Apache Derby Database

Apache Derby is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by the Apache Software Foundation. It is written in Java and provides JDBC and ODBC APIs for application access.

#What is Apache Derby?

Apache Derby is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that is fully written in Java. It can be embedded into Java applications or can be run as a standalone database server. It is an open-source project, and it is distributed under the Apache License.

#Apache Derby Key Features

Here are some of the most recognizable features of Apache Derby:

  • Embeddable: It can be embedded into Java applications, which means that there is no need to install a separate database server.
  • Small footprint: The size of the database engine is small, which makes it suitable for mobile devices and small applications.
  • ACID compliance: Apache Derby is fully ACID-compliant, which means that it ensures data consistency and reliability.
  • Multi-user support: Multiple users can access the database simultaneously, and the database engine manages concurrent access to the data.
  • Cross-platform: It can run on any platform that supports Java.
  • Java-based: Being written in Java, Apache Derby is a pure Java application and does not rely on any specific operating system.

#Apache Derby Use-Cases

Here are some of the most common use cases for Apache Derby:

  • Embedded databases: It is suitable for small to medium-sized applications that require an embedded database.
  • Java-based applications: Java developers can use Apache Derby in their Java applications, either embedded or as a standalone database server.
  • Educational purposes: It is a good tool for learning SQL and database concepts due to its small size and ease of use.

#Apache Derby Summary

Apache Derby is a lightweight and embeddable relational database management system that is fully written in Java and is suitable for small to medium-sized applications that require an embedded database.

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