
Building Javascript using Rollup in Ruby on Rails

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20237 min reading time

Building Javascript using Rollup in Ruby on Rails

In today's web development landscape, JavaScript is an essential part of building modern web applications. However, managing and bundling JavaScript code can be a challenging task, especially when working with large codebases. This is where Rollup comes in - a module bundler that helps developers manage and optimize their JavaScript code. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use Rollup in a Ruby on Rails application to bundle and optimize JavaScript code.

Rollup is a popular choice for bundling JavaScript code due to its simplicity and flexibility. It allows developers to create a single bundle file that includes all the necessary dependencies and modules, making it easier to manage and optimize the code. In this tutorial, we will cover the basics of using Rollup in a Ruby on Rails application, including setting up the environment, configuring Rollup, and integrating it with the Rails asset pipeline. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use Rollup to bundle and optimize your JavaScript code in a Ruby on Rails application.

What is Rollup?

Rollup is a JavaScript module bundler that allows developers to bundle and optimize their code for production. It takes a modular approach to bundling, allowing developers to create a single bundle file that includes only the necessary code and dependencies. This results in smaller bundle sizes and faster load times for web applications.

Rollup is designed to work with modern JavaScript features, such as ES6 modules, and supports a wide range of plugins and configurations. It also has a simple and intuitive API, making it easy to integrate with other tools and frameworks. Overall, Rollup is a powerful tool for managing and optimizing JavaScript code, and is a popular choice among web developers for building modern web applications.

Why use Rollup for Javascript in Ruby on Rails application?

Rollup is a popular choice for bundling JavaScript code due to its simplicity and flexibility. It allows developers to create a single bundle file that includes only the necessary code and dependencies, making it easier to manage and optimize the code. This results in smaller bundle sizes and faster load times for web applications, which is essential for providing a good user experience.

Rollup is also designed to work with modern JavaScript features, such as ES6 modules, and supports a wide range of plugins and configurations. This makes it a powerful tool for managing and optimizing JavaScript code, and allows developers to customize their build process to meet their specific needs.

Another advantage of using Rollup is that it integrates well with other tools and frameworks, such as React, Vue, and Angular. This makes it easy to use Rollup in a variety of web development projects, and allows developers to take advantage of its benefits without having to learn a new tool or framework. Overall, Rollup is a powerful and flexible tool for managing and optimizing JavaScript code, and is a great choice for web developers who want to improve the performance and user experience of their web applications.


To complete the "Building Javascript using Rollup in Ruby on Rails" tutorial, you will need the following prerequisites:

  1. Basic knowledge of JavaScript and Ruby on Rails.
  2. A working Ruby on Rails development environment, including Ruby, Rails, and a text editor or IDE.
  3. Node.js and npm installed on your system.
  4. Familiarity with the command line interface (CLI) and basic terminal commands.
  5. A basic understanding of module bundlers and their role in web development.
  6. A basic understanding of JavaScript modules and how they work.
  7. A basic understanding of the Rails asset pipeline and how it works.
  8. Familiarity with Git and version control concepts.

Ruby on Rails Rollup step by step setup and configuration

Integrating Rollup into a Ruby on Rails project involves several steps. First, you need to install Rollup and its plugins using npm. To do this, navigate to your project directory in the terminal and run the following command:

npm install rollup rollup-plugin-commonjs rollup-plugin-node-resolve --save-dev

This will install Rollup and its plugins as dev dependencies in your project.

Next, you need to create a Rollup configuration file. This file tells Rollup how to bundle your JavaScript code and which plugins to use. Create a new file called rollup.config.js in the root directory of your project and add the following code:

import commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs';
import resolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve';

export default {
  input: 'app/javascript/packs/application.js',
  output: {
    file: 'public/packs/js/application.js',
    format: 'iife',
    name: 'MyApp'
  plugins: [

This configuration file tells Rollup to bundle the application.js file in the app/javascript/packs directory and output the bundled file to the public/packs/js directory. It also specifies the output format as iife and sets the name of the output file to MyApp. Finally, it includes the resolve and commonjs plugins, which are necessary for resolving and bundling dependencies.

Once you have created the Rollup configuration file, you need to update your Rails asset pipeline to use Rollup. Open the config/webpacker.yml file in your project and add the following code:

default: &default
  # ...
  compile: false
  check_yarn_integrity: false
  webpack_compile_output: false
  rollup: true
  # ...

This tells the Rails asset pipeline to use Rollup instead of Webpack to bundle your JavaScript code.

Finally, you need to update your Rails views to include the bundled JavaScript file. In your layout file, add the following code:

<%= javascript_include_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>

This will include the bundled JavaScript file in your Rails views.

Overall, integrating Rollup into a Ruby on Rails project involves installing Rollup and its plugins, creating a Rollup configuration file, updating the Rails asset pipeline, and updating your Rails views to include the bundled JavaScript file. By following these steps, you can take advantage of Rollup's powerful bundling and optimization capabilities in your Ruby on Rails project.

Rollup configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here are the Rollup configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration with their short explanations:

  1. input: Specifies the entry point for your JavaScript code.
  2. output: Specifies the output file for your bundled JavaScript code.
  3. format: Specifies the output format for your bundled JavaScript code (e.g. iife, umd, es).
  4. name: Specifies the name of the output file for your bundled JavaScript code.
  5. plugins: Specifies the plugins to use for bundling and optimizing your JavaScript code.
  6. external: Specifies external dependencies that should not be bundled (e.g. jQuery, React).
  7. globals: Specifies global variables that should be used instead of importing dependencies (e.g. $ for jQuery).
  8. watch: Enables watch mode, which automatically rebuilds your bundle when changes are made to your code.
  9. treeshake: Enables tree shaking, which removes unused code from your bundle to reduce its size.
  10. sourcemap: Enables source maps, which allow you to debug your code in the browser.
  11. strictDeprecations: Enables strict mode for deprecation warnings.
  12. experimentalCodeSplitting: Enables experimental code splitting, which allows you to split your code into smaller chunks for better performance.
  13. experimentalDynamicImport: Enables experimental dynamic imports, which allows you to load code on demand.
  14. experimentalTopLevelAwait: Enables experimental top-level await, which allows you to use await at the top level of your code.
  15. context: Specifies the context for resolving modules (e.g. 'window', 'global', 'self', 'this', 'undefined').
  16. moduleContext: Specifies the context for resolving ES6 modules.
  17. preserveSymlinks: Preserves symlinks when resolving modules.
  18. preferBuiltins: Prefers built-in modules over external modules.
  19. onwarn: Specifies a function to handle warnings during the bundling process.


In conclusion, integrating Rollup into a Ruby on Rails project can greatly improve the performance and user experience of your web application. Rollup's powerful bundling and optimization capabilities allow you to create smaller and faster-loading JavaScript bundles, which is essential for providing a good user experience. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily integrate Rollup into your Ruby on Rails project and take advantage of its benefits.

Rollup is a popular choice for bundling JavaScript code due to its simplicity, flexibility, and support for modern JavaScript features. It integrates well with other tools and frameworks, making it a great choice for web developers who want to improve the performance and user experience of their web applications. By using Rollup in your Ruby on Rails project, you can create faster and more efficient JavaScript code that will help your web application stand out from the competition.

Overall, the "Building Javascript using Rollup in Ruby on Rails" tutorial provides a comprehensive guide to integrating Rollup into a Ruby on Rails project. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can take advantage of Rollup's powerful bundling and optimization capabilities and create faster and more efficient JavaScript code for your web application.

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