Haml File Templating

Haml is a templating engine for HTML that enables dynamic generation of HTML pages and emails, applying user-defined templates to data objects.

#What is Haml?

Haml (HTML abstraction markup language) is a markup language used in web development for creating HTML and XML documents. It uses indentation to denote nested elements, making it more readable and easier to write than traditional markup languages such as HTML. Haml can be used in both Ruby and JavaScript projects and is widely adopted in the Ruby on Rails community.

#Haml Key Features

Some of the most recognizable features of Haml include:

  • Uses indentation to denote nested elements, making it more readable.
  • Supports embedded Ruby code for generating dynamic content.
  • Provides a simpler syntax for creating templates than traditional markup languages.
  • Supports automatic escaping of HTML and other characters to prevent security vulnerabilities.
  • Can be easily integrated with Ruby on Rails and other Ruby-based web frameworks.
  • Supports the use of mixins for reusable templates.

#Haml Use-Cases

Some of the most common use cases for Haml include:

  • Creating HTML content for web applications.
  • Generating dynamic content using embedded Ruby code.
  • Improving readability and maintainability of HTML templates.
  • Automatically escaping HTML and other characters to prevent security vulnerabilities.
  • Creating reusable templates using mixins.
  • Improving developer productivity by reducing the amount of boilerplate code.

#Haml Summary

Haml is a markup language used in web development that uses indentation to denote nested elements and supports embedded Ruby code for generating dynamic content. It provides a simpler syntax for creating templates than traditional markup languages, supports automatic escaping of HTML and other characters, and can be easily integrated with Ruby on Rails and other Ruby-based web frameworks. Haml is commonly used for creating HTML content, improving readability and maintainability of templates, and improving developer productivity.

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