
Testing Emails in Ruby on Rails using MailHog

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20236 min reading time

Testing Emails in Ruby on Rails using MailHog

Emails are an essential part of any web application, and testing them is crucial to ensure that they are delivered correctly to the intended recipients. Ruby on Rails provides built-in support for sending emails, but testing them can be challenging. Fortunately, MailHog is a powerful tool that makes testing emails in Ruby on Rails much easier.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to use MailHog to test emails in Ruby on Rails. We will start by setting up MailHog and configuring our Rails application to use it. Then, we will create a sample application that sends emails and use MailHog to test them. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use MailHog to test emails in your Ruby on Rails applications.

What is MailHog?

MailHog is a tool that allows developers to test emails in their web applications without actually sending them to real email addresses. It acts as a fake SMTP server that receives emails sent by the application and displays them in a web interface. This makes it easy to test email functionality during development without worrying about spamming real users or cluttering up inboxes.

MailHog also provides several useful features for testing emails, such as the ability to view email content, headers, and attachments, as well as the ability to simulate different email delivery scenarios. This makes it an essential tool for any developer who needs to test email functionality in their web application.

Why use MailHog for Testing Emails in Ruby on Rails application?

MailHog is a powerful tool that provides several benefits for testing emails in web applications. Firstly, it allows developers to test email functionality without actually sending emails to real users. This is important because it prevents spamming real users and cluttering up inboxes with test emails. Instead, MailHog acts as a fake SMTP server that receives emails sent by the application and displays them in a web interface. This makes it easy to test email functionality during development.

Secondly, MailHog provides several useful features for testing emails. For example, it allows developers to view email content, headers, and attachments, as well as the ability to simulate different email delivery scenarios. This makes it easy to test different email templates, verify that emails are being sent to the correct recipients, and ensure that emails are being delivered correctly.

Finally, MailHog is easy to set up and use. It can be installed as a standalone application or as a Docker container, and it integrates seamlessly with Ruby on Rails and other web frameworks. This makes it an essential tool for any developer who needs to test email functionality in their web application.


To complete the "Testing Emails in Ruby on Rails using MailHog" tutorial, you will need the following prerequisites:

  1. A basic understanding of Ruby on Rails and web development concepts such as MVC architecture, routing, and views.
  2. A working installation of Ruby on Rails and a code editor such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text.
  3. A working installation of MailHog. This can be installed as a standalone application or as a Docker container.
  4. A basic understanding of SMTP and email protocols.
  5. A web browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
  6. Basic knowledge of the command line interface and how to run Rails commands.

Ruby on Rails MailHog step by step setup and configuration

Integrating MailHog into a Ruby on Rails project is a straightforward process that involves configuring the application to use MailHog as the SMTP server. To do this, we need to make some changes to the config/environments/development.rb file.

Firstly, we need to set the delivery method to SMTP and configure the SMTP settings to use MailHog. We can do this by adding the following code block to the development.rb file:

config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
  address: 'localhost',
  port: 1025

This tells Rails to use SMTP as the delivery method and to use MailHog as the SMTP server. The address is set to localhost because MailHog is running on the same machine as the Rails application. The port is set to 1025 because that is the default port used by MailHog.

Next, we need to configure the default URL options for the mailer. This is necessary because Rails needs to know the default URL for the application when generating links in emails. We can do this by adding the following code block to the development.rb file:

config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: 'localhost', port: 3000 }

This sets the default URL options to localhost:3000, which is the default URL for a Rails application running on the local machine.

Finally, we need to start MailHog. If you have installed MailHog as a standalone application, you can start it by running the following command in the terminal:

$ mailhog

If you have installed MailHog as a Docker container, you can start it by running the following command in the terminal:

$ docker run -d -p 1025:1025 -p 8025:8025 mailhog/mailhog

Once MailHog is running, you can start sending emails from your Rails application and they will be intercepted by MailHog for testing.

MailHog configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here are the MailHog configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration with their short explanation:

  1. config.action_mailer.delivery_method: This option sets the delivery method for the mailer. In the case of MailHog, it should be set to :smtp.

  2. config.action_mailer.smtp_settings: This option sets the SMTP settings for the mailer. For MailHog, it should be set to the following:

config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
  address: 'localhost',
  port: 1025
  1. config.action_mailer.default_url_options: This option sets the default URL options for the mailer. It should be set to the URL of the Rails application, such as localhost:3000.

  2. config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors: This option determines whether delivery errors should be raised as exceptions. It should be set to true for testing purposes.

  3. config.action_mailer.perform_caching: This option determines whether emails should be cached. It should be set to false for testing purposes.

  4. config.action_mailer.preview_path: This option sets the path to the email previews. It is not necessary for MailHog integration.

  5. config.action_mailer.show_previews: This option determines whether email previews should be shown. It is not necessary for MailHog integration.

  6. config.action_mailer.logger: This option sets the logger for the mailer. It is not necessary for MailHog integration.

  7. config.action_mailer.logger_options: This option sets the logger options for the mailer. It is not necessary for MailHog integration.

Overall, these configuration options are essential for integrating MailHog into a Ruby on Rails application and testing email functionality during development.


In conclusion, MailHog is a powerful tool that makes testing emails in Ruby on Rails much easier. By intercepting emails sent by the application and displaying them in a web interface, MailHog allows developers to test email functionality without actually sending emails to real users. This is essential for preventing spamming real users and cluttering up inboxes with test emails.

In this tutorial, we explored how to use MailHog to test emails in Ruby on Rails. We started by setting up MailHog and configuring our Rails application to use it. Then, we created a sample application that sends emails and used MailHog to test them. We also explored some of the useful features provided by MailHog, such as the ability to view email content, headers, and attachments, as well as the ability to simulate different email delivery scenarios.

Overall, MailHog is an essential tool for any developer who needs to test email functionality in their Ruby on Rails application. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily integrate MailHog into your application and ensure that your emails are being delivered correctly.

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