
Monitoring Ruby on Rails with Rookout

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20236 min reading time

Monitoring Ruby on Rails with Rookout

Ruby on Rails is a popular web application framework that is used by developers all over the world. It is known for its simplicity, flexibility, and ease of use. However, as applications become more complex, it can be challenging to monitor and debug them effectively. This is where Rookout comes in. Rookout is a powerful debugging tool that allows developers to debug their Ruby on Rails applications in real-time, without the need for code changes or restarts.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to use Rookout to monitor and debug a Ruby on Rails application. We will start by introducing Rookout and its key features, including its ability to capture data from live applications and its support for multiple programming languages. We will then walk through the steps required to set up Rookout in a Ruby on Rails application and demonstrate how to use it to debug common issues such as slow database queries and exceptions. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use Rookout to monitor and debug your Ruby on Rails applications, making it easier to identify and fix issues quickly and efficiently.

What is Rookout?

Rookout Monitoring is a powerful debugging tool that allows developers to monitor and debug their applications in real-time, without the need for code changes or restarts. It provides a simple and intuitive interface that allows developers to capture data from live applications, including variables, function calls, and exceptions. This data can then be analyzed and used to identify and fix issues quickly and efficiently.

Rookout Monitoring supports multiple programming languages, including Ruby, Python, Java, and Node.js, making it a versatile tool for developers working on a wide range of applications. It is also highly customizable, allowing developers to create their own rules and alerts to monitor specific aspects of their applications. Overall, Rookout Monitoring is a valuable tool for any developer looking to improve the quality and reliability of their applications.

Why use Rookout for Monitoring in Ruby on Rails application?

There are several reasons why developers should use Rookout for monitoring their applications. Firstly, Rookout allows developers to debug their applications in real-time, without the need for code changes or restarts. This means that developers can identify and fix issues quickly and efficiently, reducing downtime and improving the overall quality of their applications.

Secondly, Rookout provides a simple and intuitive interface that allows developers to capture data from live applications. This data can then be analyzed and used to identify patterns and trends, helping developers to proactively identify and fix issues before they become major problems.

Finally, Rookout is highly customizable, allowing developers to create their own rules and alerts to monitor specific aspects of their applications. This means that developers can tailor Rookout to their specific needs, ensuring that they are monitoring the right things and getting the most out of the tool.

Benefits of using Rookout for monitoring include:

  • Real-time debugging without code changes or restarts
  • Simple and intuitive interface for capturing data from live applications
  • Proactive issue identification and trend analysis
  • Highly customizable rules and alerts for tailored monitoring


To complete the "Monitoring Ruby on Rails with Rookout" tutorial, you will need the following prerequisites:

  • A basic understanding of Ruby on Rails development
  • A working Ruby on Rails application that you can use for testing
  • A Rookout account and access to the Rookout web interface
  • The Rookout SDK installed in your development environment
  • A text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) for editing your Ruby on Rails application code
  • A web browser for accessing the Rookout web interface and testing your application

Note that some familiarity with debugging tools and techniques may also be helpful, but is not strictly required.

Ruby on Rails Rookout step by step setup and configuration

Integrating Rookout into a Ruby on Rails project is a straightforward process that involves installing the Rookout SDK and adding a few lines of code to your application. Here are the steps required to integrate Rookout into your Ruby on Rails project:

  1. Install the Rookout SDK: The first step is to install the Rookout SDK in your development environment. You can do this by adding the following line to your Gemfile:
gem 'rookout'

Then, run the following command to install the gem:

bundle install
  1. Configure Rookout: Once you have installed the Rookout SDK, you need to configure it with your Rookout account details. You can do this by adding the following lines of code to your config/application.rb file:
require 'rookout'

This will start the Rookout SDK and connect it to your Rookout account.

  1. Add Rookout breakpoints: Once you have configured Rookout, you can add breakpoints to your code using the Rookout web interface. To do this, navigate to the Rookout web interface and select your Ruby on Rails application. Then, click on the "Add Breakpoint" button and enter the details of the breakpoint you want to add.

  2. Test your application: With Rookout configured and breakpoints added, you can now test your Ruby on Rails application. When your application hits a breakpoint, Rookout will capture the relevant data and display it in the Rookout web interface.

Overall, integrating Rookout into a Ruby on Rails project is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. By adding Rookout to your development workflow, you can quickly and easily debug your applications in real-time, improving the quality and reliability of your code.

Rookout configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here are the Rookout configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration:

  • ROOKOUT_TOKEN: This is the Rookout token for your account. It is required to connect your application to the Rookout web interface.
  • ROOKOUT_ROOK_TAGS: This is a list of tags to apply to all Rookout events. Tags can be used to filter and group events in the Rookout web interface.
  • ROOKOUT_ROOK_URL: This is the URL of the Rookout web interface. By default, it is set to
  • ROOKOUT_ROOK_SSL_VERIFY: This option controls whether SSL verification is enabled for the Rookout connection. By default, it is set to true.
  • ROOKOUT_ROOK_CA_CERTS: This option allows you to specify a custom CA certificate file for SSL verification.
  • ROOKOUT_ROOK_LOG_LEVEL: This option controls the logging level for the Rookout SDK. By default, it is set to info.
  • ROOKOUT_ROOK_LOG_FILE: This option allows you to specify a custom log file for the Rookout SDK.

These configuration options can be set in your Ruby on Rails application's config/application.rb file or in an environment-specific configuration file such as config/environments/production.rb. By configuring these options, you can customize the behavior of the Rookout SDK to meet your specific needs.


In conclusion, Rookout is a powerful tool that can help developers monitor and debug their Ruby on Rails applications in real-time. By integrating Rookout into your development workflow, you can quickly and easily identify and fix issues, improving the quality and reliability of your code.

In this tutorial, we have explored how to integrate Rookout into a Ruby on Rails application and demonstrated how to use it to debug common issues such as slow database queries and exceptions. We have also discussed the benefits of using Rookout for monitoring, including real-time debugging, proactive issue identification, and highly customizable rules and alerts.

Overall, Rookout is a valuable tool for any developer working on a Ruby on Rails application. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial and experimenting with Rookout's features, you can gain a deeper understanding of your application's behavior and improve its performance and reliability.

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