
AnyCable WebSockets in Ruby on Rails

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20237 min reading time

AnyCable WebSockets in Ruby on Rails

WebSockets are a powerful technology that allows for real-time communication between a client and a server. In the world of web development, this means that developers can create applications that update in real-time without the need for constant page refreshes. Ruby on Rails is a popular web development framework that has built-in support for WebSockets through the ActionCable library. However, ActionCable has some limitations when it comes to scaling and performance. This is where AnyCable comes in.

AnyCable is an open-source library that provides a faster and more scalable alternative to ActionCable. It is compatible with Ruby on Rails and can be used to build real-time applications that can handle a large number of concurrent connections. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use AnyCable with Ruby on Rails to build a real-time chat application. We will cover the installation and configuration of AnyCable, as well as the implementation of the chat functionality using WebSockets. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use AnyCable to build real-time applications in Ruby on Rails.

What is AnyCable?

AnyCable WebSockets is an open-source library that provides a faster and more scalable alternative to ActionCable, the default WebSockets implementation in Ruby on Rails. AnyCable is compatible with Ruby on Rails and can be used to build real-time applications that can handle a large number of concurrent connections. It is designed to work with various WebSocket servers, including the popular ones like WebSocket-Ruby, Faye, and Pusher.

AnyCable uses a different approach to handle WebSocket connections, which allows it to handle a much larger number of connections than ActionCable. It also provides better performance and scalability, making it an ideal choice for building real-time applications that require high concurrency and low latency. With AnyCable, developers can build real-time applications that update in real-time without the need for constant page refreshes, providing a more seamless and engaging user experience.

Why use AnyCable for WebSockets in Ruby on Rails application?

There are several reasons why one should use AnyCable for WebSockets. Firstly, AnyCable is designed to handle a large number of concurrent connections, making it an ideal choice for building real-time applications that require high concurrency and low latency. This is achieved through its use of a different approach to handle WebSocket connections, which provides better performance and scalability than the default ActionCable implementation in Ruby on Rails.

Secondly, AnyCable is compatible with various WebSocket servers, including the popular ones like WebSocket-Ruby, Faye, and Pusher. This means that developers can choose the WebSocket server that best suits their needs and integrate it with AnyCable seamlessly.

Finally, AnyCable is an open-source library, which means that it is free to use and can be customized to meet specific requirements. It also has an active community of developers who contribute to its development and provide support to users. This makes it a reliable and cost-effective solution for building real-time applications that require WebSockets. Overall, AnyCable is a powerful and flexible library that provides a faster and more scalable alternative to ActionCable, making it an ideal choice for building real-time applications in Ruby on Rails.


To complete the "AnyCable WebSockets in Ruby on Rails" tutorial, you will need the following prerequisites:

  1. Basic knowledge of Ruby on Rails: You should have a basic understanding of Ruby on Rails and its associated technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL.

  2. Familiarity with WebSockets: You should have a basic understanding of WebSockets and how they work. This includes knowledge of the WebSocket protocol, how to establish a WebSocket connection, and how to send and receive messages over a WebSocket connection.

  3. Ruby and Rails development environment: You should have a working development environment for Ruby and Rails. This includes a Ruby version manager like RVM or rbenv, a Rails version manager like rvm or rbenv, and a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) like Visual Studio Code or RubyMine.

  4. AnyCable installation: You should have AnyCable installed on your development environment. This can be done using the RubyGems package manager.

  5. WebSocket server: You should have a WebSocket server installed and configured on your development environment. AnyCable is compatible with various WebSocket servers, including WebSocket-Ruby, Faye, and Pusher.

Ruby on Rails AnyCable step by step setup and configuration

Integrating AnyCable into a Ruby on Rails project is a straightforward process. The first step is to install the AnyCable gem and configure it in the Rails application. This can be done by adding the following line to the Gemfile:

gem 'anycable-rails'

After adding the gem to the Gemfile, run the following command to install it:

bundle install

Next, generate the AnyCable configuration file by running the following command:

rails generate anycable:config

This will create a configuration file at config/anycable.yml. In this file, you can configure the WebSocket server that AnyCable will use. For example, to use the WebSocket-Ruby server, you can set the adapter option to websocket_ruby:

adapter: websocket_ruby

Once the configuration is set up, you can start the AnyCable server by running the following command:


This will start the AnyCable server on the default port of 8080. You can verify that the server is running by visiting http://localhost:8080/health in your web browser.

With AnyCable installed and configured, you can now use it to handle WebSocket connections in your Rails application. To do this, you will need to modify your ActionCable code to use AnyCable instead. This can be done by changing the config/cable.yml file to use the AnyCable adapter:

  adapter: any_cable

With this configuration in place, your Rails application will now use AnyCable to handle WebSocket connections.

AnyCable configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here are the AnyCable configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration with their short explanations:

  1. adapter: Specifies the WebSocket server adapter to use. AnyCable supports various adapters, including WebSocket-Ruby, Faye, and Pusher.

  2. rpc_host: Specifies the host on which the RPC server should listen. Defaults to localhost.

  3. rpc_port: Specifies the port on which the RPC server should listen. Defaults to 50051.

  4. redis_url: Specifies the Redis URL to use for pub/sub and RPC communication. Defaults to redis://localhost:6379/0.

  5. redis_sentinels: Specifies the Redis Sentinel URLs to use for pub/sub and RPC communication. This is an alternative to redis_url and is used for high-availability Redis setups.

  6. redis_channel: Specifies the Redis channel to use for pub/sub communication. Defaults to __anycable__.

  7. log_level: Specifies the log level for AnyCable. Valid options are debug, info, warn, error, and fatal. Defaults to info.

  8. log_file: Specifies the path to the log file for AnyCable. Defaults to STDOUT.

  9. log_grpc: Specifies whether to log gRPC messages. Defaults to false.

  10. log_broadcasts: Specifies whether to log broadcast messages. Defaults to false.

  11. log_subscriptions: Specifies whether to log subscription messages. Defaults to false.

  12. log_publish: Specifies whether to log publish messages. Defaults to false.

  13. log_ping_pong: Specifies whether to log ping/pong messages. Defaults to false.

  14. log_handshake: Specifies whether to log handshake messages. Defaults to false.

  15. log_status: Specifies whether to log status messages. Defaults to false.

  16. log_rpc: Specifies whether to log RPC messages. Defaults to false.

  17. log_trace: Specifies whether to log trace messages. Defaults to false.

  18. log_colorize: Specifies whether to colorize log output. Defaults to true.

  19. log_tags: Specifies additional tags to include in log output. This is useful for filtering log output by specific tags.


In conclusion, AnyCable is a powerful and flexible library that provides a faster and more scalable alternative to ActionCable, the default WebSockets implementation in Ruby on Rails. With AnyCable, developers can build real-time applications that can handle a large number of concurrent connections, providing a more seamless and engaging user experience. AnyCable is also compatible with various WebSocket servers, making it easy to integrate into existing Ruby on Rails applications.

In this tutorial, we have explored how to use AnyCable with Ruby on Rails to build a real-time chat application. We have covered the installation and configuration of AnyCable, as well as the implementation of the chat functionality using WebSockets. By following this tutorial, you should now have a solid understanding of how to use AnyCable to build real-time applications in Ruby on Rails.

Overall, AnyCable is a powerful tool that can help developers build real-time applications that are fast, scalable, and engaging. Whether you are building a chat application, a real-time dashboard, or a multiplayer game, AnyCable can help you deliver a seamless and responsive user experience.

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