ilib Internationalization

iLib is a library for internationalization (i18n) in JavaScript that provides comprehensive support for formatting and parsing numbers, dates, times and messages in any locale.

#What is ilib?2

ilib is an internationalization (i18n) library that provides support for formatting and parsing numbers, dates, and times in various languages and cultural conventions. It is designed to be lightweight and modular, making it suitable for use in web and mobile applications, as well as desktop software.

#ilib Key Features

Most recognizable ilib features include:

  • Support for over 200 languages and locales
  • Comprehensive formatting and parsing capabilities for numbers, dates, and times
  • Extensible architecture that allows for customization and localization
  • Unicode-based implementation that supports complex scripts and character sets
  • API documentation and sample code for easy integration
  • Available under an open-source license

#ilib Use-Cases

Some of the ilib use-cases are:

  • Creating multilingual web and mobile applications
  • Building software that supports multiple locales and cultural conventions
  • Localizing content for international audiences
  • Developing tools and frameworks for internationalization and localization
  • Enhancing user experience by providing localized formatting and parsing of numbers, dates, and times

#ilib Summary

ilib is a lightweight and modular i18n library that provides comprehensive support for formatting and parsing numbers, dates, and times in over 200 languages and locales, making it a versatile choice for developers looking to build multilingual applications and localize content for international audiences.

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