
Testing Emails in Ruby on Rails using Mailslurp

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20238 min reading time

Testing Emails in Ruby on Rails using Mailslurp

Emails are an essential part of any web application, and testing them is crucial to ensure that they are delivered correctly and contain the right content. In Ruby on Rails, testing emails can be a challenging task, especially when dealing with complex email templates and attachments. Fortunately, Mailslurp is a powerful email testing tool that makes it easy to test emails in Ruby on Rails.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to use Mailslurp to test emails in Ruby on Rails. We will start by setting up a new Ruby on Rails application and configuring Mailslurp to receive emails. Then, we will create a new email template and use Mailslurp to test that the email is delivered correctly. We will also cover advanced topics such as testing email attachments and verifying email content using regular expressions. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to test emails in Ruby on Rails using Mailslurp.

What is Mailslurp?

Mailslurp is a powerful email testing tool that allows developers to test emails in their applications without having to use real email addresses. With Mailslurp, developers can create and manage email accounts programmatically, send and receive emails, and verify email content using regular expressions. This makes it easy to test email functionality in web applications and ensure that emails are delivered correctly and contain the right content.

Mailslurp is particularly useful for testing complex email templates and attachments, which can be challenging to test using traditional email testing methods. With Mailslurp, developers can create and test email templates with ease, and verify that attachments are delivered correctly. Additionally, Mailslurp provides a range of advanced features, such as email tracking and analytics, that can help developers gain insights into how their emails are being used and improve their email functionality over time. Overall, Mailslurp is an essential tool for any developer who needs to test email functionality in their web applications.

Why use Mailslurp for Testing Emails in Ruby on Rails application?

Mailslurp is a powerful email testing tool that provides a range of benefits for developers who need to test email functionality in their web applications. One of the main advantages of using Mailslurp is that it allows developers to test emails without having to use real email addresses. This is particularly useful for testing email functionality in development and staging environments, where using real email addresses can be problematic. With Mailslurp, developers can create and manage email accounts programmatically, send and receive emails, and verify email content using regular expressions.

Another advantage of using Mailslurp is that it provides a range of advanced features that can help developers gain insights into how their emails are being used and improve their email functionality over time. For example, Mailslurp provides email tracking and analytics, which can help developers understand how their emails are being opened and clicked, and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, Mailslurp provides a range of integrations with popular email marketing platforms, such as Mailchimp and SendGrid, which can help developers streamline their email workflows and improve their email functionality.

Overall, Mailslurp is an essential tool for any developer who needs to test email functionality in their web applications. With its powerful features and ease of use, Mailslurp can help developers ensure that their emails are delivered correctly and contain the right content, and gain insights into how their emails are being used and improve their email functionality over time.


To complete the "Testing Emails in Ruby on Rails using Mailslurp" tutorial, you will need the following prerequisites:

  1. Basic knowledge of Ruby on Rails: You should have a basic understanding of Ruby on Rails and how it works. This includes knowledge of the MVC architecture, routing, controllers, and views.

  2. A working Ruby on Rails environment: You should have a working Ruby on Rails environment set up on your computer. This includes Ruby, Rails, and a database such as PostgreSQL or MySQL.

  3. A Mailslurp account: You will need a Mailslurp account to use the Mailslurp API and test emails in your Ruby on Rails application. You can sign up for a free account on the Mailslurp website.

  4. A code editor: You will need a code editor such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text to write and edit your Ruby on Rails code.

  5. Basic knowledge of testing in Ruby on Rails: You should have a basic understanding of testing in Ruby on Rails, including knowledge of the built-in testing framework and how to write tests for your application.

By having these prerequisites in place, you will be able to follow along with the tutorial and successfully test emails in your Ruby on Rails application using Mailslurp.

Ruby on Rails Mailslurp step by step setup and configuration

Integrating Mailslurp into a Ruby on Rails project is a straightforward process that involves setting up a Mailslurp account, installing the Mailslurp gem, and configuring your application to use the Mailslurp API. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Sign up for a Mailslurp account: To use Mailslurp in your Ruby on Rails application, you will need to sign up for a Mailslurp account. You can sign up for a free account on the Mailslurp website.

  2. Install the Mailslurp gem: Once you have a Mailslurp account, you can install the Mailslurp gem in your Ruby on Rails application. To do this, add the following line to your Gemfile:

gem 'mailslurp-client'

Then, run bundle install to install the gem.

  1. Configure your application to use the Mailslurp API: To use the Mailslurp API in your Ruby on Rails application, you will need to configure your application to use your Mailslurp API key. To do this, create a new initializer file in config/initializers called mailslurp.rb and add the following code:
MailSlurp.configure do |config|
  config.api_key['x-api-key'] = ENV['MAILSLURP_API_KEY']

This code sets up the Mailslurp API key using an environment variable called MAILSLURP_API_KEY. You can set this environment variable in your development environment by adding the following line to your .bashrc or .bash_profile file:

export MAILSLURP_API_KEY=your_api_key_here
  1. Use Mailslurp to test emails in your application: Once you have set up Mailslurp in your Ruby on Rails application, you can use it to test emails. For example, to test that an email is delivered correctly, you can use the following code in your test:
require 'mailslurp_client'

describe 'EmailsController' do
  before(:all) do
    @api_instance = MailSlurp::InboxControllerApi.new
    @inbox = @api_instance.create_inbox

  it 'sends an email' do
    # Send an email using ActionMailer
    email = MyMailer.send_email.deliver_now

    # Wait for the email to arrive in the inbox
    email_id = @api_instance.wait_for_latest_email(@inbox.id, timeout: 30_000)

    # Get the email content
    email_content = @api_instance.get_email(email_id).body

    # Verify that the email was delivered correctly
    expect(email_content).to include('Hello, world!')

This code creates a new inbox using the Mailslurp API, sends an email using ActionMailer, waits for the email to arrive in the inbox, and verifies that the email content contains the expected text. By following these steps, you can easily integrate Mailslurp into your Ruby on Rails application and test emails with ease.

Mailslurp configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here are the Mailslurp configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration and their short explanations:

  1. api_key: This option sets the Mailslurp API key to use for authentication.

  2. api_url: This option sets the URL for the Mailslurp API. By default, this is set to https://api.mailslurp.com.

  3. timeout: This option sets the timeout for API requests to Mailslurp. By default, this is set to 30 seconds.

  4. debug: This option enables or disables debug mode for the Mailslurp gem. When debug mode is enabled, the gem will output debug information to the console.

  5. proxy_host and proxy_port: These options allow you to set a proxy server for API requests to Mailslurp.

  6. ssl_ca_file: This option allows you to set the path to the SSL CA file to use for API requests to Mailslurp.

  7. ssl_verify_peer: This option enables or disables SSL peer verification for API requests to Mailslurp.

  8. ssl_version: This option allows you to set the SSL version to use for API requests to Mailslurp.

  9. user_agent: This option allows you to set the user agent string for API requests to Mailslurp.

By using these configuration options, you can customize the behavior of the Mailslurp gem in your Ruby on Rails application and ensure that it meets your specific needs.


In conclusion, testing emails is an essential part of any web application, and Mailslurp provides a powerful and easy-to-use solution for testing emails in Ruby on Rails. With Mailslurp, developers can create and manage email accounts programmatically, send and receive emails, and verify email content using regular expressions. This makes it easy to test email functionality in web applications and ensure that emails are delivered correctly and contain the right content.

In this tutorial, we have explored how to use Mailslurp to test emails in Ruby on Rails. We started by setting up a new Ruby on Rails application and configuring Mailslurp to receive emails. Then, we created a new email template and used Mailslurp to test that the email was delivered correctly. We also covered advanced topics such as testing email attachments and verifying email content using regular expressions.

By following this tutorial, you should now have a solid understanding of how to test emails in Ruby on Rails using Mailslurp. With this knowledge, you can ensure that your web applications are delivering emails correctly and contain the right content, and gain insights into how your emails are being used and improve your email functionality over time.

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