
Emotion UI Kit in React Next.js

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20238 min reading time

Emotion UI Kit in React Next.js

In today's digital age, user interfaces play a crucial role in the success of any web application. A well-designed user interface can make all the difference in attracting and retaining users. That's why it's essential to have a UI kit that is not only visually appealing but also easy to use and navigate. In this tutorial, we will be exploring the Emotion UI Kit in React Next.js, a powerful and flexible UI kit that can help you create beautiful and functional user interfaces for your web applications.

Emotion UI Kit is a popular UI kit that is built on top of the Emotion CSS-in-JS library. It provides a wide range of pre-designed UI components that can be easily customized to fit your specific needs. React Next.js, on the other hand, is a popular framework for building server-side rendered React applications. By combining these two technologies, we can create highly performant and scalable web applications with beautiful and functional user interfaces. In this tutorial, we will be exploring the Emotion UI Kit in React Next.js and learning how to use it to create stunning user interfaces for our web applications.

What is Emotion?

Emotion UI Kit is a popular user interface (UI) kit that is built on top of the Emotion CSS-in-JS library. It provides a wide range of pre-designed UI components that can be easily customized to fit specific needs. The UI kit includes a variety of components such as buttons, forms, cards, modals, and more, all designed to be visually appealing and easy to use.

One of the key benefits of using Emotion UI Kit is that it allows developers to quickly and easily create beautiful and functional user interfaces for their web applications. The UI kit is highly customizable, allowing developers to easily modify the look and feel of the components to fit their specific design requirements. Additionally, Emotion UI Kit is built with performance in mind, ensuring that the components are optimized for speed and efficiency. Overall, Emotion UI Kit is a powerful and flexible tool that can help developers create stunning user interfaces for their web applications with ease.

Why use Emotion for UI Kit in React Next.js application?

Emotion is a popular CSS-in-JS library that provides a powerful and flexible way to style React components. When used in conjunction with Emotion UI Kit, it offers several benefits that make it an attractive choice for developers looking to create beautiful and functional user interfaces for their web applications.

One of the main benefits of using Emotion for UI Kit is that it allows for highly customizable styling. Emotion provides a wide range of styling options, including CSS-like syntax, dynamic styles, and theming. This makes it easy to create unique and visually appealing designs that stand out from the crowd.

Another benefit of using Emotion for UI Kit is that it is highly performant. Emotion is designed to be lightweight and efficient, which means that it can help improve the overall performance of your web application. This is especially important for applications that require a lot of user interaction or have a large number of components.

  • Highly customizable styling options
  • Dynamic styles and theming
  • Lightweight and efficient for improved performance

Overall, Emotion UI Kit is a powerful tool that can help developers create stunning user interfaces for their web applications. By leveraging the benefits of Emotion, developers can create highly customizable and performant designs that are sure to impress users.


To complete the "Emotion UI Kit in React Next.js" tutorial, you will need to have the following prerequisites:

  • Basic knowledge of React and Next.js
  • Familiarity with JavaScript and CSS
  • Node.js and npm installed on your machine
  • A code editor such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text
  • A basic understanding of UI design principles and concepts
  • A working internet connection to download dependencies and access documentation

Having these prerequisites in place will help ensure that you are able to follow along with the tutorial and complete the exercises successfully. If you are new to React or Next.js, it may be helpful to review some introductory tutorials or documentation before starting this tutorial. Additionally, having a basic understanding of UI design principles and concepts will help you make the most of the Emotion UI Kit and create beautiful and functional user interfaces for your web applications.

React Next.js Emotion step by step setup and configuration

Integrating Emotion into a React Next.js project is a straightforward process that involves installing the Emotion library and configuring it to work with Next.js. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Install Emotion: The first step is to install the Emotion library and its dependencies. This can be done using npm or yarn. Open your terminal and run the following command:
npm install @emotion/react @emotion/styled
  1. Configure Emotion: Next, you need to configure Emotion to work with Next.js. Create a _document.js file in the pages directory and add the following code:
import Document, { Html, Head, Main, NextScript } from 'next/document';
import { extractCritical } from '@emotion/server';

class MyDocument extends Document {
  static async getInitialProps(ctx) {
    const initialProps = await Document.getInitialProps(ctx);
    const styles = extractCritical(initialProps.html);
    return {
      styles: (
            data-emotion-css={styles.ids.join(' ')}
            dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: styles.css }}
  render() {
    return (
        <Head />
          <Main />
          <NextScript />

export default MyDocument;

This code sets up Emotion to work with Next.js by extracting critical CSS and injecting it into the HTML document.

  1. Create a styled component: Now that Emotion is set up, you can create a styled component. In this example, we will create a styled button component. Create a new file called Button.js in the components directory and add the following code:
import styled from '@emotion/styled';

const Button = styled.button`
  background-color: #0070f3;
  color: #fff;
  padding: 10px 20px;
  border: none;
  border-radius: 5px;
  cursor: pointer;
  &:hover {
    background-color: #0053a1;

export default Button;

This code creates a styled button component using Emotion's styled function.

  1. Use the styled component: Finally, you can use the styled component in your React components. In this example, we will use the Button component in a HomePage component. Create a new file called index.js in the pages directory and add the following code:
import Button from '../components/Button';

const HomePage = () => {
  return (
      <h1>Welcome to my website</h1>
      <Button>Click me</Button>

export default HomePage;

This code imports the Button component and uses it in the HomePage component.

By following these steps, you can easily integrate Emotion into your React Next.js project and start creating beautiful and functional user interfaces.

Emotion configuration options in React Next.js

Here are the Emotion configuration options for React Next.js integration:

  • cache: This option allows you to provide a custom cache instance to Emotion. This can be useful for server-side rendering and other advanced use cases.
  • key: This option allows you to provide a custom key for Emotion's cache. This can be useful for avoiding cache collisions in multi-tenant applications.
  • prepend: This option allows you to prepend global styles to the document head. This can be useful for adding global styles such as font imports or reset styles.
  • container: This option allows you to specify a custom container element for Emotion's styles. This can be useful for advanced use cases such as shadow DOM.
  • autoLabel: This option allows you to automatically generate labels for Emotion's styles. This can be useful for debugging and development.
  • labelFormat: This option allows you to specify a custom format for Emotion's style labels. This can be useful for advanced use cases such as multi-tenant applications.
  • stylisPlugins: This option allows you to provide custom plugins for Emotion's CSS preprocessor. This can be useful for advanced use cases such as custom syntax or vendor prefixing.

By understanding and utilizing these configuration options, you can customize Emotion to fit your specific needs and create beautiful and functional user interfaces for your React Next.js project.


In conclusion, the Emotion UI Kit in React Next.js is a powerful and flexible tool that can help developers create beautiful and functional user interfaces for their web applications. By leveraging the benefits of Emotion and Next.js, developers can create highly customizable and performant designs that are sure to impress users.

Throughout this tutorial, we have explored the basics of Emotion and Next.js integration, as well as how to use the Emotion UI Kit to create styled components and layouts. We have also covered some of the configuration options available for Emotion in Next.js, allowing developers to customize the library to fit their specific needs.

By following the steps outlined in this tutorial and experimenting with the Emotion UI Kit and its various features, developers can create stunning user interfaces that are both visually appealing and highly functional. With the power of Emotion and Next.js at their fingertips, the possibilities for UI design and development are endless.

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