SDB Database

SDB is a lightweight JSON-based database engine developed in Java.

  • Since:2012

#What is SDB?

SDB Database is an open-source NoSQL document-oriented database that provides high performance, scalability, and fault tolerance for modern web applications. It is designed to work with unstructured and semi-structured data, and it supports a variety of data models such as key-value, graph, and document.

#SDB Key Features

Some of the most recognizable features of SDB Database are:

  • Flexible schema that allows for dynamic changes to the data model
  • High-performance indexing and querying capabilities
  • Automatic sharding and replication for high availability and fault tolerance
  • Support for ACID transactions
  • Built-in full-text search engine
  • Easy-to-use REST API for data access and manipulation

#SDB Use-Cases

SDB Database can be used in a variety of use-cases, including:

  • Content management systems
  • E-commerce applications
  • Social media platforms
  • Real-time analytics
  • Internet of Things (IoT) applications
  • Mobile and web applications

#SDB Summary

SDB Database is a flexible and scalable NoSQL document-oriented database that provides high performance and fault tolerance for modern web applications. It supports various data models and provides an easy-to-use REST API for data access and manipulation.

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