Pug File Templating

Pug (formerly known as Jade) is a high-performance template engine heavily influenced by Haml and implemented with JavaScript for Node.js and browsers.

#What is Pug?

Pug, formerly known as Jade, is a high-performance template engine for JavaScript, Node.js, and beyond. Pug uses a simplified syntax to generate HTML markup in a clean and concise way. It is particularly useful for creating dynamic web pages with complex content structures and dynamic data.

#Pug Key Features

Here are some of the most recognizable features of Pug:

  • Uses indentation-based syntax, which makes the markup easier to read and write.
  • Supports template inheritance, allowing you to create reusable templates that can be extended and customized as needed.
  • Supports a wide range of features, including variables, conditionals, loops, mixins, and filters.
  • Has a built-in debugger that allows you to easily troubleshoot issues with your templates.
  • Can be used both on the server-side and client-side, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of applications.
  • Has a large and active community, with many resources and plugins available to help you get started.

#Pug Use-Cases

Here are some of the most common use cases for Pug:

  • Generating HTML markup for dynamic web pages, particularly those with complex content structures and dynamic data.
  • Creating reusable templates that can be extended and customized as needed.
  • Building server-side applications using Node.js, particularly those that involve generating HTML output.
  • Creating client-side applications using JavaScript frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue.js.
  • Generating static websites using tools like Gatsby and Jekyll.
  • Integrating Pug with other technologies like Sass, Less, and Stylus to create more powerful and flexible front-end workflows.

#Pug Summary

Pug is a high-performance template engine that simplifies the process of generating HTML markup for dynamic web pages. With its simplified syntax, template inheritance, and extensive feature set, Pug is a versatile tool that can be used for a wide range of applications, both on the server-side and client-side.

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