OpenResty Dashboard Administration

OpenResty Dashboard (formerly known as Sumory) is an open source dashboard for managing and monitoring OpenResty servers, it helps to manage and monitor multiple OpenResty servers and visualize real-time data.

#What is OpenResty Dashboard?

OpenResty Dashboard is an open-source admin panel built with Lua language that runs on top of the OpenResty web platform. It aims to provide a simple and efficient way to manage and monitor the OpenResty web server.

#OpenResty Dashboard Key Features

Most recognizable OpenResty Dashboard features include:

  • Real-time monitoring of web server requests, errors, and other statistics.
  • User-friendly interface for configuring and managing server settings and plugins.
  • Customizable dashboard with support for widgets and themes.
  • Support for SSL/TLS encryption and basic authentication.
  • Built-in Lua code editor and console for advanced users.
  • Plugin system for extending the functionality of the admin panel.

#OpenResty Dashboard Use-Cases

Some of the OpenResty Dashboard use-cases are:

  • Monitoring and managing web servers in production environments.
  • Debugging and profiling Lua code running on OpenResty.
  • Developing and testing web applications with OpenResty.
  • Providing a user-friendly interface for non-technical users to manage server settings and configurations.

#OpenResty Dashboard Summary

OpenResty Dashboard is a Lua-based admin panel that provides real-time monitoring and management capabilities for OpenResty web servers, with support for customization and extensibility through a plugin system.

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