
AWS Simple Queue Service Background Jobs in Ruby on Rails

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20238 min reading time

AWS SQS (Shoryuken) Background Jobs in Ruby on Rails

In today's fast-paced world, web applications need to be able to handle a large volume of requests and processes. This is where background jobs come in. Background jobs are tasks that are executed outside of the main request-response cycle, allowing the application to continue processing requests without being blocked by long-running tasks. AWS SQS (Simple Queue Service) is a powerful tool that allows you to manage and execute background jobs in a distributed and scalable manner. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use AWS SQS with Shoryuken to implement background jobs in a Ruby on Rails application.

Shoryuken is a Ruby gem that provides a simple and efficient way to process background jobs using AWS SQS. It is built on top of the AWS SDK for Ruby and provides a clean and easy-to-use interface for managing queues and processing messages. In this tutorial, we will cover the basics of setting up AWS SQS and Shoryuken in a Ruby on Rails application, creating and managing queues, and processing messages using workers. We will also explore advanced topics such as error handling, retries, and scaling. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use AWS SQS and Shoryuken to implement background jobs in your Ruby on Rails application.

What is AWS SQS (Shoryuken)?

AWS SQS (Simple Queue Service) is a fully managed message queuing service that enables you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications. It allows you to send, store, and receive messages between software components without losing messages or requiring other services to be available. This makes it an ideal tool for implementing background jobs in web applications.

Shoryuken is a Ruby gem that provides a simple and efficient way to process background jobs using AWS SQS. It is built on top of the AWS SDK for Ruby and provides a clean and easy-to-use interface for managing queues and processing messages. Shoryuken allows you to define workers that can process messages from SQS queues, making it easy to implement asynchronous processing in your Ruby on Rails application. By using AWS SQS with Shoryuken, you can ensure that your application can handle a large volume of requests and processes without being blocked by long-running tasks.

Why use AWS SQS (Shoryuken) for Background Jobs in Ruby on Rails application?

There are several reasons why one should use AWS SQS (Simple Queue Service) with Shoryuken for background jobs in web applications. Firstly, AWS SQS is a fully managed service that provides high availability, durability, and scalability. This means that you don't have to worry about managing infrastructure or scaling your queues as your application grows. AWS SQS also provides features such as message retention, dead-letter queues, and message filtering, which can help you build robust and fault-tolerant applications.

Secondly, Shoryuken provides a simple and efficient way to process background jobs using AWS SQS. It allows you to define workers that can process messages from SQS queues, making it easy to implement asynchronous processing in your Ruby on Rails application. Shoryuken also provides features such as automatic scaling, error handling, and retries, which can help you build reliable and scalable applications.

Finally, using AWS SQS with Shoryuken can help you improve the performance and responsiveness of your web application. By offloading long-running tasks to background jobs, you can ensure that your application can handle a large volume of requests without being blocked by slow or resource-intensive processes. This can lead to a better user experience and higher customer satisfaction.


To complete the "AWS SQS (Shoryuken) Background Jobs in Ruby on Rails" tutorial, you will need the following prerequisites:

  1. A basic understanding of Ruby on Rails and web application development.
  2. A working knowledge of AWS (Amazon Web Services) and its services, including AWS SQS.
  3. An AWS account with permissions to create and manage SQS queues and IAM roles.
  4. A local development environment with Ruby and Rails installed.
  5. The AWS SDK for Ruby installed on your local machine.
  6. The Shoryuken gem installed in your Ruby on Rails application.
  7. Basic knowledge of how to use the command line interface (CLI) to run commands and manage files.
  8. A text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) for writing and editing code.

Ruby on Rails AWS SQS (Shoryuken) step by step setup and configuration

Integrating AWS SQS (Simple Queue Service) with Shoryuken into a Ruby on Rails project is a straightforward process. The first step is to install the Shoryuken gem in your Rails application. You can do this by adding the following line to your Gemfile:

gem 'shoryuken'

After adding the gem, run bundle install to install the gem and its dependencies.

The next step is to configure Shoryuken to use AWS SQS. You can do this by creating an initializer file in config/initializers/shoryuken.rb and adding the following code:

require 'shoryuken'

Shoryuken.configure_server do |config| = {
    access_key_id: ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'],
    secret_access_key: ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'],
    region: ENV['AWS_REGION']

This code sets up the AWS credentials and region for Shoryuken to use. You will need to replace the ENV variables with your own AWS credentials and region.

The next step is to define a worker that can process messages from an SQS queue. You can do this by creating a new file in app/workers and adding the following code:

class MyWorker
  include Shoryuken::Worker

  shoryuken_options queue: 'my_queue'

  def perform(sqs_msg, body)
    # Do something with the message body

This code defines a worker class called MyWorker that includes the Shoryuken::Worker module. The shoryuken_options method sets the name of the SQS queue that this worker will process messages from. The perform method is called when a message is received from the queue, and it takes two arguments: the SQS message object and the message body.

Finally, you can enqueue messages to the SQS queue using the AWS SDK for Ruby. For example, to enqueue a message with the body "Hello, world!" to the "my_queue" queue, you can use the following code:

require 'aws-sdk-sqs'

sqs = ENV['AWS_REGION'])

  queue_url: ENV['MY_QUEUE_URL'],
  message_body: 'Hello, world!'

This code creates an SQS client using the AWS SDK for Ruby and sends a message to the "my_queue" queue. You will need to replace the ENV variables with your own AWS credentials, region, and queue URL.

By following these steps, you can integrate AWS SQS with Shoryuken into your Ruby on Rails project and start processing background jobs in a distributed and scalable manner.

AWS SQS (Shoryuken) configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here are the AWS SQS (Shoryuken) configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration:

  1. aws: This option sets the AWS credentials and region for Shoryuken to use. It takes a hash with the following keys: access_key_id, secret_access_key, and region.

  2. concurrency: This option sets the number of worker threads that Shoryuken will use to process messages. It takes an integer value.

  3. delay: This option sets the delay time for messages that are sent to the queue. It takes a number of seconds.

  4. error_handlers: This option sets the error handlers that Shoryuken will use to handle exceptions that occur during message processing. It takes an array of classes that implement the call method.

  5. exit_on_failure: This option sets whether Shoryuken should exit the process when a message processing error occurs. It takes a boolean value.

  6. fetch: This option sets the maximum number of messages that Shoryuken will fetch from the queue at once. It takes an integer value.

  7. log_prefix: This option sets the prefix for log messages that are generated by Shoryuken. It takes a string value.

  8. queues: This option sets the list of queues that Shoryuken will process messages from. It takes an array of queue names.

  9. sqs: This option sets the SQS client that Shoryuken will use to interact with the queue. It takes an instance of the Aws::SQS::Client class.

  10. sqs_client_options: This option sets the options that are passed to the SQS client constructor. It takes a hash of options.

  11. sqs_client_receive_message_opts: This option sets the options that are passed to the SQS client receive_message method. It takes a hash of options.

  12. sqs_client_send_message_opts: This option sets the options that are passed to the SQS client send_message method. It takes a hash of options.

By configuring these options, you can customize the behavior of Shoryuken and AWS SQS to meet the specific needs of your Ruby on Rails application.


In conclusion, AWS SQS (Simple Queue Service) with Shoryuken is a powerful tool for implementing background jobs in Ruby on Rails applications. By using AWS SQS, you can decouple and scale your application's processes, while Shoryuken provides a simple and efficient way to process messages from SQS queues. Together, they allow you to build reliable and scalable applications that can handle a large volume of requests and processes.

In this tutorial, we covered the basics of setting up AWS SQS and Shoryuken in a Ruby on Rails application, creating and managing queues, and processing messages using workers. We also explored advanced topics such as error handling, retries, and scaling. By following these steps, you can integrate AWS SQS with Shoryuken into your Ruby on Rails project and start processing background jobs in a distributed and scalable manner.

Overall, AWS SQS with Shoryuken is a powerful combination that can help you build robust and fault-tolerant applications. By offloading long-running tasks to background jobs, you can ensure that your application can handle a large volume of requests without being blocked by slow or resource-intensive processes. We hope that this tutorial has been helpful in getting you started with AWS SQS and Shoryuken, and we encourage you to explore their full potential for your own projects.

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