
Monitoring Ruby on Rails with Scalur

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20237 min reading time

Monitoring Ruby on Rails with Scalyr

In today's fast-paced world of software development, it's more important than ever to have a reliable and efficient monitoring system in place. Monitoring your Ruby on Rails application can help you identify and resolve issues before they become major problems, ensuring that your application is always running smoothly. Scalyr is a powerful monitoring tool that can help you achieve this goal. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use Scalyr to monitor your Ruby on Rails application.

Scalyr provides a comprehensive set of monitoring tools that can help you track and analyze your application's performance. With Scalyr, you can monitor your application's logs, metrics, and traces in real-time, giving you a complete picture of your application's health. In this tutorial, we will cover the basics of setting up Scalyr for your Ruby on Rails application, including how to configure Scalyr agents, how to set up log monitoring, and how to create custom dashboards to track your application's performance. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use Scalyr to monitor your Ruby on Rails application and ensure that it is running at peak performance.

What is Scalyr?

Scalyr Monitoring is a cloud-based monitoring tool that helps businesses monitor their applications and infrastructure in real-time. It provides a comprehensive set of monitoring tools that can help businesses track and analyze their application's performance, logs, metrics, and traces. Scalyr Monitoring is designed to be easy to use and can be set up quickly, making it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes.

With Scalyr Monitoring, businesses can gain insights into their application's performance and identify issues before they become major problems. It provides a centralized platform for monitoring all aspects of an application, including server performance, application logs, and user behavior. Scalyr Monitoring also provides customizable dashboards and alerts, allowing businesses to set up notifications for specific events or performance thresholds. Overall, Scalyr Monitoring is a powerful tool that can help businesses ensure that their applications are running smoothly and efficiently.

Why use Scalyr for Monitoring in Ruby on Rails application?

There are several reasons why businesses should consider using Scalyr for monitoring their applications and infrastructure. First and foremost, Scalyr provides real-time monitoring, which means that businesses can identify and resolve issues as soon as they occur. This can help minimize downtime and ensure that applications are running smoothly. Scalyr also provides a comprehensive set of monitoring tools, including log monitoring, metrics, and traces, which can help businesses gain insights into their application's performance and identify issues quickly.

Another benefit of using Scalyr for monitoring is its ease of use. Scalyr is designed to be user-friendly and can be set up quickly, without the need for extensive technical expertise. It also provides customizable dashboards and alerts, allowing businesses to set up notifications for specific events or performance thresholds. This can help businesses stay on top of their application's performance and ensure that they are meeting their service level agreements.

Finally, Scalyr is a cost-effective solution for monitoring. It offers a flexible pricing model that allows businesses to pay only for the resources they use. This can help businesses save money on monitoring costs and ensure that they are getting the most value for their investment.

Benefits of using Scalyr for monitoring:

  • Real-time monitoring
  • Comprehensive set of monitoring tools
  • User-friendly and easy to set up
  • Customizable dashboards and alerts
  • Cost-effective pricing model


To complete the "Monitoring Ruby on Rails with Scalyr" tutorial, you will need to have the following prerequisites:

  • A Ruby on Rails application that you want to monitor
  • A Scalyr account
  • Scalyr agent installed on the server where your Ruby on Rails application is running
  • Basic knowledge of Ruby on Rails and Linux command line
  • Access to the terminal or command line interface on your local machine and the server where your application is running
  • Basic understanding of logging and monitoring concepts
  • Familiarity with the Scalyr user interface and basic navigation

Ruby on Rails Scalyr step by step setup and configuration

Integrating Scalyr into a Ruby on Rails project is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few steps. The first step is to install the Scalyr agent on the server where your Ruby on Rails application is running. This can be done by following the instructions provided by Scalyr. Once the agent is installed, you can configure it to monitor your application's logs and metrics.

To configure Scalyr to monitor your Ruby on Rails application, you will need to add the Scalyr Ruby gem to your project's Gemfile. You can do this by adding the following line to your Gemfile:

gem 'scalyr'

Next, you will need to configure the Scalyr gem to send logs and metrics to your Scalyr account. You can do this by adding the following code to your config/application.rb file:

config.logger =
  api_key: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
  app_name: 'YOUR_APP_NAME',
  server_attributes: { environment: Rails.env }

  api_key: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
  app_name: 'YOUR_APP_NAME',
  server_attributes: { environment: Rails.env }

Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your Scalyr API key and YOUR_APP_NAME with the name of your Ruby on Rails application. This code will configure the Scalyr logger to send logs to your Scalyr account and the Scalyr metrics module to send metrics data.

Finally, you can test your Scalyr integration by generating some log messages and metrics data. You can do this by adding the following code to your controller or model:'Hello, Scalyr!')
Scalyr.counter('page_views', 1)

This code will generate a log message and increment a counter metric in your Scalyr account. You can then navigate to your Scalyr dashboard to view the logs and metrics data.

In summary, integrating Scalyr into a Ruby on Rails project involves installing the Scalyr agent, adding the Scalyr gem to your project, configuring the Scalyr logger and metrics module, and testing your integration by generating log messages and metrics data. With these steps completed, you can monitor your Ruby on Rails application with Scalyr and gain valuable insights into its performance.

Scalyr configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here are the Scalyr configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration and their short explanations:

  • api_key: Your Scalyr API key.
  • app_name: The name of your Ruby on Rails application.
  • server_attributes: A hash of attributes to associate with the server where your application is running, such as environment, hostname, and IP address.
  • logger: The Scalyr logger instance that sends logs to your Scalyr account.
  • metrics: The Scalyr metrics module that sends metrics data to your Scalyr account.
  • log_level: The log level for the Scalyr logger, such as :debug, :info, :warn, or :error.
  • log_tags: A hash of tags to associate with your logs, such as :user_id or :request_id.
  • log_exception_backtraces: Whether to include backtraces in log messages for exceptions.
  • log_exception_messages: Whether to include exception messages in log messages for exceptions.
  • log_exception_classes: Whether to include exception classes in log messages for exceptions.
  • log_exception_context: Whether to include context information in log messages for exceptions.
  • log_exception_causes: Whether to include exception causes in log messages for exceptions.

These configuration options allow you to customize how Scalyr integrates with your Ruby on Rails application, including how logs and metrics data are sent to your Scalyr account, what attributes are associated with your server, and how exceptions are handled in your logs. By configuring these options, you can tailor Scalyr to meet the specific needs of your application and gain valuable insights into its performance.


In conclusion, Scalyr is a powerful monitoring tool that can help businesses monitor their Ruby on Rails applications in real-time. With Scalyr, businesses can gain insights into their application's performance, logs, metrics, and traces, and identify issues before they become major problems. In this tutorial, we have explored how to use Scalyr to monitor a Ruby on Rails application, including how to configure Scalyr agents, set up log monitoring, and create custom dashboards.

By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, businesses can set up Scalyr for their Ruby on Rails applications and gain valuable insights into their application's performance. Scalyr is a user-friendly and cost-effective solution for monitoring, making it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes. With Scalyr, businesses can ensure that their applications are running smoothly and efficiently, and provide their users with the best possible experience.

Overall, Scalyr is a valuable tool for any business that wants to monitor their Ruby on Rails applications effectively. By using Scalyr, businesses can stay on top of their application's performance, identify issues quickly, and ensure that their applications are meeting their service level agreements.

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