ember-i18n Internationalization

Ember-i18n is a localization addon for Ember.js applications that provides a simple way to manage translations.

#What is ember-i18n?

Ember-i18n is an i18n library designed to work with Ember.js applications. It provides a simple way to add internationalization support to web applications built with Ember.js. The library is based on the concept of message keys, which makes it easy to manage translations and add new languages.

#ember-i18n Key Features

Most recognizable ember-i18n features include:

  • Uses message keys for easy translation management
  • Supports pluralization and gender inflection
  • Supports translation of HTML markup and attributes
  • Provides easy integration with Ember.js applications
  • Allows for dynamic switching of languages
  • Provides support for fallback languages

#ember-i18n Use-Cases

Some of the ember-i18n use-cases are:

  • Website localization for multilingual users
  • Translation of dynamic content in real-time
  • Creation of multilingual documentation and tutorials
  • Development of multilingual chatbots and voice assistants
  • Translation of user-generated content
  • Creation of language-specific versions of web applications

#ember-i18n Summary

Ember-i18n is an i18n library designed to work with Ember.js applications, providing a simple way to add internationalization support based on message keys for easy translation management. It supports pluralization and gender inflection, translation of HTML markup and attributes, dynamic switching of languages, and fallback languages. It is useful for website localization, dynamic content translation, and the development of multilingual chatbots and voice assistants.

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