
Froala Rich-Text Editor in React Next.js

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20238 min reading time

Froala Rich-Text Editor in React Next.js

In today's digital age, content is king. Whether it's a blog post, an email, or a social media update, the quality of the content can make or break a brand's online presence. That's why having a powerful and user-friendly text editor is essential for any web application. The Froala Rich-Text Editor is a popular choice for developers looking to add a robust text editor to their web applications. In this tutorial, we will explore how to integrate the Froala Rich-Text Editor into a React Next.js application.

React Next.js is a powerful framework for building server-side rendered React applications. It provides a seamless development experience, allowing developers to focus on building their applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. By integrating the Froala Rich-Text Editor into a React Next.js application, developers can create a powerful and user-friendly text editor that is optimized for performance and scalability. In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of integrating the Froala Rich-Text Editor into a React Next.js application, including setting up the necessary dependencies, configuring the editor, and customizing its appearance and functionality.

What is Froala?

Froala Rich-Text Editor is a powerful and user-friendly text editor that can be easily integrated into web applications. It provides a wide range of features, including formatting options, image and video embedding, and table creation, making it an ideal choice for developers looking to add a robust text editor to their applications. The editor is highly customizable, allowing developers to tailor its appearance and functionality to meet the specific needs of their applications.

One of the key benefits of the Froala Rich-Text Editor is its ease of use. The editor provides a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to create and edit content. It also includes a range of keyboard shortcuts and other productivity features that can help users work more efficiently. Overall, the Froala Rich-Text Editor is a powerful and flexible text editor that can help developers create high-quality content in their web applications.

Why use Froala for Rich-Text Editor in React Next.js application?

There are several reasons why developers should consider using the Froala Rich-Text Editor in their web applications. First and foremost, the editor is highly customizable, allowing developers to tailor its appearance and functionality to meet the specific needs of their applications. This means that developers can create a text editor that is optimized for their users' workflows and preferences.

Another benefit of the Froala Rich-Text Editor is its ease of use. The editor provides a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to create and edit content. It also includes a range of productivity features, such as keyboard shortcuts and auto-save functionality, that can help users work more efficiently.

In addition to its customization and ease of use, the Froala Rich-Text Editor also provides a wide range of features that can help developers create high-quality content in their web applications. Some of the key features of the editor include:

  • Support for a wide range of formatting options, including bold, italic, and underline
  • The ability to embed images and videos directly into the editor
  • Support for creating tables and other structured content
  • A powerful search and replace functionality that can help users quickly find and replace text within their documents

Overall, the Froala Rich-Text Editor is a powerful and flexible text editor that can help developers create high-quality content in their web applications. Its customization options, ease of use, and wide range of features make it an ideal choice for developers looking to add a robust text editor to their applications.


To complete the "Froala Rich-Text Editor in React Next.js" tutorial, you will need to have the following prerequisites:

  • A basic understanding of React and Next.js
  • Node.js and npm installed on your machine
  • A code editor, such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text
  • A Froala Rich-Text Editor license key (you can obtain a free trial key from the Froala website)
  • Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS

It is also recommended that you have some experience with server-side rendering and working with APIs, as these concepts will be used throughout the tutorial. Additionally, familiarity with JavaScript and the ES6 syntax will be helpful, as the tutorial will use modern JavaScript features.

React Next.js Froala step by step setup and configuration

Integrating the Froala Rich-Text Editor into a React Next.js project is a straightforward process that involves installing the necessary dependencies, configuring the editor, and rendering it in the application. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Install the Froala Editor package and its dependencies using npm:
npm install froala-editor react-froala-wysiwyg
  1. Import the Froala Editor CSS file and the React Froala WYSIWYG component in your Next.js application:
import 'froala-editor/css/froala_editor.pkgd.min.css';
import 'froala-editor/css/froala_style.min.css';
import ReactFroala from 'react-froala-wysiwyg';
  1. Create a state variable to hold the editor's content and a function to handle changes to the content:
const [content, setContent] = useState('');

const handleContentChange = (newContent) => {
  1. Render the Froala Editor component in your Next.js application, passing in the content state variable and the handleContentChange function as props:

This will render the Froala Editor in your Next.js application, allowing users to create and edit rich-text content. You can customize the appearance and functionality of the editor by passing in additional props, such as toolbar buttons and formatting options. With these simple steps, you can easily integrate the Froala Rich-Text Editor into your React Next.js project and provide your users with a powerful and user-friendly text editor.

Froala configuration options in React Next.js

Here are the configuration options available for integrating the Froala Rich-Text Editor into a React Next.js project:

  • tag: Specifies the HTML tag to use for the editor component (default: 'div').
  • model: Specifies the initial content of the editor (default: '').
  • onModelChange: Specifies a callback function to handle changes to the editor content.
  • config: Specifies a configuration object that can be used to customize the appearance and functionality of the editor. Some of the key options include:
    • toolbarButtons: Specifies the buttons to include in the editor toolbar.
    • toolbarButtonsMD: Specifies the buttons to include in the editor toolbar for medium-sized screens.
    • toolbarButtonsSM: Specifies the buttons to include in the editor toolbar for small screens.
    • toolbarButtonsXS: Specifies the buttons to include in the editor toolbar for extra-small screens.
    • imageUploadURL: Specifies the URL to use for uploading images to the server.
    • imageUploadParams: Specifies additional parameters to include in the image upload request.
    • imageUploadMethod: Specifies the HTTP method to use for the image upload request.
    • imageUploadHeaders: Specifies additional headers to include in the image upload request.
    • imageUploadBase64: Specifies whether to upload images as base64-encoded strings instead of binary data.
    • imageUploadParam: Specifies the name of the parameter to use for the image upload request.
    • imageUploadRemoteUrls: Specifies whether to allow users to enter remote image URLs.
    • imageUploadErrorCallback: Specifies a callback function to handle errors that occur during image uploads.
    • imageManagerLoadURL: Specifies the URL to use for loading images from the server.
    • imageManagerLoadMethod: Specifies the HTTP method to use for the image load request.
    • imageManagerLoadParams: Specifies additional parameters to include in the image load request.
    • imageManagerLoadHeaders: Specifies additional headers to include in the image load request.
    • imageManagerPageSize: Specifies the number of images to display per page in the image manager.
    • imageManagerScrollOffset: Specifies the number of pixels to scroll when navigating between pages in the image manager.
    • imageManagerDeleteURL: Specifies the URL to use for deleting images from the server.
    • imageManagerDeleteMethod: Specifies the HTTP method to use for the image delete request.
    • imageManagerDeleteParams: Specifies additional parameters to include in the image delete request.
    • imageManagerDeleteHeaders: Specifies additional headers to include in the image delete request.
    • imageManagerDeleteConfirmation: Specifies whether to display a confirmation dialog before deleting images.
    • imageManagerDeleteErrorCallback: Specifies a callback function to handle errors that occur during image deletions.


In conclusion, integrating the Froala Rich-Text Editor into a React Next.js project is a simple and straightforward process that can provide users with a powerful and user-friendly text editor. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, developers can easily install the necessary dependencies, configure the editor, and render it in their Next.js application. The Froala Editor provides a wide range of features and customization options, making it an ideal choice for developers looking to add a robust text editor to their web applications.

One of the key benefits of using the Froala Editor is its ease of use. The editor provides a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to create and edit content. It also includes a range of productivity features, such as keyboard shortcuts and auto-save functionality, that can help users work more efficiently. Additionally, the editor is highly customizable, allowing developers to tailor its appearance and functionality to meet the specific needs of their applications.

Overall, the Froala Rich-Text Editor is a powerful and flexible text editor that can help developers create high-quality content in their web applications. Its ease of use, customization options, and wide range of features make it an ideal choice for developers looking to add a robust text editor to their applications. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, developers can easily integrate the Froala Editor into their React Next.js projects and provide their users with a powerful and user-friendly text editor.

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