
Karafka Background Jobs in Ruby on Rails

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20238 min reading time

Karafka Background Jobs in Ruby on Rails

In today's fast-paced world, it's essential to have a reliable and efficient background job processing system in place for your Ruby on Rails application. Karafka is a popular open-source framework that provides a simple and scalable solution for handling background jobs. With Karafka, you can easily process large volumes of data, schedule tasks, and manage job queues, all while ensuring high performance and reliability.

In this tutorial, we will explore the basics of Karafka and how to integrate it into your Ruby on Rails application. We will cover topics such as setting up a Kafka cluster, creating a Karafka consumer, and processing background jobs using Sidekiq. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use Karafka to handle background jobs in your Ruby on Rails application, and you will be well-equipped to build scalable and efficient systems that can handle any workload.

What is Karafka?

Karafka Background Jobs is a framework that provides a reliable and efficient solution for handling background jobs in Ruby on Rails applications. It is built on top of Apache Kafka, a distributed streaming platform, and provides a simple and scalable way to process large volumes of data, schedule tasks, and manage job queues.

With Karafka, you can easily set up a Kafka cluster, create a consumer, and process background jobs using Sidekiq. It also provides features such as message filtering, retrying failed jobs, and monitoring job performance. By using Karafka, you can ensure high performance and reliability for your background job processing system, which is essential for any modern web application that needs to handle a large volume of data and tasks.

Why use Karafka for Background Jobs in Ruby on Rails application?

Karafka is an excellent choice for handling background jobs in Ruby on Rails applications for several reasons. Firstly, it is built on top of Apache Kafka, a distributed streaming platform that provides high performance and scalability. This means that Karafka can handle large volumes of data and tasks with ease, making it an ideal choice for applications that need to process a lot of background jobs.

Secondly, Karafka provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for creating consumers and processing jobs. It also supports multiple message brokers, including Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ, which gives you the flexibility to choose the best option for your application.

Finally, Karafka provides several features that make it a reliable and efficient solution for background job processing. For example, it supports message filtering, which allows you to process only the messages that are relevant to your application. It also supports retrying failed jobs, which ensures that your application can recover from errors and continue processing jobs without interruption. Additionally, Karafka provides monitoring tools that allow you to track job performance and identify any issues that may arise.

Overall, Karafka is an excellent choice for handling background jobs in Ruby on Rails applications due to its high performance, scalability, ease of use, and reliability.


To complete the "Karafka Background Jobs in Ruby on Rails" tutorial, you will need the following prerequisites:

  1. Basic knowledge of Ruby on Rails: You should have a basic understanding of Ruby on Rails and how it works, including how to create and run a Rails application.

  2. Familiarity with Sidekiq: You should be familiar with Sidekiq, a popular background job processing library for Ruby on Rails. This tutorial assumes that you have some experience using Sidekiq and know how to set it up and use it in your Rails application.

  3. Understanding of Apache Kafka: You should have a basic understanding of Apache Kafka, a distributed streaming platform that Karafka is built on top of. This tutorial assumes that you know how Kafka works and how to set up a Kafka cluster.

  4. Access to a Kafka cluster: To follow along with the tutorial, you will need access to a Kafka cluster. You can set up a Kafka cluster locally or use a cloud-based service such as Amazon MSK or Confluent Cloud.

  5. Basic knowledge of Docker: This tutorial uses Docker to set up a local Kafka cluster and Sidekiq worker. You should have a basic understanding of Docker and how to use it to run containers.

Ruby on Rails Karafka step by step setup and configuration

Integrating Karafka into a Ruby on Rails project is a straightforward process that involves several steps. The first step is to add the Karafka gem to your Gemfile and run the bundle install command to install it. Here's an example of how to add the Karafka gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'karafka'

Once you have installed the Karafka gem, the next step is to generate a Karafka application using the karafka install command. This command will create a new Karafka application in your Rails project and generate the necessary files and directories. Here's an example of how to generate a new Karafka application:

rails generate karafka:app

After generating the Karafka application, you need to configure it to work with your Rails application. This involves setting up the Kafka connection and defining the topics that your application will consume. Here's an example of how to configure the Karafka application:

# config/karafka.rb

Karafka.configure do |config|
  config.kafka.seed_brokers = ['localhost:9092']
  config.client_id = 'my-app'

# app/karafka/topic.rb

class MyTopic < Karafka::BaseTopic
  # Define the topic name and consumer group
  topic 'my-topic'
  consumer_group 'my-consumer-group'

  # Define the message format
  # This example assumes that the message is a JSON object
  parser Karafka::Parsers::Json

  # Define the worker that will process the messages
  worker MyWorker

In this example, we have defined a topic called "my-topic" and a consumer group called "my-consumer-group". We have also specified that the message format is JSON and defined a worker called MyWorker that will process the messages.

Finally, you need to start the Karafka server to begin consuming messages from the Kafka cluster. Here's an example of how to start the Karafka server:

bundle exec karafka server

Once the server is running, it will begin consuming messages from the Kafka cluster and processing them using the defined workers.

Karafka configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here are the most common Karafka configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration:

  1. kafka.seed_brokers: An array of Kafka brokers that Karafka will use to connect to the Kafka cluster.

  2. client_id: A unique identifier for the Karafka client that is used to distinguish it from other clients in the Kafka cluster.

  3. consumer_group: The name of the consumer group that Karafka will use to consume messages from Kafka topics.

  4. batch_consuming: A boolean value that determines whether Karafka will consume messages in batches or one at a time.

  5. batch_fetching: A boolean value that determines whether Karafka will fetch messages from Kafka in batches or one at a time.

  6. max_bytes_per_partition: The maximum number of bytes that Karafka will fetch from each partition in a single request.

  7. max_wait_time: The maximum amount of time that Karafka will wait for new messages to arrive before returning an empty response.

  8. start_from_beginning: A boolean value that determines whether Karafka will start consuming messages from the beginning of a topic or from the latest offset.

  9. heartbeat_interval: The interval at which Karafka will send heartbeats to the Kafka broker to indicate that it is still alive.

  10. session_timeout: The amount of time that Karafka will wait for a response from the Kafka broker before considering the session to be expired.

  11. offset_commit_interval: The interval at which Karafka will commit offsets to Kafka to indicate that it has processed a message.

  12. offset_commit_threshold: The number of messages that Karafka will process before committing offsets to Kafka.

These configuration options allow you to customize the behavior of Karafka to meet the specific needs of your Ruby on Rails application.


In conclusion, Karafka is a powerful and flexible framework for handling background jobs in Ruby on Rails applications. By leveraging the power of Apache Kafka, Karafka provides a reliable and scalable solution for processing large volumes of data and tasks. With its simple and easy-to-use interface, Karafka makes it easy to set up and manage background job processing in your Rails application.

In this tutorial, we covered the basics of Karafka and how to integrate it into your Ruby on Rails application. We explored topics such as setting up a Kafka cluster, creating a Karafka consumer, and processing background jobs using Sidekiq. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you should now have a solid understanding of how to use Karafka to handle background jobs in your Ruby on Rails application.

Overall, Karafka is an excellent choice for handling background jobs in Ruby on Rails applications due to its high performance, scalability, ease of use, and reliability. By using Karafka, you can ensure that your application can handle any workload and process background jobs with ease, allowing you to focus on building great features and delivering value to your users.

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