
Baseweb UI Kit in React Next.js

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20237 min reading time

Baseweb UI Kit in React Next.js

In today's fast-paced digital world, user interface (UI) design plays a crucial role in the success of any web application. A well-designed UI can make the difference between a user staying on your site or leaving for a competitor. That's why it's essential to have a reliable UI kit that can help you create beautiful and functional interfaces quickly. Baseweb is one such UI kit that can help you achieve this goal.

Baseweb is a React-based UI kit that provides a set of reusable components and styles for building web applications. It is built on top of the popular React framework and is designed to work seamlessly with Next.js, a popular server-side rendering framework. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use Baseweb in a React Next.js application to create a beautiful and functional UI. We will cover the basics of installing and configuring Baseweb, as well as how to use its components to create a responsive and accessible UI. Whether you're a seasoned React developer or just starting, this tutorial will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to create stunning UIs with Baseweb and Next.js.

What is Baseweb?

Baseweb UI Kit is a React-based user interface (UI) kit that provides a set of reusable components and styles for building web applications. It is designed to help developers create beautiful and functional interfaces quickly and easily. Baseweb is built on top of the popular React framework and is designed to work seamlessly with other React-based frameworks like Next.js.

Baseweb provides a wide range of components, including buttons, forms, tables, and typography, among others. These components are highly customizable and can be easily integrated into any React-based application. Baseweb also provides a robust theming system that allows developers to customize the look and feel of their UIs to match their brand or design requirements. With Baseweb, developers can create responsive and accessible UIs that work seamlessly across different devices and platforms.

Why use Baseweb for UI Kit in React Next.js application?

Baseweb is an excellent choice for developers looking for a reliable and flexible UI kit for their React-based applications. One of the main benefits of using Baseweb is its extensive collection of reusable components and styles. These components are highly customizable and can be easily integrated into any React-based application, saving developers time and effort. Baseweb also provides a robust theming system that allows developers to customize the look and feel of their UIs to match their brand or design requirements.

Another advantage of using Baseweb is its focus on accessibility. The UI kit is designed to be accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Baseweb provides a wide range of accessibility features, including support for keyboard navigation, screen readers, and high-contrast mode. This makes it easier for developers to create UIs that are accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities.

  • Extensive collection of reusable components and styles
  • Robust theming system for customization
  • Focus on accessibility for all users, including those with disabilities

Overall, Baseweb is an excellent choice for developers looking for a reliable and flexible UI kit that is easy to use and highly customizable. With its extensive collection of components, robust theming system, and focus on accessibility, Baseweb provides developers with the tools they need to create beautiful and functional UIs for their React-based applications.


To complete the "Baseweb UI Kit in React Next.js" tutorial, you will need to have the following prerequisites:

  • Basic knowledge of React and Next.js
  • Node.js and npm installed on your computer
  • A code editor such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text
  • Familiarity with the command line interface (CLI)
  • A working internet connection to download dependencies and packages

It is also recommended that you have some experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as a basic understanding of UI design principles. With these prerequisites in place, you will be ready to dive into the tutorial and start building beautiful and functional UIs with Baseweb and Next.js.

React Next.js Baseweb step by step setup and configuration

Integrating Baseweb into a React Next.js project is a straightforward process that involves installing the necessary dependencies and configuring the UI kit to work with your application. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Install the necessary dependencies: To use Baseweb in your React Next.js project, you will need to install the following dependencies:
npm install baseui styletron-react styletron-engine-atomic
  1. Configure Styletron: Baseweb uses Styletron for styling, so you will need to configure it in your application. Create a new file called styletron.js in your project's root directory and add the following code:
import { Client as Styletron } from 'styletron-engine-atomic';
import { Provider as StyletronProvider } from 'styletron-react';

const engine = new Styletron();

export default engine;
export const StyletronWrapper = ({ children }) => (
  <StyletronProvider value={engine}>{children}</StyletronProvider>

This code creates a new Styletron instance and exports it for use in your application. It also creates a StyletronWrapper component that you can use to wrap your application and provide the Styletron context.

  1. Import Baseweb components: Once you have installed the necessary dependencies and configured Styletron, you can start using Baseweb components in your application. Import the components you need from the baseui package and use them in your code. For example, to use a button component, you can import it like this:
import { Button } from 'baseui/button';

function MyButton() {
  return <Button>Click me</Button>;
  1. Wrap your application with the Styletron provider: Finally, you need to wrap your application with the StyletronWrapper component to provide the Styletron context. You can do this in your _app.js file, like this:
import { StyletronWrapper } from '../styletron';

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return (
      <Component {...pageProps} />

export default MyApp;

This code wraps your application with the StyletronWrapper component, providing the Styletron context for your Baseweb components.

By following these steps, you can easily integrate Baseweb into your React Next.js project and start building beautiful and functional UIs.

Baseweb configuration options in React Next.js

Here are the Baseweb configuration options for React Next.js integration:

  • ThemeProvider: This component allows you to customize the theme of your Baseweb components. You can pass a custom theme object to the ThemeProvider to override the default theme.
  • LightTheme: This is the default light theme used by Baseweb. You can import it and use it as a starting point for creating your custom theme.
  • DarkTheme: This is the default dark theme used by Baseweb. You can import it and use it as a starting point for creating your custom dark theme.
  • BaseProvider: This component provides the necessary context for your Baseweb components to work. You need to wrap your application with the BaseProvider to use Baseweb components.
  • Client as Styletron: This is the Styletron engine used by Baseweb for styling. You need to create a new instance of the Client and export it for use in your application.
  • Provider as StyletronProvider: This is the Styletron provider used by Baseweb for providing the Styletron context to your components. You need to wrap your application with the StyletronProvider to use Baseweb components.

By using these configuration options, you can customize the look and feel of your Baseweb components and provide the necessary context for them to work in your React Next.js application.


In conclusion, the Baseweb UI Kit is an excellent choice for developers looking for a reliable and flexible UI kit for their React-based applications. With its extensive collection of reusable components, robust theming system, and focus on accessibility, Baseweb provides developers with the tools they need to create beautiful and functional UIs quickly and easily.

In this tutorial, we have explored how to integrate Baseweb into a React Next.js project and use its components to create a responsive and accessible UI. We have covered the basics of installing and configuring Baseweb, as well as how to use its components to create a custom theme and style your UI.

By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you should now have a good understanding of how to use Baseweb in your React Next.js projects and create stunning UIs that are accessible to all users. Whether you're a seasoned React developer or just starting, Baseweb is an excellent choice for building beautiful and functional UIs quickly and easily.

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