Infobright Database

Infobright is a high-performance analytic database designed for fast query performance on large datasets.

#What is Infobright?

Infobright Database is a column-oriented relational database that is specifically designed to handle large-scale data warehousing and business intelligence applications. It uses a patent-pending knowledge grid architecture to provide high performance and low cost for data-intensive analytics workloads.

#Infobright Key Features

Some of the most recognizable features of Infobright Database are:

  • Columnar storage: data is stored in columnar format, which provides fast query response times and high compression rates.
  • Built-in analytics: Infobright includes pre-built analytics functions that can be easily executed through SQL queries.
  • Open-source components: Infobright incorporates several open-source technologies, such as MySQL and Apache Hadoop, to provide a flexible and scalable platform.
  • Data loading: Infobright supports a variety of data loading methods, including bulk loading and incremental loading.
  • Ad-hoc reporting: Infobright includes a web-based reporting tool that allows users to create ad-hoc reports and dashboards.
  • Seamless integration: Infobright can integrate with a variety of BI and ETL tools, such as Tableau and Pentaho, to provide a complete data warehousing solution.

#Infobright Use-Cases

Some common use cases for Infobright Database include:

  • Analyzing large volumes of data: Infobright is well-suited for data warehousing and business intelligence applications that require fast query response times and high compression rates.
  • Real-time analytics: Infobright can be used to provide real-time analytics on streaming data, such as sensor data or log data.
  • Ad-hoc reporting: Infobright’s web-based reporting tool makes it easy to create ad-hoc reports and dashboards.

#Infobright Summary

Infobright Database is a column-oriented relational database that is designed for large-scale data warehousing and business intelligence applications. It features columnar storage, built-in analytics, open-source components, and seamless integration with other BI and ETL tools. It is well-suited for analyzing large volumes of data, providing real-time analytics, and creating ad-hoc reports and dashboards.

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