plasmic Content Management System

Plasmic is a visual builder for React. Design with real components, not hand-waving code.

#What is plasmic?

Plasmic is a drag-and-drop visual builder that is designed to make it easy for developers, designers, and marketers to create custom, responsive user interfaces for websites, applications, and other digital products. It was created to address the challenges of creating and maintaining complex UI components and layouts, and to enable teams to work more collaboratively and efficiently.

#plasmic Key Features

  • Drag-and-drop interface builder with real-time updates
  • Ability to create reusable components and styles
  • Integration with popular frameworks and platforms, such as React, Gatsby, Next.js, and Shopify
  • Collaboration and version control features for team workflows
  • Access to a library of pre-built components and templates
  • Customization options for developers and designers to extend and adapt the platform as needed.

#plasmic Use-Cases

  • Creating custom user interfaces for websites, web applications, and mobile apps
  • Streamlining design-to-development workflows and reducing handoff time
  • Enabling non-technical team members to contribute to UI design and development
  • Building and maintaining complex UI components and layouts more efficiently and effectively
  • Integrating with existing development workflows and tools to enhance productivity and collaboration
  • Empowering teams to create and iterate on designs more rapidly and with greater precision.

#plasmic Summary

Plasmic is a visual builder designed to simplify the creation of complex user interfaces, increase collaboration and efficiency across teams, and integrate with popular development frameworks and platforms.

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Simplify project configuration.
DRY during initialization.
Prevent the technical debt, easily.

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