories.
  • Supports serving compressed files, such as gzip and brotli.
  • Ability to serve files from multiple directories.

#Koa Static Use-Cases

Some of the Koa Static use-cases are:

  • Serving static files for a Koa.js application, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images.
  • Building a static website using Koa.js and serving it with Koa Static.
  • Creating a file server for sharing files with others.

#Koa Static Summary

Koa Static is a middleware for serving static files in Koa.js applications, with features such as caching, automatic index file serving, and support for serving compressed files. It is a lightweight and easy-to-use solution for serving static files in Node.js web applications.

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