
CanCanCan Authorization in Ruby on Rails

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20238 min reading time

CanCanCan Authorization in Ruby on Rails

In any web application, it is essential to ensure that users can only access the resources they are authorized to access. This is where authorization comes into play. Authorization is the process of determining whether a user has the necessary permissions to perform a specific action or access a particular resource. In Ruby on Rails, there are several authorization libraries available, and one of the most popular ones is CanCanCan.

CanCanCan is an authorization library that provides a simple and elegant way to define user permissions in a Ruby on Rails application. It allows you to define abilities for each user role and restrict access to specific resources based on those abilities. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use CanCanCan to implement authorization in a Ruby on Rails application. We will cover the basics of CanCanCan, including defining abilities, checking permissions, and handling unauthorized access. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use CanCanCan to secure your Ruby on Rails application.

What is CanCanCan?

CanCanCan Authorization is a popular authorization library for Ruby on Rails applications that allows developers to define user permissions and restrict access to specific resources based on those permissions. With CanCanCan, developers can define abilities for each user role and check those abilities to determine whether a user is authorized to perform a specific action or access a particular resource. This authorization library provides a simple and elegant way to implement authorization in a Ruby on Rails application, making it easier for developers to secure their applications and protect sensitive data. CanCanCan is highly customizable and can be integrated with other Ruby on Rails libraries, making it a versatile tool for developers who want to implement fine-grained access control in their applications.

Why use CanCanCan for Authorization in Ruby on Rails application?

CanCanCan is a powerful and flexible authorization library that offers several benefits to developers who want to implement authorization in their Ruby on Rails applications. One of the main advantages of CanCanCan is its simplicity. CanCanCan provides a straightforward way to define user permissions and restrict access to specific resources based on those permissions. This makes it easy for developers to implement fine-grained access control in their applications without having to write complex authorization logic from scratch.

Another benefit of CanCanCan is its flexibility. CanCanCan allows developers to define abilities for each user role and customize those abilities based on specific requirements. This means that developers can easily adapt their authorization logic to meet the needs of their applications, whether they are working on a small project or a large enterprise application.

Finally, CanCanCan is well-documented and has a large community of users and contributors. This means that developers can easily find support and resources to help them implement authorization in their applications. The CanCanCan documentation is comprehensive and includes examples and best practices for implementing authorization in a Ruby on Rails application. Additionally, the CanCanCan community is active and helpful, making it easy for developers to get answers to their questions and find solutions to common problems.


To complete the "CanCanCan Authorization in Ruby on Rails" tutorial, you should have the following prerequisites:

  1. Basic knowledge of Ruby on Rails: You should have a basic understanding of Ruby on Rails and how it works. This includes knowledge of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, routing, and controllers.

  2. Familiarity with the command line: You should be comfortable using the command line to navigate your file system, run Rails commands, and start a local server.

  3. A working Ruby on Rails application: You should have a working Ruby on Rails application that you can use to implement CanCanCan authorization. If you don't have an existing application, you can create a new one using the Rails command line tool.

  4. Basic understanding of authentication: You should have a basic understanding of authentication and how it works in a Ruby on Rails application. This includes knowledge of user authentication and how to implement it using a gem like Devise.

  5. A text editor: You should have a text editor installed on your computer that you can use to edit your Ruby on Rails application code. Some popular text editors for Ruby on Rails development include Sublime Text, Atom, and Visual Studio Code.

Ruby on Rails CanCanCan step by step setup and configuration

Integrating CanCanCan into a Ruby on Rails project is a straightforward process that involves adding the CanCanCan gem to your application, defining abilities for each user role, and checking those abilities to restrict access to specific resources. Here are the steps to integrate CanCanCan into a Ruby on Rails project:

Step 1: Add the CanCanCan gem to your application To use CanCanCan in your Ruby on Rails application, you need to add the CanCanCan gem to your Gemfile and run the bundle install command. Here's an example of how to add the CanCanCan gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'cancancan'

Step 2: Define abilities for each user role Once you have added the CanCanCan gem to your application, you need to define abilities for each user role. This involves creating an Ability class that defines the abilities for each user role. Here's an example of how to define abilities for an admin user:

class Ability
  include CanCan::Ability

  def initialize(user)
    if user.admin?
      can :manage, :all
      can :read, :all

In this example, the Ability class checks whether the user is an admin and grants them the ability to manage all resources. If the user is not an admin, they are granted the ability to read all resources.

Step 3: Check abilities to restrict access to resources Once you have defined abilities for each user role, you need to check those abilities to restrict access to specific resources. This involves adding the authorize! method to your controller actions to check whether the user has the necessary permissions to perform the action. Here's an example of how to use the authorize! method to restrict access to a resource:

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  def edit
    @post = Post.find(params[:id])
    authorize! :update, @post

In this example, the edit action checks whether the user has the ability to update the post and raises an exception if they do not have the necessary permissions.

Step 4: Handle unauthorized access Finally, you need to handle unauthorized access by redirecting the user to a login page or displaying an error message. This involves adding a rescue_from block to your ApplicationController to handle the CanCan::AccessDenied exception. Here's an example of how to handle unauthorized access:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  rescue_from CanCan::AccessDenied do |exception|
    redirect_to main_app.root_url, alert: exception.message

In this example, the ApplicationController redirects the user to the root URL and displays an error message if they do not have the necessary permissions to access a resource.

CanCanCan configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here are the CanCanCan configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration:

  1. authorize_resource: This option automatically authorizes all controller actions based on the defined abilities in the Ability class. If this option is not set, you need to manually call the authorize! method in each controller action.

  2. load_and_authorize_resource: This option automatically loads and authorizes resources for each controller action based on the defined abilities in the Ability class. This option is useful for reducing code duplication and ensuring that resources are always loaded and authorized correctly.

  3. skip_authorization: This option skips authorization for specific controller actions. This can be useful for actions that do not require authorization, such as a login page or a public homepage.

  4. skip_load_and_authorize_resource: This option skips loading and authorization for specific controller actions. This can be useful for actions that load resources in a different way or do not require authorization.

  5. unauthorized_message: This option sets the message that is displayed when a user is not authorized to access a resource. By default, CanCanCan displays a generic message, but this option allows you to customize the message for your application.

  6. unauthorized_redirect: This option sets the URL that the user is redirected to when they are not authorized to access a resource. By default, CanCanCan redirects the user to the root URL, but this option allows you to customize the redirect for your application.

  7. current_user_method: This option sets the method that is used to retrieve the current user object. By default, CanCanCan uses the current_user method, but this option allows you to customize the method for your application.

  8. class_name: This option sets the name of the class that is used for authorization. By default, CanCanCan uses the name of the controller to determine the class, but this option allows you to customize the class name for your application.


In conclusion, CanCanCan is a powerful and flexible authorization library for Ruby on Rails applications that provides a simple and elegant way to define user permissions and restrict access to specific resources based on those permissions. With CanCanCan, developers can easily implement fine-grained access control in their applications, making it easier to secure their applications and protect sensitive data.

In this tutorial, we covered the basics of CanCanCan, including how to define abilities for each user role, check those abilities to restrict access to specific resources, and handle unauthorized access. We also discussed the benefits of using CanCanCan, including its simplicity, flexibility, and active community.

By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you should now have a solid understanding of how to use CanCanCan to implement authorization in a Ruby on Rails application. With this knowledge, you can confidently build secure and scalable web applications that meet the needs of your users and clients.

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