
Transactional Emails using Mailjet in Ruby on Rails

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20237 min reading time

Sending Transactional Emails using Mailjet in Ruby on Rails

Email communication is an essential part of any web application. Whether it's sending a welcome email to new users, notifying them of important updates, or sending transactional emails, email communication plays a crucial role in keeping users engaged and informed. In this tutorial, we will explore how to send transactional emails using Mailjet in Ruby on Rails.

Mailjet is a cloud-based email service provider that offers a powerful API for sending transactional emails. With Mailjet, you can easily send personalized emails to your users, track email delivery and engagement, and automate your email communication. In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of setting up Mailjet in a Ruby on Rails application, configuring email templates, and sending transactional emails using the Mailjet API. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to integrate Mailjet into your Ruby on Rails application and send transactional emails to your users.

What is Mailjet?

Mailjet Sending Transactional Emails is a cloud-based email service that allows you to send personalized and automated emails to your users. Transactional emails are those that are triggered by a specific action or event, such as a user signing up for your service, making a purchase, or resetting their password. These emails are highly targeted and personalized, and they play a crucial role in keeping users engaged and informed.

Mailjet offers a powerful API that allows you to easily integrate transactional email functionality into your web application. With Mailjet, you can create custom email templates, track email delivery and engagement, and automate your email communication. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, Mailjet can help you streamline your email communication and improve your user engagement.

Why use Mailjet for Sending Transactional Emails in Ruby on Rails application?

Mailjet is a powerful email service provider that offers a range of features and benefits for sending transactional emails. One of the key advantages of using Mailjet is its powerful API, which allows you to easily integrate transactional email functionality into your web application. With Mailjet, you can create custom email templates, track email delivery and engagement, and automate your email communication, all from a single platform.

Another advantage of using Mailjet is its scalability. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, Mailjet can handle your email communication needs. With its cloud-based infrastructure, Mailjet can easily scale to meet the demands of your growing user base, ensuring that your emails are delivered quickly and reliably.

Finally, Mailjet offers advanced analytics and reporting features that allow you to track the performance of your emails and optimize your email campaigns. With Mailjet, you can track email opens, clicks, and conversions, and use this data to improve your email content and targeting. Overall, Mailjet is a powerful and flexible email service provider that can help you improve your user engagement and grow your business.


To complete the "Sending Transactional Emails using Mailjet in Ruby on Rails" tutorial, you will need the following prerequisites:

  1. Basic knowledge of Ruby on Rails framework and web development concepts.
  2. A Mailjet account. You can sign up for a free account on the Mailjet website.
  3. A working Ruby on Rails development environment, including Ruby, Rails, and a text editor or IDE.
  4. Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS for creating email templates.
  5. A Mailjet API key and secret key, which you can obtain from your Mailjet account dashboard.
  6. A basic understanding of RESTful APIs and how to make HTTP requests using Ruby on Rails.
  7. A basic understanding of Action Mailer, the email delivery framework in Ruby on Rails.

Ruby on Rails Mailjet step by step setup and configuration

Integrating Mailjet into a Ruby on Rails project is a straightforward process that involves configuring the Mailjet API credentials, creating email templates, and using the Mailjet API to send transactional emails. Here are the steps to integrate Mailjet into a Ruby on Rails project:

Step 1: Install the Mailjet Ruby Gem The first step is to install the Mailjet Ruby gem, which provides a simple interface for interacting with the Mailjet API. You can install the gem by adding the following line to your Gemfile:

gem 'mailjet'

Then, run the following command to install the gem:

bundle install

Step 2: Configure the Mailjet API Credentials Next, you need to configure the Mailjet API credentials in your Rails application. You can do this by adding the following lines to your config/application.rb file:

config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :mailjet
config.action_mailer.mailjet_settings = {
  api_key: ENV['MAILJET_API_KEY'],
  secret_key: ENV['MAILJET_SECRET_KEY']

Make sure to replace ENV['MAILJET_API_KEY'] and ENV['MAILJET_SECRET_KEY'] with your actual Mailjet API key and secret key.

Step 3: Create Email Templates Now, you can create email templates using HTML and CSS. You can create a new file in the app/views directory, such as app/views/user_mailer/welcome.html.erb, and add your HTML and CSS code for the email template.

Step 4: Use the Mailjet API to Send Emails Finally, you can use the Mailjet API to send transactional emails. You can do this by creating a new mailer class, such as UserMailer, and defining a method for sending the email. Here's an example code block:

class UserMailer < ApplicationMailer
  def welcome_email(user)
    @user = user
    mail(to:, subject: 'Welcome to My App')

In this example, we define a welcome_email method that takes a user object as a parameter. We then set the @user instance variable to the user parameter, and use the mail method to send the email to the user's email address with a subject of "Welcome to My App". To use this method, you can call it from your controller or other parts of your application, like this:


This will send the welcome email to the user's email address using the Mailjet API.

Mailjet configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here are the Mailjet configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration along with their short explanations:

  1. api_key: Your Mailjet API key. This is required to authenticate your requests to the Mailjet API.
  2. secret_key: Your Mailjet secret key. This is also required to authenticate your requests to the Mailjet API.
  3. default_from: The default email address to use as the sender for all emails sent through Mailjet.
  4. default_from_name: The default name to use as the sender for all emails sent through Mailjet.
  5. default_reply_to: The default email address to use as the reply-to address for all emails sent through Mailjet.
  6. default_subject: The default subject line to use for all emails sent through Mailjet.
  7. default_template_id: The default email template ID to use for all emails sent through Mailjet.
  8. default_variables: A hash of default variables to use in all emails sent through Mailjet.
  9. sandbox_mode: A boolean value indicating whether to use Mailjet's sandbox mode. When set to true, emails will not be sent and will only be logged for testing purposes.
  10. test_mode: A boolean value indicating whether to use Mailjet's test mode. When set to true, emails will be sent but will not be charged to your account.

These configuration options can be set in your Rails application's config/application.rb file or in an initializer file. For example, to set the api_key and secret_key options, you can add the following lines to your config/application.rb file:

config.action_mailer.mailjet_settings = {
  api_key: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
  secret_key: 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY'


In conclusion, sending transactional emails is a critical part of any web application, and Mailjet provides a powerful and flexible platform for sending personalized and automated emails to your users. With its easy-to-use API and advanced features, Mailjet makes it easy to integrate transactional email functionality into your Ruby on Rails application.

In this tutorial, we have explored how to integrate Mailjet into a Ruby on Rails application, configure email templates, and send transactional emails using the Mailjet API. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you should now have a solid understanding of how to use Mailjet to send transactional emails in your Ruby on Rails application.

Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, Mailjet can help you streamline your email communication and improve your user engagement. With its powerful features and flexible pricing plans, Mailjet is a great choice for any web application that needs to send transactional emails.

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