
Sending Transactional Emails using AWS SES in Ruby on Rails

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20238 min reading time

Sending Transactional Emails using Amazon Simple Email Service in Ruby on Rails

In today's digital age, email has become an essential part of our daily lives. Whether it's for personal or business use, we rely on email to communicate with others, share information, and stay connected. As a Ruby on Rails developer, you may need to send transactional emails to your users, such as welcome emails, password reset emails, and order confirmation emails. Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is a cloud-based email service that makes it easy to send and receive emails. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use Amazon SES to send transactional emails in Ruby on Rails.

This tutorial is designed for Ruby on Rails developers who want to learn how to send transactional emails using Amazon SES. We will start by setting up an Amazon SES account and configuring our Rails application to use the SES API. Then, we will create a sample Rails application that sends a welcome email to a new user. We will cover topics such as email templates, sending attachments, and handling email bounces. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use Amazon SES to send transactional emails in your Ruby on Rails applications.

What is Amazon Simple Email Service?

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is a cloud-based email service that allows developers to send transactional emails to their users. Transactional emails are automated emails that are triggered by a user's action, such as signing up for a service, making a purchase, or resetting a password. These emails are typically personalized and contain important information that the user needs to know.

Amazon SES provides a reliable and scalable platform for sending transactional emails. It offers features such as email templates, sending attachments, and handling email bounces. With Amazon SES, developers can easily integrate email functionality into their applications without having to worry about managing their own email servers or dealing with spam filters. Overall, Amazon SES is a powerful tool for sending transactional emails that can help businesses improve their communication with their users and enhance their overall user experience.

Why use Amazon Simple Email Service for Sending Transactional Emails in Ruby on Rails application?

There are several reasons why one should use Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) for sending transactional emails. Firstly, Amazon SES is a cost-effective solution for sending emails at scale. It offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, which means that you only pay for the emails you send. This makes it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes, as it allows them to keep their email costs under control.

Secondly, Amazon SES is a reliable and scalable platform for sending emails. It uses a highly available infrastructure that is designed to handle large volumes of email traffic. This means that you can be confident that your emails will be delivered quickly and reliably, even during peak periods.

Finally, Amazon SES offers a range of features that make it easy to send and manage transactional emails. It provides a simple API that developers can use to integrate email functionality into their applications. It also offers features such as email templates, sending attachments, and handling email bounces. This makes it easy to create personalized and engaging emails that are tailored to your users' needs. Overall, Amazon SES is a powerful and flexible solution for sending transactional emails that can help businesses improve their communication with their users and enhance their overall user experience.


To complete the "Sending Transactional Emails using Amazon Simple Email Service in Ruby on Rails" tutorial, you will need the following prerequisites:

  1. Basic knowledge of Ruby on Rails framework and its associated technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL.
  2. A working knowledge of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and its services, particularly Amazon Simple Email Service (SES).
  3. An AWS account with SES enabled and configured to send emails.
  4. A Ruby on Rails development environment set up on your local machine, including Ruby, Rails, and a code editor.
  5. A basic understanding of email protocols and standards, such as SMTP, MIME, and SPF.
  6. A basic understanding of email deliverability and best practices for avoiding spam filters.
  7. A sample Rails application set up and ready to integrate with Amazon SES.

Ruby on Rails Amazon Simple Email Service step by step setup and configuration

Integrating Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) into a Ruby on Rails project is a straightforward process that involves configuring your application to use the SES API and setting up email templates. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Set up an Amazon SES account: Before you can start sending emails with SES, you need to set up an AWS account and enable SES. Once you have done this, you will need to verify your email address or domain to ensure that your emails are delivered successfully.

  2. Configure your Rails application: To configure your Rails application to use SES, you will need to add the AWS SDK for Ruby gem to your Gemfile and configure your AWS credentials. Here is an example of how to configure your credentials:

# config/initializers/aws.rb
  region: 'us-west-2',
  1. Create an email template: To send emails with SES, you will need to create an email template that defines the content and structure of your emails. You can create email templates using the SES console or the SES API. Here is an example of how to create an email template using the SES API:
# app/mailers/user_mailer.rb
class UserMailer < ApplicationMailer
  def welcome_email(user)
    @user = user
    @url  = ''
    template_data = {
      name: 'welcome_email',
      subject_part: 'Welcome to',
      text_part: 'Hello <%= %>! Welcome to!',
      html_part: '<h1>Hello <%= %>!</h1><p>Welcome to!</p>'
    resp ={
      source: '',
      destination: {
        to_addresses: []
      template: template_data[:name],
      template_data: {
        subject: template_data[:subject_part],
        text: template_data[:text_part],
        html: template_data[:html_part]
  1. Send emails: Once you have configured your application and created your email template, you can start sending emails using the SES API. Here is an example of how to send a welcome email to a new user:
# app/controllers/users_controller.rb
class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def create
    @user =
      redirect_to @user
      render 'new'

By following these steps, you can easily integrate Amazon SES into your Ruby on Rails project and start sending transactional emails to your users.

Amazon Simple Email Service configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here are the Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration:

  1. region: The AWS region where SES is located. This option is required and should be set to the region where your SES account is located.

  2. credentials: The AWS credentials that are used to authenticate your application with SES. This option is required and should be set to your AWS access key ID and secret access key.

  3. endpoint: The endpoint URL for the SES API. This option is optional and can be used to specify a custom endpoint URL if necessary.

  4. logger: The logger object that is used to log SES API requests and responses. This option is optional and can be used to customize the logging behavior of your application.

  5. http_open_timeout: The amount of time in seconds to wait for a connection to be opened when making SES API requests. This option is optional and can be used to customize the timeout behavior of your application.

  6. http_read_timeout: The amount of time in seconds to wait for a response to be received when making SES API requests. This option is optional and can be used to customize the timeout behavior of your application.

  7. http_idle_timeout: The amount of time in seconds to wait for a connection to become idle before closing it when making SES API requests. This option is optional and can be used to customize the connection behavior of your application.

  8. http_continue_timeout: The amount of time in seconds to wait for a "continue" response from the server when making SES API requests. This option is optional and can be used to customize the behavior of your application when sending large messages.

  9. http_wire_trace: A boolean value that determines whether to enable wire tracing for SES API requests. This option is optional and can be used to debug issues with SES API requests.

Overall, these configuration options provide a high degree of flexibility and customization for integrating SES into your Ruby on Rails application.


In conclusion, sending transactional emails is an essential part of any web application, and Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) provides a reliable and cost-effective solution for sending these emails at scale. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily integrate SES into your Ruby on Rails application and start sending personalized and engaging emails to your users.

Throughout this tutorial, we covered the basics of SES, including how to set up an SES account, configure your Rails application, and create email templates. We also explored how to send a welcome email to a new user using SES and discussed best practices for email deliverability and avoiding spam filters.

Overall, SES is a powerful tool for sending transactional emails that can help businesses improve their communication with their users and enhance their overall user experience. By leveraging the power of SES and Ruby on Rails, you can create a seamless and engaging email experience for your users that will help drive engagement and increase customer satisfaction.

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