JSONAPI RB Data Serialization

A Ruby implementation of the JSON API specification.

#What is JSONAPI RB?

JSONAPI RB is a Ruby library for serializing JSON data, which follows the JSON API specification. It allows you to define serializers to convert your Ruby objects into JSON API-compliant data, making it easier to build APIs that conform to the JSON API standard.

#JSONAPI RB Key Features

Some of the most recognizable features of JSONAPI RB include:

  • Support for the JSON API specification
  • Ability to define custom serializers for Ruby objects
  • Support for included resources and links
  • Easy integration with Rails applications
  • Built-in caching support for serialized data
  • Ability to customize the serialized output with options and configuration settings


Some use cases for JSONAPI RB include:

  • Building APIs that conform to the JSON API specification
  • Simplifying the process of serializing complex Ruby objects into JSON data
  • Integrating with other Ruby and Rails libraries to build web applications and APIs


JSONAPI RB is a powerful Ruby library for serializing JSON data that follows the JSON API specification. It provides an easy-to-use interface for defining custom serializers and integrating with Rails applications, making it an excellent choice for building APIs that conform to the JSON API standard.

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