IgBinary Data Serialization

IgBinary is a binary serialization format for PHP that is designed to be more compact and faster than the standard PHP serialization format.

#What is IgBinary?

IgBinary is a PHP extension that provides a fast and efficient binary serialization format for PHP data structures. It was created as an alternative to the standard PHP serialization mechanism, which can be slow and produce bloated serialized representations. IgBinary aims to address these issues by providing a more compact and faster binary serialization format.

#IgBinary Key Features

Some of the most recognizable features of IgBinary are:

  • Compact serialized representation: IgBinary produces a much more compact binary representation compared to the standard PHP serialization mechanism.
  • Fast serialization and deserialization: IgBinary is designed to be fast, with a focus on minimizing serialization and deserialization overhead.
  • Cross-platform support: IgBinary is designed to be compatible with different platforms and architectures, making it easy to serialize and deserialize data across different systems.

#IgBinary Use-Cases

Some use-cases for IgBinary include:

  • Caching: IgBinary can be used to serialize PHP data structures for caching purposes, improving cache performance by reducing the size of cached data.
  • Inter-process communication: IgBinary can be used to serialize data structures for inter-process communication, allowing different PHP processes to communicate efficiently.
  • Serialization of large data structures: IgBinary can be used to serialize large PHP data structures efficiently, without producing bloated serialized representations.

#IgBinary Summary

IgBinary is a PHP extension that provides a fast and compact binary serialization format for PHP data structures, with a focus on minimizing serialization and deserialization overhead. It is designed to be compatible with different platforms and architectures, and can be used for caching, inter-process communication, and serialization of large data structures.

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