
Monitoring Ruby on Rails with PagerDuty

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20237 min reading time

Monitoring Ruby on Rails with PagerDuty

In today's fast-paced world, it is essential to have a reliable monitoring system in place for your web application. Monitoring your application's performance and availability can help you identify issues before they become critical and ensure that your users have a seamless experience. One popular tool for monitoring web applications is PagerDuty, a cloud-based incident management platform that helps teams detect and resolve issues quickly.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to set up monitoring for a Ruby on Rails application using PagerDuty. We will cover the basics of PagerDuty, including how to create a PagerDuty account, set up a service, and integrate it with your Rails application. We will also explore how to use PagerDuty to monitor your application's performance and receive alerts when issues arise. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use PagerDuty to monitor your Ruby on Rails application and ensure that your users have a seamless experience.

What is PagerDuty?

PagerDuty Monitoring is a cloud-based incident management platform that helps teams detect and resolve issues quickly. It provides real-time monitoring of your web application's performance and availability, allowing you to identify issues before they become critical. PagerDuty Monitoring integrates with a wide range of monitoring tools, including Nagios, New Relic, and Datadog, to provide a comprehensive view of your application's health.

With PagerDuty Monitoring, you can set up alerts to notify you when issues arise, allowing you to take action quickly. You can also create on-call schedules to ensure that the right people are notified at the right time. PagerDuty Monitoring provides detailed incident reports, allowing you to track the status of incidents and analyze trends over time. Overall, PagerDuty Monitoring is an essential tool for any team that wants to ensure that their web application is performing at its best and providing a seamless experience for users.

Why use PagerDuty for Monitoring in Ruby on Rails application?

PagerDuty is an excellent tool for monitoring web applications because it provides real-time monitoring of your application's performance and availability. It integrates with a wide range of monitoring tools, allowing you to get a comprehensive view of your application's health. PagerDuty also provides detailed incident reports, allowing you to track the status of incidents and analyze trends over time. Here are some of the benefits of using PagerDuty for monitoring:

  • Real-time monitoring: PagerDuty provides real-time monitoring of your web application's performance and availability, allowing you to identify issues before they become critical.
  • Integrations: PagerDuty integrates with a wide range of monitoring tools, including Nagios, New Relic, and Datadog, to provide a comprehensive view of your application's health.
  • Alerts: PagerDuty allows you to set up alerts to notify you when issues arise, allowing you to take action quickly.
  • On-call schedules: PagerDuty allows you to create on-call schedules to ensure that the right people are notified at the right time.
  • Incident reports: PagerDuty provides detailed incident reports, allowing you to track the status of incidents and analyze trends over time.

Overall, PagerDuty is an essential tool for any team that wants to ensure that their web application is performing at its best and providing a seamless experience for users.


To complete the "Monitoring Ruby on Rails with PagerDuty" tutorial, you will need the following prerequisites:

  • A basic understanding of Ruby on Rails and web application development.
  • A Ruby on Rails application that you want to monitor.
  • A PagerDuty account. You can sign up for a free trial account on the PagerDuty website.
  • A monitoring tool that is compatible with PagerDuty. In this tutorial, we will be using New Relic, but you can use any monitoring tool that integrates with PagerDuty.
  • Basic knowledge of how to configure a Rails application.

Ruby on Rails PagerDuty step by step setup and configuration

Integrating PagerDuty into a Ruby on Rails project is a straightforward process that involves setting up a PagerDuty service and integrating it with your application. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Create a PagerDuty service: The first step is to create a PagerDuty service. To do this, log in to your PagerDuty account and navigate to the Services tab. Click the "Add New Service" button and select "Generic API Service." Give your service a name and select the appropriate escalation policy. Click "Add Service" to create your service.

  2. Get your PagerDuty API key: Once you have created your service, you will need to get your PagerDuty API key. Navigate to the Integrations tab and click the "New Integration" button. Select "Events API" and give your integration a name. Click "Create Integration" to generate your API key.

  3. Integrate PagerDuty with your Rails application: To integrate PagerDuty with your Rails application, you will need to add the PagerDuty gem to your Gemfile and run bundle install. Then, add the following code to your config/environments/production.rb file:

config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :pagerduty => {
    :api_key => 'YOUR_API_KEY',
    :service_key => 'YOUR_SERVICE_KEY',
    :subdomain => 'YOUR_SUBDOMAIN'

Replace YOUR_API_KEY, YOUR_SERVICE_KEY, and YOUR_SUBDOMAIN with your PagerDuty API key, service key, and subdomain, respectively.

  1. Test your integration: To test your integration, you can simulate an error in your Rails application by adding the following code to one of your controllers:
def index
  raise "This is a test error"

When you visit the page that triggers this error, PagerDuty should send you an alert. You can also check the PagerDuty incident log to see the details of the incident.

Overall, integrating PagerDuty into a Ruby on Rails project is a simple process that can help you monitor your application's performance and availability. By following these steps, you can ensure that your users have a seamless experience and that any issues are resolved quickly.

PagerDuty configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here are the PagerDuty configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration:

  • api_key: Your PagerDuty API key.
  • service_key: The service key for the PagerDuty service you want to use.
  • subdomain: Your PagerDuty subdomain.
  • incident_key: A unique identifier for the incident. If not provided, PagerDuty will generate one automatically.
  • description: A description of the incident.
  • details: Additional details about the incident.
  • client: The name of the client that triggered the incident.
  • client_url: The URL of the client that triggered the incident.
  • component: The name of the component that triggered the incident.
  • component_id: The ID of the component that triggered the incident.
  • event_type: The type of event that triggered the incident.
  • event_action: The action that triggered the incident.
  • severity: The severity level of the incident.
  • group: The name of the group that the incident belongs to.
  • class: The class of the incident.
  • source: The source of the incident.
  • timestamp: The timestamp of the incident.
  • raw_data: The raw data associated with the incident.

These configuration options allow you to customize how PagerDuty integrates with your Ruby on Rails application. You can use them to provide additional details about incidents, specify the severity level of incidents, and more. By configuring PagerDuty to meet your specific needs, you can ensure that your application is monitored effectively and that any issues are resolved quickly.


In conclusion, monitoring your Ruby on Rails application with PagerDuty is an essential step in ensuring that your application is performing at its best and providing a seamless experience for users. By integrating PagerDuty with your application, you can receive real-time alerts when issues arise and take action quickly to resolve them. With PagerDuty's detailed incident reports, you can track the status of incidents and analyze trends over time, allowing you to make informed decisions about how to improve your application's performance.

In this tutorial, we covered the basics of PagerDuty and how to integrate it with a Ruby on Rails application. We explored how to create a PagerDuty service, get your PagerDuty API key, and integrate PagerDuty with your Rails application. We also covered the various configuration options available for PagerDuty integration, allowing you to customize how PagerDuty monitors your application.

Overall, PagerDuty is an essential tool for any team that wants to ensure that their web application is performing at its best. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can set up monitoring for your Ruby on Rails application and ensure that your users have a seamless experience.

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