
GoodJob Background Jobs in Ruby on Rails

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20237 min reading time

GoodJob Background Jobs in Ruby on Rails

In today's fast-paced world, users expect web applications to be lightning-fast and responsive. However, some tasks, such as sending emails or processing large amounts of data, can take a long time to complete. To avoid blocking the main thread and slowing down the application, developers use background jobs to perform these tasks asynchronously. Ruby on Rails, a popular web development framework, provides several options for implementing background jobs, including the GoodJob gem.

The GoodJob gem is a powerful and easy-to-use solution for implementing background jobs in Ruby on Rails applications. It provides a simple interface for defining and scheduling jobs, as well as advanced features such as automatic retries and job prioritization. In this tutorial, we will explore the basics of using GoodJob to implement background jobs in a Ruby on Rails application. We will cover topics such as installation, configuration, job definition, and monitoring. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use GoodJob to improve the performance and reliability of your Ruby on Rails applications.

What is GoodJob?

GoodJob Background Jobs is a Ruby on Rails gem that provides a simple and efficient way to perform background jobs in web applications. Background jobs are tasks that are executed asynchronously, outside of the main request-response cycle, to avoid blocking the application and improve its performance. GoodJob allows developers to define and schedule jobs easily, with advanced features such as automatic retries and job prioritization.

GoodJob is built on top of ActiveJob, a framework for queuing and executing background jobs in Ruby on Rails. It uses a thread pool to manage job execution, which allows for better resource utilization and faster job processing. GoodJob also provides a web interface for monitoring job status and performance, making it easy to track and troubleshoot issues. With GoodJob, developers can improve the scalability and reliability of their Ruby on Rails applications, while keeping the code simple and maintainable.

Why use GoodJob for Background Jobs in Ruby on Rails application?

GoodJob is a powerful and efficient solution for implementing background jobs in Ruby on Rails applications. There are several reasons why developers should consider using GoodJob for their background job needs.

Firstly, GoodJob is easy to use and integrates seamlessly with Ruby on Rails. It provides a simple interface for defining and scheduling jobs, with support for advanced features such as automatic retries and job prioritization. GoodJob also supports multiple job queues, which allows developers to prioritize and manage jobs based on their importance and resource requirements.

Secondly, GoodJob is highly performant and scalable. It uses a thread pool to manage job execution, which allows for better resource utilization and faster job processing. GoodJob also supports job throttling, which prevents the system from being overwhelmed by too many jobs running at once. This makes GoodJob an ideal solution for applications that require high throughput and low latency.

Finally, GoodJob provides a web interface for monitoring job status and performance. This makes it easy to track and troubleshoot issues, and to ensure that jobs are running as expected. With GoodJob, developers can improve the reliability and scalability of their Ruby on Rails applications, while keeping the code simple and maintainable.


To complete the "GoodJob Background Jobs in Ruby on Rails" tutorial, you will need the following prerequisites:

  1. A basic understanding of Ruby on Rails and web development concepts such as MVC architecture, routing, and database migrations.
  2. A working Ruby on Rails development environment, including Ruby, Rails, and a database (such as PostgreSQL or MySQL).
  3. Basic knowledge of Git and version control.
  4. Familiarity with the command line interface (CLI) and running commands in a terminal.
  5. A text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) for editing code.
  6. Basic knowledge of background jobs and their importance in web applications.
  7. Familiarity with ActiveJob, a framework for queuing and executing background jobs in Ruby on Rails.
  8. A willingness to learn and experiment with new tools and technologies.

Ruby on Rails GoodJob step by step setup and configuration

Integrating GoodJob into a Ruby on Rails project is a straightforward process that involves a few simple steps. First, you need to add the GoodJob gem to your project's Gemfile and run the bundle install command to install it. You can do this by adding the following line to your Gemfile:

gem 'good_job'

After installing the GoodJob gem, you need to create the necessary database tables by running the following command:

rails good_job:install

This will create the necessary tables for storing job information in your database.

Next, you need to configure GoodJob in your application. You can do this by creating a config/initializers/good_job.rb file and adding the following code:

GoodJob::Performer.configure do |config|
  config.max_threads = 5
  config.retry_on_unhandled_error = true
  config.retry_on_connection_error = true
  config.retry_interval = 5.seconds

This code sets the maximum number of threads that GoodJob can use to process jobs, enables automatic retries for unhandled and connection errors, and sets the retry interval to 5 seconds.

Finally, you can define and enqueue jobs in your application using ActiveJob. For example, to define a job that sends an email, you can create a new file in the app/jobs directory with the following code:

class SendEmailJob < ApplicationJob
  queue_as :default

  def perform(user)
    # Code to send email to user

To enqueue this job, you can call the perform_later method on an instance of the job class, passing in any necessary arguments:


With these steps, you can easily integrate GoodJob into your Ruby on Rails project and start processing background jobs with ease.

GoodJob configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here is a list of all GoodJob configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration with their short explanation:

  1. max_threads: The maximum number of threads that GoodJob can use to process jobs.
  2. queue_name_prefix: A prefix to add to the name of the queue used by GoodJob.
  3. queue_name_delimiter: A delimiter to use between the prefix and the queue name.
  4. poll_interval: The interval at which GoodJob checks for new jobs to process.
  5. retry_on_unhandled_error: Whether to automatically retry jobs that raise unhandled errors.
  6. retry_on_connection_error: Whether to automatically retry jobs that fail due to connection errors.
  7. retry_interval: The interval at which to retry failed jobs.
  8. on_thread_error: A callback to handle errors that occur in GoodJob threads.
  9. logger: The logger to use for GoodJob messages.
  10. application_name: The name of the application using GoodJob.
  11. queues: A list of queues to use for processing jobs.
  12. default_queue_name: The name of the default queue to use for jobs that do not specify a queue.
  13. advisory_lock_timeout: The timeout for acquiring an advisory lock for a job.
  14. preserve_job_records: Whether to preserve job records in the database after they have been completed.
  15. destroy_finished_jobs: Whether to destroy job records in the database after they have been completed.
  16. inline_execution: Whether to execute jobs inline (synchronously) instead of using background threads.
  17. perform_later_queue_name: The name of the queue to use for jobs enqueued with the perform_later method.
  18. perform_now_queue_name: The name of the queue to use for jobs executed with the perform_now method.

These configuration options allow developers to customize the behavior of GoodJob to fit their specific needs and requirements.


In conclusion, GoodJob is a powerful and efficient solution for implementing background jobs in Ruby on Rails applications. With its simple interface, advanced features, and high performance, GoodJob makes it easy for developers to improve the scalability and reliability of their applications. By using GoodJob, developers can process jobs asynchronously, without blocking the main thread, and ensure that their applications remain responsive and fast.

In this tutorial, we have covered the basics of using GoodJob to implement background jobs in a Ruby on Rails application. We have explored topics such as installation, configuration, job definition, and monitoring. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you should now have a solid understanding of how to use GoodJob to improve the performance and reliability of your Ruby on Rails applications.

Overall, GoodJob is a valuable tool for any Ruby on Rails developer who needs to process background jobs in their applications. With its ease of use, advanced features, and high performance, GoodJob is a must-have gem for anyone looking to improve the scalability and reliability of their applications.

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