
Next intl Internationalization in React Next.js

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20237 min reading time

Next intl Internationalization in React Next.js

In today's globalized world, it's essential to build web applications that can cater to users from different parts of the world. Internationalization, or i18n, is the process of adapting a web application to different languages, cultures, and regions. React Next.js is a popular framework for building server-side rendered React applications, and it provides excellent support for i18n through the Next intl library.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to use Next intl to internationalize a React Next.js application. We will start by understanding the basics of i18n and how it works in React Next.js. Then, we will dive into the Next intl library and learn how to use it to translate our application's content into different languages. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to internationalize your React Next.js applications using Next intl, making them accessible to users from all over the world.

What is Next intl?

Next intl is a library that provides internationalization support for React Next.js applications. Internationalization, or i18n, is the process of adapting a web application to different languages, cultures, and regions. Next intl makes it easy to translate your application's content into different languages, allowing you to cater to users from all over the world.

With Next intl, you can define translations for your application's content in different languages and switch between them based on the user's language preference. The library also provides support for formatting dates, times, and numbers according to the user's locale. Next intl is a powerful tool for building globalized React Next.js applications, and it can help you reach a wider audience by making your application accessible to users from different parts of the world.

Why use Next intl for Internationalization in React Next.js application?

Next intl is a powerful library for internationalizing React Next.js applications. There are several reasons why you should consider using Next intl for your i18n needs.

Firstly, Next intl provides a simple and intuitive API for defining translations and formatting dates, times, and numbers according to the user's locale. This makes it easy to internationalize your application without having to write complex code or deal with low-level details.

Secondly, Next intl is built on top of the popular React Intl library, which means that it inherits all of its features and benefits. React Intl is a battle-tested library that has been used in production by many companies and has a large community of contributors and users.

  • Simple and intuitive API for defining translations
  • Formatting dates, times, and numbers according to the user's locale
  • Built on top of the popular React Intl library
  • Battle-tested and widely used in production
  • Large community of contributors and users

Overall, Next intl is a reliable and powerful library for internationalizing React Next.js applications. Whether you're building a small website or a large-scale web application, Next intl can help you reach a wider audience by making your content accessible to users from different parts of the world.


To complete the "Next intl Internationalization in React Next.js" tutorial, you will need to have the following prerequisites:

  • Basic knowledge of React and Next.js
  • Node.js and npm installed on your machine
  • A code editor such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text
  • A basic understanding of internationalization concepts such as locales, translations, and formatting
  • Familiarity with the command line interface (CLI) and running commands in a terminal or command prompt

It's also recommended that you have a basic understanding of the following technologies:

  • JavaScript ES6 syntax
  • React hooks and functional components
  • CSS and styling in React applications

Having these prerequisites in place will help you follow along with the tutorial and understand the concepts and code examples presented. If you're new to any of these technologies, it's recommended that you spend some time learning them before diving into the tutorial.

React Next.js Next intl step by step setup and configuration

Integrating Next intl into a React Next.js project is a straightforward process. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Install the Next intl library and its dependencies using npm:
npm install --save next-intl react-intl
  1. Create a new file called _app.js in the pages directory of your Next.js project. This file will be used to wrap your entire application with the IntlProvider component provided by Next intl.
import App from 'next/app';
import { IntlProvider } from 'react-intl';

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return (
    <IntlProvider locale={pageProps.locale} messages={pageProps.messages}>
      <Component {...pageProps} />

MyApp.getInitialProps = async (appContext) => {
  const { locale, defaultLocale } = appContext.router;
  const messages = await import(`../locales/${locale}.json`);

  return {
    ...await App.getInitialProps(appContext),
    pageProps: {
      messages: messages.default,

export default MyApp;

In this code block, we import the IntlProvider component from react-intl and wrap our entire application with it. We also define a getInitialProps function that loads the translations for the user's locale from a JSON file located in the locales directory of our project.

  1. Create a new directory called locales in the root of your project. Inside this directory, create a JSON file for each language you want to support. For example, if you want to support English and Spanish, you would create two files: en.json and es.json.
// en.json
  "hello": "Hello, world!",
  "greeting": "Welcome, {name}!",
  "date": "{date, date, short}",
  "time": "{time, time, short}"
// es.json
  "hello": "¡Hola, mundo!",
  "greeting": "¡Bienvenido, {name}!",
  "date": "{date, date, short}",
  "time": "{time, time, short}"

In these code blocks, we define translations for the hello and greeting messages, as well as formatting for dates and times.

  1. Finally, use the FormattedMessage component provided by Next intl to display translated messages in your React components:
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';

function Home() {
  return (
      <FormattedMessage id="hello" />
      <FormattedMessage id="greeting" values={{ name: 'John' }} />
        values={{ date: new Date() }}
        values={{ time: new Date() }}

export default Home;

In this code block, we import the FormattedMessage component from react-intl and use it to display translated messages in our Home component. We also pass in values for the name, date, and time variables using the values prop.

By following these steps, you can easily integrate Next intl into your React Next.js project and start internationalizing your application.

Next intl configuration options in React Next.js

Here are the configuration options for Next intl when integrating it with React Next.js:

  • defaultLocale: The default locale to use if a user's preferred locale is not available.
  • locales: An array of locales to support in your application.
  • localeDetection: A function that determines the user's preferred locale based on their browser settings or other criteria.
  • messages: An object containing translations for each locale.
  • formats: An object containing formatting options for dates, times, and numbers.
  • textComponent: The component to use for rendering translated text. By default, this is set to span.
  • wrapRichTextChunksInFragment: Whether to wrap rich text chunks in a React fragment. By default, this is set to false.
  • missingTranslation: The text to display when a translation is missing. By default, this is set to the message ID.
  • defaultFormats: An object containing default formatting options for dates, times, and numbers.
  • defaultRichTextElements: An object containing default React components for rendering rich text elements.

These configuration options allow you to customize the behavior of Next intl in your React Next.js application. You can define the locales and translations to support, specify how to format dates, times, and numbers, and customize the rendering of translated text. By using these options, you can create a fully customized internationalization solution that meets the needs of your application and its users.


In conclusion, Next intl is a powerful library for internationalizing React Next.js applications. With its simple API and support for formatting dates, times, and numbers, Next intl makes it easy to translate your application's content into different languages and cater to users from all over the world.

In this tutorial, we explored how to use Next intl to internationalize a React Next.js application. We learned how to define translations for different languages, format dates and times according to the user's locale, and use the FormattedMessage component to display translated messages in our React components.

By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily integrate Next intl into your React Next.js project and start internationalizing your application. With Next intl, you can create a fully customized internationalization solution that meets the needs of your application and its users, making your content accessible to users from different parts of the world.

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