
React Spectrum UI Kit in React Next.js

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20237 min reading time

React Spectrum UI Kit in React Next.js

React Spectrum is a UI kit that provides a set of reusable components for building web applications. It is designed to be highly customizable and accessible, making it a great choice for building modern, responsive interfaces. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use React Spectrum in a React Next.js application.

React Next.js is a popular framework for building server-side rendered React applications. It provides a number of features that make it easy to build scalable and performant web applications, including automatic code splitting, server-side rendering, and static site generation. By combining React Spectrum with React Next.js, we can create powerful and accessible web applications that are easy to maintain and scale. In this tutorial, we will cover the basics of using React Spectrum in a React Next.js application, including how to install and configure the library, how to use the various components provided by the library, and how to customize the look and feel of the components to match your application's design.

What is React Spectrum?

React Spectrum is a UI kit that provides a set of reusable components for building web applications using React. It is designed to be highly customizable and accessible, making it a great choice for building modern, responsive interfaces. The UI kit includes a wide range of components, including buttons, forms, tables, and more, all of which are designed to be easy to use and highly customizable.

One of the key features of React Spectrum is its focus on accessibility. The UI kit is designed to be fully accessible to users with disabilities, including those who use screen readers or other assistive technologies. This makes it a great choice for building applications that need to meet accessibility standards. Additionally, React Spectrum is highly customizable, allowing developers to easily modify the look and feel of the components to match the design of their application. Overall, React Spectrum is a powerful and flexible UI kit that can help developers build modern, accessible, and responsive web applications with ease.

Why use React Spectrum for UI Kit in React Next.js application?

React Spectrum is a great choice for building UI Kits for a number of reasons. Firstly, it provides a wide range of highly customizable and accessible components that can be easily integrated into any React application. This means that developers can save time and effort by not having to build UI components from scratch, and can instead focus on building the core functionality of their application.

Some of the benefits of using React Spectrum include:

  • Accessibility: React Spectrum is designed to be fully accessible to users with disabilities, including those who use screen readers or other assistive technologies. This makes it a great choice for building applications that need to meet accessibility standards.
  • Customizability: React Spectrum provides a wide range of customizable components that can be easily modified to match the design of your application. This means that you can create a unique look and feel for your application without having to write custom CSS or JavaScript.
  • Performance: React Spectrum is designed to be highly performant, with a focus on minimizing the amount of code that needs to be loaded and executed. This means that your application will load faster and be more responsive, even on slower devices.

Overall, React Spectrum is a powerful and flexible UI kit that can help developers build modern, accessible, and responsive web applications with ease. Whether you are building a small personal project or a large enterprise application, React Spectrum can help you save time and effort while ensuring that your application is accessible and performs well.


To complete the "React Spectrum UI Kit in React Next.js" tutorial, you will need the following prerequisites:

  • Basic knowledge of React: You should have a basic understanding of React and how to build React applications.
  • Familiarity with Next.js: You should be familiar with the basics of Next.js, including how to create pages and components, and how to use the Next.js router.
  • Node.js and npm: You should have Node.js and npm installed on your computer. You can download them from the official Node.js website.
  • A code editor: You should have a code editor installed on your computer. Some popular options include Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and Atom.
  • React Spectrum: You should have React Spectrum installed in your project. You can install it using npm or yarn.

React Next.js React Spectrum step by step setup and configuration

Integrating React Spectrum into a React Next.js project is a straightforward process. The first step is to install the necessary dependencies. You can do this by running the following command in your project directory:

npm install @react-spectrum/button @react-spectrum/form @react-spectrum/layout @react-spectrum/table @react-spectrum/theme-default

This will install the necessary React Spectrum components and the default theme.

Once you have installed the dependencies, you can import the components you need into your React Next.js project. For example, to use the Button component, you can import it like this:

import { Button } from '@react-spectrum/button';

You can then use the Button component in your React Next.js application like any other React component. For example:

function MyButton() {
  return (
    <Button onPress={() => alert('Button pressed!')}>
      Click me!

Finally, you can customize the look and feel of the components by using the Provider component provided by React Spectrum. This component allows you to customize the theme and other aspects of the components. For example:

import { Provider } from '@react-spectrum/provider';
import { defaultTheme } from '@react-spectrum/theme-default';

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return (
    <Provider theme={defaultTheme}>
      <Component {...pageProps} />

export default MyApp;

In this example, we are using the defaultTheme provided by React Spectrum. However, you can also create your own custom theme by extending the default theme or creating a new theme from scratch.

React Spectrum configuration options in React Next.js

Here are the React Spectrum configuration options for React Next.js integration:

  • Provider: The Provider component is used to provide a theme and other configuration options to the React Spectrum components. It is typically used at the top level of your application, and can be used to customize the look and feel of the components.
  • defaultTheme: The defaultTheme is the default theme provided by React Spectrum. It includes a set of default colors, typography, and other styles that can be used to style the components.
  • mergeThemes: The mergeThemes function can be used to merge two or more themes together. This can be useful if you want to customize the default theme provided by React Spectrum, or if you want to combine multiple custom themes.
  • useProviderProps: The useProviderProps hook can be used to access the provider props, such as the theme and other configuration options, from within a component. This can be useful if you need to access the theme or other configuration options in a component that is not directly wrapped by the Provider.
  • useLocale: The useLocale hook can be used to access the current locale, which can be used to customize the text and other content of the components based on the user's language or region.
  • useProvider: The useProvider hook can be used to access the provider context, which includes the theme and other configuration options. This can be useful if you need to access the theme or other configuration options in a component that is not directly wrapped by the Provider.


In conclusion, React Spectrum is a powerful and flexible UI kit that can help developers build modern, accessible, and responsive web applications with ease. When combined with React Next.js, it provides a powerful set of tools for building scalable and performant web applications. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you should now have a good understanding of how to integrate React Spectrum into a React Next.js project, and how to use the various components provided by the library.

One of the key benefits of using React Spectrum is its focus on accessibility. The UI kit is designed to be fully accessible to users with disabilities, including those who use screen readers or other assistive technologies. This makes it a great choice for building applications that need to meet accessibility standards. Additionally, React Spectrum is highly customizable, allowing developers to easily modify the look and feel of the components to match the design of their application.

Overall, React Spectrum is a great choice for building UI Kits for React Next.js projects. It provides a wide range of highly customizable and accessible components that can be easily integrated into any React application. Whether you are building a small personal project or a large enterprise application, React Spectrum can help you save time and effort while ensuring that your application is accessible and performs well.

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