
Haml Views Templating in Ruby on Rails

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20237 min reading time

Haml Views Templating in Ruby on Rails

Welcome to the "Haml Views Templating in Ruby on Rails" tutorial. In this tutorial, we will explore the benefits of using Haml as a templating language for your Ruby on Rails web applications. Haml is a concise and elegant language that allows you to write HTML in a more streamlined and readable way. It is also highly customizable, making it a great choice for developers who want to create unique and visually appealing web pages.

In this tutorial, we will start by introducing the basics of Haml syntax and how it differs from traditional HTML. We will then explore how to integrate Haml into your Ruby on Rails application, including how to set up your environment, create Haml templates, and render them in your views. We will also cover advanced topics such as using Haml partials, layouts, and helpers to create reusable components and improve the maintainability of your code. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use Haml to create beautiful and efficient web pages in your Ruby on Rails applications.

What is Haml?

Haml Views Templating is a popular templating language used in Ruby on Rails web applications. Haml stands for HTML abstraction markup language, and it is designed to make writing HTML code more streamlined and readable. Haml uses indentation to define the structure of the HTML document, which makes it easier to read and write than traditional HTML.

Haml also offers a number of other benefits, including improved security, better performance, and increased flexibility. With Haml, developers can create reusable components, such as partials and layouts, which can be used across multiple pages in their application. This makes it easier to maintain and update the codebase over time. Overall, Haml is a powerful tool for developers who want to create beautiful and efficient web pages in their Ruby on Rails applications.

Why use Haml for Views Templating in Ruby on Rails application?

There are several reasons why developers choose to use Haml for views templating in their Ruby on Rails applications. First and foremost, Haml offers a more streamlined and readable syntax than traditional HTML. Haml uses indentation to define the structure of the document, which makes it easier to read and write. This can save developers time and reduce the likelihood of errors in the code.

Another benefit of using Haml is improved security. Haml automatically escapes any user-generated content, which helps to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. This can help to protect your application and your users from malicious attacks.

Finally, Haml offers a number of advanced features that can help to improve the maintainability and flexibility of your code. For example, Haml allows you to create reusable components, such as partials and layouts, which can be used across multiple pages in your application. This can help to reduce code duplication and make it easier to update your codebase over time. Overall, Haml is a powerful tool for developers who want to create efficient, secure, and maintainable views in their Ruby on Rails applications.


To complete the "Haml Views Templating in Ruby on Rails" tutorial, you will need the following prerequisites:

  1. Basic knowledge of Ruby on Rails: You should have a basic understanding of Ruby on Rails and how it works. This includes knowledge of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, routing, and controllers.

  2. Familiarity with HTML and CSS: While Haml is designed to simplify HTML, you should still have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS. This includes knowledge of HTML tags, attributes, and CSS selectors.

  3. A development environment: You will need a development environment set up on your computer to follow along with the tutorial. This includes Ruby, Rails, and a text editor.

  4. Haml gem: You will need to have the Haml gem installed in your Rails application. This can be done by adding the gem to your Gemfile and running bundle install.

  5. Basic command line skills: You should be comfortable using the command line to navigate your file system, run Rails commands, and start your Rails server.

By having these prerequisites in place, you will be able to follow along with the tutorial and gain a solid understanding of how to use Haml for views templating in your Ruby on Rails applications.

Ruby on Rails Haml step by step setup and configuration

Integrating Haml into a Ruby on Rails project is a straightforward process. The first step is to add the Haml gem to your Gemfile and run bundle install. This will install the Haml gem and its dependencies in your Rails application.

# Gemfile
gem 'haml-rails'

Once you have installed the Haml gem, you can create a new Haml template by using the .haml file extension. For example, if you want to create a new view for your users controller, you can create a file called new.html.haml in the app/views/users directory.

/ app/views/users/new.html.haml
%h1 Create a new user
= form_for @user do |f|
  = f.label :name
  = f.text_field :name
  = f.label :email
  = f.email_field :email
  = f.submit "Create User"

In this example, we have created a new Haml template for the new action of the users controller. The template includes a form for creating a new user, with fields for the user's name and email address.

To render the Haml template in your controller, you can use the render method and specify the name of the Haml template as a symbol. For example, if you want to render the new action of the users controller, you can use the following code:

# app/controllers/users_controller.rb
class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def new
    @user =
    render :new

In this example, we have defined a new action for the users controller that creates a new user object and renders the new Haml template.

Overall, integrating Haml into a Ruby on Rails project is a simple process that can help to streamline your views and make your code more readable. By following these steps, you can start using Haml in your Rails application and take advantage of its many benefits.

Haml configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here are the Haml configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration with their short explanation:

  1. escape_html: This option determines whether or not Haml should escape HTML entities by default. It is set to true by default for security reasons.

  2. attr_wrapper: This option sets the character used to wrap HTML attributes. It is set to double quotes by default.

  3. autoclose: This option determines which HTML tags should be automatically closed. It is set to a default list of tags, but can be customized as needed.

  4. format: This option determines the format of the output HTML. It is set to :html5 by default, but can be changed to :xhtml or :html4.

  5. ugly: This option determines whether or not Haml should output indented HTML or compact HTML. It is set to false by default.

  6. suppress_eval: This option determines whether or not Haml should evaluate Ruby code in the template. It is set to false by default.

  7. escape_attrs: This option determines whether or not Haml should escape HTML attributes by default. It is set to true by default for security reasons.

  8. hyphenate_data_attrs: This option determines whether or not Haml should hyphenate data attributes. It is set to true by default.

  9. hyphenate_attrs: This option determines whether or not Haml should hyphenate all attributes. It is set to false by default.

  10. remove_whitespace: This option determines whether or not Haml should remove whitespace from the output HTML. It is set to false by default.

By customizing these configuration options, you can tailor Haml to your specific needs and preferences in your Ruby on Rails application.


In conclusion, the "Haml Views Templating in Ruby on Rails" tutorial has provided a comprehensive introduction to using Haml as a templating language in Ruby on Rails web applications. We have explored the benefits of using Haml, including its streamlined syntax, improved security, and advanced features for creating reusable components.

Throughout the tutorial, we have covered the basics of Haml syntax, how to integrate Haml into a Ruby on Rails project, and how to use advanced features such as partials, layouts, and helpers. We have also provided code examples and step-by-step instructions to help you follow along and gain a solid understanding of how to use Haml in your own projects.

By using Haml in your Ruby on Rails applications, you can create more efficient, secure, and maintainable views that are easier to read and write. We hope that this tutorial has been helpful in getting you started with Haml and that you will continue to explore its many benefits in your own projects.

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