Volt File Templating

Volt is a Ruby web framework where your Ruby code runs on both the server and the client thanks to Opal. Write HTML views in the same way you write views for your Ruby objects with strings, attributes, and blocks. Get real-time page updates with channels and easily build interactive applications.

#What is Volt?

Volt is a template engine written in Ruby that follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture pattern. It is designed to work with web applications and frameworks and allows developers to write dynamic templates that can be rendered into HTML documents.

#Volt Key Features

Here are some of the most recognizable features of Volt:

  • Uses a reactive programming model that allows templates to automatically update themselves when data changes
  • Provides a robust set of built-in helpers for common tasks such as form handling and string manipulation
  • Supports layouts and partials to make it easy to reuse template code across multiple pages
  • Allows developers to define their own custom helpers and filters
  • Can be used with various front-end frameworks and libraries like Bootstrap, Foundation, and React
  • Includes a live-reload feature that automatically refreshes the browser when templates or assets change

#Volt Use-Cases

Some use cases of Volt include:

  • Building web applications that require real-time updates, such as chat applications or collaborative tools
  • Creating dynamic user interfaces that update based on user actions or data changes
  • Developing web applications that require a high degree of interactivity, such as games or simulations
  • Creating websites or applications that require responsive design and support for multiple devices
  • Building web applications that require integration with other back-end systems or APIs
  • Developing web applications with Ruby-based frameworks like Rails or Sinatra.

#Volt Summary

Volt is a Ruby-based template engine that provides a reactive programming model, built-in helpers, and support for various front-end frameworks. It is useful for building web applications that require real-time updates, interactivity, and responsive design.

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