
Why Did You Render Developer Experience in React Next.js

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20238 min reading time

Why Did You Render Developer Experience in React Next.js

React is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces. It provides a declarative approach to building UI components, making it easy to create complex and interactive applications. However, as applications grow in complexity, managing performance can become a challenge. This is where the Why Did You Render library comes in. Why Did You Render is a performance optimization tool for React that helps developers identify unnecessary re-renders and optimize their components for better performance.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to use the Why Did You Render library in a React Next.js application. We will start by discussing the benefits of using Why Did You Render and how it can help improve the performance of your application. We will then walk through the process of installing and configuring the library in a Next.js application, and demonstrate how to use it to identify and optimize unnecessary re-renders. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use Why Did You Render to improve the performance of your React Next.js applications.

What is Why Did You Render?

Why Did You Render Developer Experience is a performance optimization tool for React applications. It helps developers identify unnecessary re-renders and optimize their components for better performance. The library works by tracking the render lifecycle of React components and providing detailed information about why a component was re-rendered. This information can be used to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize components to reduce unnecessary re-renders.

Why Did You Render Developer Experience is particularly useful for large and complex React applications, where performance can become a challenge. By identifying and optimizing unnecessary re-renders, developers can improve the overall performance of their applications, resulting in faster load times and a better user experience. The library is easy to use and can be integrated into any React application with minimal configuration.

Why use Why Did You Render for Developer Experience in React Next.js application?

There are several reasons why developers should consider using Why Did You Render for Developer Experience. First and foremost, the library helps identify unnecessary re-renders in React components, which can significantly improve the performance of an application. By reducing the number of re-renders, developers can improve the overall speed and responsiveness of their applications, resulting in a better user experience.

Another benefit of using Why Did You Render is that it provides detailed information about why a component was re-rendered. This information can be used to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize components to reduce unnecessary re-renders. The library also provides a simple and intuitive API, making it easy to integrate into any React application.

  • Helps identify unnecessary re-renders in React components
  • Provides detailed information about why a component was re-rendered
  • Improves the overall speed and responsiveness of an application
  • Identifies performance bottlenecks
  • Optimizes components to reduce unnecessary re-renders
  • Provides a simple and intuitive API for easy integration into any React application

Overall, Why Did You Render is a powerful tool for improving the performance of React applications. By identifying and optimizing unnecessary re-renders, developers can create faster and more responsive applications, resulting in a better user experience.


To complete the "Why Did You Render Developer Experience in React Next.js" tutorial, you will need to have the following prerequisites:

  • Basic knowledge of React and Next.js
  • Node.js and npm installed on your machine
  • A code editor such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text
  • A basic understanding of performance optimization concepts
  • A basic understanding of the React component lifecycle

It is also recommended that you have a basic understanding of JavaScript and web development concepts such as HTML, CSS, and HTTP. Additionally, you should have a basic understanding of package managers such as npm and how to install and manage dependencies in a Node.js project. With these prerequisites in place, you will be well-equipped to follow along with the tutorial and learn how to use the Why Did You Render library to optimize the performance of your React Next.js applications.

React Next.js Why Did You Render step by step setup and configuration

Integrating Why Did You Render into a React Next.js project is a straightforward process. The first step is to install the library as a dependency in your project using npm. Open your terminal and navigate to the root directory of your project. Then, run the following command:

npm install why-did-you-render --save-dev

This will install the Why Did You Render library as a development dependency in your project.

Once the library is installed, you can import it into your project and configure it to start tracking component re-renders. To do this, create a new file called wdyr.js in your project's utils directory. In this file, import the Why Did You Render library and configure it to start tracking re-renders:

import React from 'react';
import whyDidYouRender from '@welldone-software/why-did-you-render';

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
  whyDidYouRender(React, {
    trackAllPureComponents: true,

This code imports the Why Did You Render library and configures it to track all pure components in your application. It also checks if the application is running in development mode before starting tracking.

Next, import the wdyr.js file into your _app.js file, which is located in the pages directory. This file is the entry point for your Next.js application and is responsible for rendering all pages. Import the wdyr.js file at the top of the file:

import '../utils/wdyr';

Finally, start your Next.js application in development mode by running the following command in your terminal:

npm run dev

This will start your application and enable Why Did You Render tracking. You can now navigate to your application in your web browser and start using it as usual. The Why Did You Render library will track component re-renders and provide detailed information about why a component was re-rendered.

In summary, integrating Why Did You Render into a React Next.js project involves installing the library as a dependency, importing it into your project, configuring it to start tracking re-renders, and starting your application in development mode. With these steps in place, you can start using Why Did You Render to optimize the performance of your React Next.js applications.

Why Did You Render configuration options in React Next.js

When integrating Why Did You Render into a React Next.js project, there are several configuration options available. These options allow you to customize how the library tracks component re-renders and provide more detailed information about why a component was re-rendered. The available configuration options are:

  • trackAllPureComponents: A boolean value that determines whether to track all pure components in the application. If set to true, Why Did You Render will track all pure components, even if they are not wrapped in a React.memo or React.PureComponent component. Default is false.
  • trackExtraHooks: An array of additional hooks to track. By default, Why Did You Render tracks useState, useReducer, useContext, useRef, and useLayoutEffect. This option allows you to track additional hooks, such as useEffect or useCallback.
  • logOwnerReasons: A boolean value that determines whether to log the reasons why a component's owner re-rendered. If set to true, Why Did You Render will log the reasons why a component's owner re-rendered, providing more detailed information about why a component was re-rendered. Default is false.
  • collapseGroups: A boolean value that determines whether to collapse groups of similar re-renders in the console output. If set to true, Why Did You Render will collapse groups of similar re-renders, making it easier to read the console output. Default is false.
  • exclude: An array of regular expressions that match component names to exclude from tracking. If a component's name matches any of the regular expressions in this array, Why Did You Render will not track it. Default is an empty array.

By customizing these configuration options, you can fine-tune how Why Did You Render tracks component re-renders in your React Next.js application.


In conclusion, the Why Did You Render library is a powerful tool for optimizing the performance of React applications, particularly in large and complex projects. By identifying and optimizing unnecessary re-renders, developers can create faster and more responsive applications, resulting in a better user experience.

In this tutorial, we explored how to integrate Why Did You Render into a React Next.js project and use it to identify and optimize unnecessary re-renders. We covered the benefits of using Why Did You Render, the prerequisites required to follow along with the tutorial, and the steps involved in integrating the library into a Next.js application. We also discussed the available configuration options for fine-tuning how the library tracks component re-renders.

By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you should now have a solid understanding of how to use the Why Did You Render library to optimize the performance of your React Next.js applications. With this knowledge, you can start building faster and more responsive applications that provide a better user experience.

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