
Rebass UI Kit in React Next.js

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20238 min reading time

Rebass UI Kit in React Next.js

In this tutorial, we will explore how to use the Rebass UI Kit in a React Next.js application. Rebass is a popular UI kit for React that provides a set of pre-built components and styles to help developers quickly build responsive and accessible web applications. Next.js is a popular framework for building server-side rendered React applications that provides many benefits, including improved performance and SEO.

Throughout this tutorial, we will cover the basics of using Rebass in a Next.js application, including how to install and configure the library, how to use the pre-built components, and how to customize the styles to fit your application's needs. We will also cover some best practices for using Rebass in a Next.js application, including how to handle server-side rendering and how to optimize performance. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use Rebass in a Next.js application and be able to build beautiful and responsive web applications quickly and easily.

What is Rebass?

Rebass is a popular UI kit for React that provides a set of pre-built components and styles to help developers quickly build responsive and accessible web applications. It is designed to be flexible and customizable, allowing developers to easily modify the styles and components to fit their application's needs. Rebass provides a wide range of components, including buttons, forms, typography, and layout components, all of which are built with accessibility in mind.

One of the main benefits of using Rebass is that it can significantly speed up the development process by providing pre-built components and styles that can be easily integrated into a React application. This can save developers a lot of time and effort, allowing them to focus on building the core functionality of their application. Additionally, Rebass is designed to be highly responsive, ensuring that applications built with the UI kit look great on all devices and screen sizes. Overall, Rebass is a powerful tool for building beautiful and responsive web applications quickly and easily.

Why use Rebass for UI Kit in React Next.js application?

There are several reasons why one should use Rebass for UI Kit. Firstly, Rebass provides a wide range of pre-built components and styles that can be easily integrated into a React application, saving developers a lot of time and effort. This can be especially useful for small to medium-sized projects where time is of the essence. Additionally, Rebass is highly customizable, allowing developers to modify the styles and components to fit their application's needs. This means that developers can create unique and visually appealing interfaces without having to start from scratch.

Another benefit of using Rebass is that it is designed with accessibility in mind. All of the components are built to be highly responsive and accessible, ensuring that users with disabilities can use the application with ease. This is an important consideration for any web application, as accessibility is becoming increasingly important in the development community.

Finally, Rebass is a community-driven project, which means that it is constantly being updated and improved by a team of dedicated developers. This ensures that the UI kit is always up-to-date with the latest web development trends and best practices. Additionally, the community is very active and supportive, providing developers with a wealth of resources and support when they need it.


  • Wide range of pre-built components and styles
  • Highly customizable
  • Designed with accessibility in mind
  • Community-driven project with active and supportive community


Here is a list of prerequisites required to complete the "Rebass UI Kit in React Next.js" tutorial:

  • Basic knowledge of React and Next.js
  • Node.js and npm installed on your machine
  • A code editor such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text
  • Familiarity with the command line interface (CLI)
  • A basic understanding of HTML and CSS
  • A GitHub account (optional, but recommended for deploying the application)

It is important to have a solid understanding of React and Next.js before starting this tutorial, as we will be building on top of these technologies. Additionally, having a basic understanding of HTML and CSS will be helpful when customizing the styles of the Rebass components. Finally, having a GitHub account will be useful if you want to deploy the application to the web.

React Next.js Rebass step by step setup and configuration

Integrating Rebass into a React Next.js project is a straightforward process. The first step is to install the Rebass package using npm. To do this, open your terminal and navigate to your project directory. Then, run the following command:

npm install rebass

Once Rebass is installed, you can import the components you need into your React components. For example, to use the Button component, you would import it like this:

import { Button } from 'rebass'

You can then use the Button component in your JSX code like this:

<Button variant="primary">Click me!</Button>

Rebass provides a wide range of components that you can use in your application. To see a full list of components and their props, you can visit the Rebass documentation.

In addition to the pre-built components, Rebass also provides a set of default styles that you can use to style your components. To use the default styles, you can import the ThemeProvider component from Rebass and wrap your application in it. Here's an example:

import { ThemeProvider } from 'rebass'

const theme = {
  fonts: {
    body: 'system-ui, sans-serif',
    heading: 'Georgia, serif',
    monospace: 'Menlo, monospace'
  colors: {
    text: '#000',
    background: '#fff',
    primary: '#07c',
    secondary: '#30c',
    muted: '#f6f6f6',

function App() {
  return (
    <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
      <Button variant="primary">Click me!</Button>

In this example, we've defined a theme object that contains some default styles for our application. We've then wrapped our Button component in the ThemeProvider component and passed in our theme object as a prop. This will apply the default styles to our Button component.

Overall, integrating Rebass into a React Next.js project is a simple process that can save developers a lot of time and effort. By using the pre-built components and default styles provided by Rebass, developers can quickly build beautiful and responsive web applications.

Rebass configuration options in React Next.js

Here are the Rebass configuration options for React Next.js integration:

  • Provider: The Provider component is used to provide a theme to all the components in your application. It takes a theme prop, which is an object containing the default styles for your application.

  • Box: The Box component is a basic building block for creating layouts. It provides a simple way to add padding, margin, and other styles to your components.

  • Flex: The Flex component is similar to the Box component, but it provides additional flexbox functionality for creating flexible layouts.

  • Text: The Text component is used for rendering text in your application. It provides a simple way to add typography styles to your text.

  • Button: The Button component is used for creating buttons in your application. It provides several variants, including primary, secondary, and outline.

  • Input: The Input component is used for creating input fields in your application. It provides several variants, including text, email, and password.

  • Select: The Select component is used for creating select fields in your application. It provides several variants, including single and multiple select.

  • Checkbox: The Checkbox component is used for creating checkboxes in your application.

  • Radio: The Radio component is used for creating radio buttons in your application.

  • Slider: The Slider component is used for creating sliders in your application.

  • Image: The Image component is used for rendering images in your application. It provides a simple way to add responsive images to your application.

  • Link: The Link component is used for creating links in your application. It provides a simple way to add links with custom styles to your application.

  • Heading: The Heading component is used for creating headings in your application. It provides a simple way to add typography styles to your headings.

  • Card: The Card component is used for creating cards in your application. It provides a simple way to add a container with a shadow and padding to your components.

  • Badge: The Badge component is used for creating badges in your application. It provides a simple way to add a small label to your components.

  • Avatar: The Avatar component is used for creating avatars in your application. It provides a simple way to add a profile picture to your components.

Overall, Rebass provides a wide range of components that can be easily integrated into a React Next.js application. These components can save developers a lot of time and effort, allowing them to quickly build beautiful and responsive web applications.


In conclusion, the Rebass UI Kit is a powerful tool for building beautiful and responsive web applications quickly and easily. By providing a wide range of pre-built components and default styles, Rebass can significantly speed up the development process and save developers a lot of time and effort. Additionally, Rebass is designed with accessibility in mind, ensuring that all users can use the application with ease.

Throughout this tutorial, we have explored how to integrate Rebass into a React Next.js application. We have covered the basics of using Rebass, including how to install and configure the library, how to use the pre-built components, and how to customize the styles to fit your application's needs. We have also covered some best practices for using Rebass in a Next.js application, including how to handle server-side rendering and how to optimize performance.

By following this tutorial, you should now have a solid understanding of how to use Rebass in a React Next.js application. You should be able to build beautiful and responsive web applications quickly and easily, while also ensuring that your application is accessible to all users.

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