
Using SQLServer Database in Ruby on Rails with ActiveRecord

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20237 min reading time

Using SQLServer Database in Ruby on Rails with ActiveRecord

Welcome to the "Using SQLServer Database in Ruby on Rails with ActiveRecord" tutorial. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use SQLServer as a database in a Ruby on Rails application using ActiveRecord. ActiveRecord is an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library that provides an easy-to-use interface for interacting with databases in Ruby on Rails applications. While ActiveRecord is primarily designed to work with MySQL and PostgreSQL databases, it is also possible to use it with SQLServer.

SQLServer is a popular relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft. It is widely used in enterprise applications and provides a robust and scalable platform for storing and managing data. By using SQLServer with Ruby on Rails, developers can take advantage of the benefits of both technologies and build powerful and efficient applications. In this tutorial, we will cover the steps required to set up a SQLServer database in a Ruby on Rails application and use ActiveRecord to interact with it.

What is SQLServer?

SQLServer Data Storage is the process of storing and managing data in a SQLServer database. SQLServer is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft that provides a robust and scalable platform for storing and managing data. SQLServer Data Storage involves creating tables, defining relationships between tables, and inserting, updating, and deleting data in those tables. SQLServer also provides advanced features such as indexing, partitioning, and replication to optimize data storage and retrieval.

SQLServer Data Storage is widely used in enterprise applications due to its reliability, scalability, and security features. It is used to store a wide range of data types, including text, numbers, dates, and images. SQLServer also provides tools for managing and backing up data, ensuring that data is always available and secure. Overall, SQLServer Data Storage is a critical component of many applications and plays a vital role in managing and organizing data efficiently.

Why use SQLServer for Data Storage in Ruby on Rails application?

There are several reasons why one should use SQLServer for data storage. Firstly, SQLServer is a robust and scalable database management system that can handle large amounts of data. It provides advanced features such as indexing, partitioning, and replication that optimize data storage and retrieval. SQLServer also provides high availability and disaster recovery options, ensuring that data is always available and secure.

Secondly, SQLServer is a widely used database management system that is supported by a large community of developers and users. This means that there is a wealth of resources available for learning and troubleshooting SQLServer, including documentation, forums, and user groups. Additionally, SQLServer integrates well with other Microsoft technologies such as .NET and Azure, making it a popular choice for enterprise applications.

  • Robust and scalable database management system
  • Advanced features such as indexing, partitioning, and replication
  • High availability and disaster recovery options
  • Supported by a large community of developers and users
  • Wealth of resources available for learning and troubleshooting
  • Integrates well with other Microsoft technologies such as .NET and Azure

Overall, SQLServer is a reliable and efficient database management system that provides a range of benefits for data storage. Whether you are building a small application or a large enterprise system, SQLServer can provide the scalability, security, and performance needed to manage and store data effectively.


To complete the "Using SQLServer Database in Ruby on Rails with ActiveRecord" tutorial, you will need the following prerequisites:

  • A basic understanding of Ruby on Rails and the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture
  • A working installation of Ruby on Rails and SQLServer
  • A SQLServer database with appropriate permissions to create tables and insert data
  • The TinyTDS gem installed in your Ruby on Rails application
  • A text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) for editing Ruby code
  • Basic knowledge of SQL and database concepts such as tables, columns, and relationships

By ensuring that you have these prerequisites in place, you will be able to follow along with the tutorial and successfully use SQLServer as a database in your Ruby on Rails application.

Ruby on Rails SQLServer step by step setup and configuration

Integrating SQLServer into a Ruby on Rails project involves several steps. Firstly, you need to install the TinyTDS gem, which provides a FreeTDS driver for connecting to SQLServer. You can install the TinyTDS gem by adding it to your Gemfile and running the bundle install command:

gem 'tiny_tds'

Once you have installed the TinyTDS gem, you need to configure your database.yml file to use SQLServer as the database. You can do this by specifying the adapter as sqlserver and providing the necessary connection details such as the host, port, username, and password:

  adapter: sqlserver
  host: localhost
  port: 1433
  database: myapp_development
  username: sa
  password: mypassword

Next, you need to create a model that corresponds to a table in your SQLServer database. You can do this by generating a scaffold for the model using the rails generate scaffold command:

rails generate scaffold Product name:string description:text price:decimal

This will create a model called Product with attributes for name, description, and price. You can then run the migration to create the corresponding table in your SQLServer database:

rails db:migrate

Finally, you can use ActiveRecord to interact with your SQLServer database. For example, you can create a new product by instantiating a new Product object and calling the save method:

product = 'Widget', description: 'A cool widget', price: 9.99)

Overall, integrating SQLServer into a Ruby on Rails project involves installing the TinyTDS gem, configuring your database.yml file, creating a model that corresponds to a table in your SQLServer database, and using ActiveRecord to interact with the database. By following these steps, you can successfully use SQLServer as a database in your Ruby on Rails application.

SQLServer configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here are the SQLServer configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration along with their short explanations:

  • adapter: Specifies the adapter to use for the database connection. Set this to "sqlserver" to use SQLServer.
  • host: Specifies the host name or IP address of the SQLServer database server.
  • port: Specifies the port number to use for the database connection. The default port for SQLServer is 1433.
  • database: Specifies the name of the database to use.
  • username: Specifies the username to use for the database connection.
  • password: Specifies the password to use for the database connection.
  • timeout: Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a connection to the database before timing out.
  • encoding: Specifies the character encoding to use for the database connection.
  • pool: Specifies the maximum number of database connections to keep in the connection pool.
  • reconnect: Specifies whether to automatically reconnect to the database if the connection is lost.
  • azure: Specifies whether to use Azure Active Directory for authentication.
  • azure_tenant_id: Specifies the Azure tenant ID to use for authentication.
  • azure_client_id: Specifies the Azure client ID to use for authentication.
  • azure_client_secret: Specifies the Azure client secret to use for authentication.

By configuring these options in your database.yml file, you can successfully connect to and use SQLServer as a database in your Ruby on Rails application.


In conclusion, the "Using SQLServer Database in Ruby on Rails with ActiveRecord" tutorial provides a comprehensive guide to integrating SQLServer into a Ruby on Rails application using ActiveRecord. By following the steps outlined in the tutorial, developers can successfully use SQLServer as a database in their Ruby on Rails applications and take advantage of its robust and scalable platform for storing and managing data.

Throughout the tutorial, we covered the prerequisites required to complete the tutorial, the benefits of using SQLServer for data storage, and the steps involved in integrating SQLServer into a Ruby on Rails project. We also explored the SQLServer configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration and provided code examples to illustrate how to use ActiveRecord to interact with a SQLServer database.

Overall, the "Using SQLServer Database in Ruby on Rails with ActiveRecord" tutorial is a valuable resource for developers who want to use SQLServer as a database in their Ruby on Rails applications. By following the tutorial, developers can gain a deeper understanding of how to work with SQLServer and ActiveRecord and build powerful and efficient applications that meet the needs of users and businesses alike.

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