MockSMTP.NET Mail Testing

smtp4dev is a dummy SMTP server that can be used for testing and development of email applications.

#What is MockSMTP.NET?

MockSMTP.NET is a lightweight, open-source SMTP server that can be used for testing email functionality during development. It can simulate an email server without actually sending emails, which is particularly useful when working on code that involves email communication. This tool is compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.

#MockSMTP.NET Key Features

Most-recognizable MockSMTP.NET features include:

  • email integration testing,
  • functional testing,
  • regression testing

#MockSMTP.NET Summary

MockSMTP.NET is an open-source SMTP server that can be used for email testing during development. It has several features that make it easy to use and can be helpful for various testing scenarios, including email integration, functional, and regression testing.

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