
Monitoring Ruby on Rails with Fluentd

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20237 min reading time

Monitoring Ruby on Rails with Fluentd

Ruby on Rails is a popular web application framework that is used by many developers to build scalable and robust web applications. However, as applications grow in complexity, it becomes increasingly important to monitor their performance and behavior to ensure that they are running smoothly. This is where Fluentd comes in - a powerful open-source data collector that can be used to collect, process, and forward log data from various sources.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to use Fluentd to monitor a Ruby on Rails application. We will start by setting up Fluentd and configuring it to collect log data from our application. We will then explore how to use Fluentd to analyze and visualize this data, allowing us to gain insights into our application's performance and behavior. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use Fluentd to monitor your Ruby on Rails applications and ensure that they are running smoothly.

What is Fluentd?

Fluentd Monitoring is the process of using Fluentd, an open-source data collector, to collect, process, and analyze log data from various sources in real-time. Fluentd Monitoring allows developers and system administrators to gain insights into the performance and behavior of their applications, infrastructure, and systems.

With Fluentd Monitoring, log data from different sources can be collected and processed in a centralized location, allowing for easy analysis and visualization. This enables developers and system administrators to quickly identify and troubleshoot issues, as well as gain insights into usage patterns and trends. Fluentd Monitoring is a powerful tool for ensuring the smooth operation of applications and systems, and is widely used in the industry to monitor and manage complex environments.

Why use Fluentd for Monitoring in Ruby on Rails application?

Fluentd is a powerful open-source data collector that is widely used for monitoring applications and systems. There are several reasons why one should use Fluentd for Monitoring:

  • Centralized Data Collection: Fluentd allows for the collection of log data from various sources in a centralized location. This makes it easy to analyze and visualize data, and enables developers and system administrators to quickly identify and troubleshoot issues.

  • Scalability: Fluentd is designed to be highly scalable, allowing it to handle large volumes of data from multiple sources. This makes it ideal for monitoring complex environments with many applications and systems.

  • Flexibility: Fluentd is highly flexible and can be easily customized to meet the specific needs of different applications and systems. It supports a wide range of plugins and integrations, making it easy to integrate with other tools and services.

  • Real-time Monitoring: Fluentd provides real-time monitoring capabilities, allowing developers and system administrators to quickly identify and respond to issues as they occur.

  • Cost-effective: Fluentd is an open-source tool, which means that it is free to use and can be easily customized and extended. This makes it a cost-effective solution for monitoring applications and systems.

Overall, Fluentd is a powerful and flexible tool that provides real-time monitoring capabilities and is ideal for monitoring complex environments. Its centralized data collection, scalability, and flexibility make it a popular choice for developers and system administrators who need to monitor and manage large-scale applications and systems.


To complete the "Monitoring Ruby on Rails with Fluentd" tutorial, you will need to have the following prerequisites:

  • A basic understanding of Ruby on Rails and web application development
  • A working Ruby on Rails application that generates log data
  • Fluentd installed on your local machine or server
  • Basic knowledge of the command line interface (CLI)
  • A web browser to view the Fluentd dashboard and Kibana visualizations
  • Elasticsearch and Kibana installed and configured (optional, but recommended for data visualization)

Ruby on Rails Fluentd step by step setup and configuration

Integrating Fluentd into a Ruby on Rails project is a straightforward process that involves configuring Fluentd to collect log data from the Rails application and forwarding it to a centralized location. Here are the steps to integrate Fluentd into a Ruby on Rails project:

  1. Install Fluentd: The first step is to install Fluentd on your local machine or server. You can install Fluentd using the following command:

    $ gem install fluentd
  2. Configure Fluentd: Once Fluentd is installed, you need to configure it to collect log data from your Ruby on Rails application. You can do this by creating a Fluentd configuration file (fluent.conf) in the root directory of your Rails application. Here's an example configuration file:

      @type tail
      path /path/to/rails/app/log/development.log
      pos_file /var/log/fluentd/development.log.pos
      tag rails.development
      format none
    <match rails.**>
      @type stdout

    This configuration file tells Fluentd to collect log data from the development.log file in your Rails application's log directory and forward it to the standard output (stdout).

  3. Start Fluentd: Once Fluentd is configured, you can start it using the following command:

    $ fluentd -c fluent.conf

    This command starts Fluentd and loads the configuration file you created in the previous step.

  4. Verify Fluentd Integration: To verify that Fluentd is collecting log data from your Ruby on Rails application, you can generate some log data by running your Rails application and then checking the Fluentd logs. You should see log data being output to the console, indicating that Fluentd is successfully collecting log data from your Rails application.

By following these steps, you can easily integrate Fluentd into your Ruby on Rails project and start collecting and analyzing log data in real-time.

Fluentd configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here are the Fluentd configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration and their short explanations:

  • @type: The type of input source. For Ruby on Rails integration, this is typically set to "tail" to collect log data from a file.

  • path: The path to the log file that Fluentd should monitor for log data.

  • pos_file: The path to the position file that Fluentd should use to keep track of the last read position in the log file.

  • tag: The tag that Fluentd should use to identify log data from the Ruby on Rails application.

  • format: The format of the log data. For Ruby on Rails integration, this is typically set to "none" to indicate that the log data is in plain text format.

  • @type: The type of output destination. For Ruby on Rails integration, this is typically set to "stdout" to output log data to the console.

  • host: The hostname or IP address of the Elasticsearch server that Fluentd should forward log data to.

  • port: The port number of the Elasticsearch server that Fluentd should forward log data to.

  • index_name: The name of the Elasticsearch index that Fluentd should use to store log data.

  • type_name: The name of the Elasticsearch document type that Fluentd should use to store log data.

  • logstash_format: A boolean value that indicates whether Fluentd should format log data in Logstash format before forwarding it to Elasticsearch.

By configuring these options, you can customize how Fluentd collects and forwards log data from your Ruby on Rails application.


In conclusion, Fluentd is a powerful tool for monitoring Ruby on Rails applications. By collecting and analyzing log data in real-time, Fluentd allows developers and system administrators to gain insights into the performance and behavior of their applications and systems. With its centralized data collection, scalability, and flexibility, Fluentd is an ideal solution for monitoring complex environments with many applications and systems.

In this tutorial, we explored how to integrate Fluentd into a Ruby on Rails application and configure it to collect and forward log data to a centralized location. We also explored how to use Fluentd to analyze and visualize log data using Kibana. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you should now have a solid understanding of how to use Fluentd to monitor your Ruby on Rails applications and ensure that they are running smoothly.

Overall, Fluentd is a valuable tool for any developer or system administrator who needs to monitor and manage complex environments. Its real-time monitoring capabilities, scalability, and flexibility make it a popular choice for monitoring Ruby on Rails applications and systems.

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