Linaria Ui Kit

Zero-runtime CSS in JS library.

#What is Linaria?

Linaria is a UI kit designed for React applications that provides a way to style components using CSS-in-JS. It offers an easy-to-use API and allows for efficient code sharing between designers and developers. One of the key benefits of using Linaria is that it reduces the CSS code’s size by extracting only the necessary styles for each component, which can lead to faster page load times.

#Linaria Key Features

Most recognizable Linaria features include:

  • Supports server-side rendering
  • Has a small footprint and is lightweight
  • Provides type safety through TypeScript
  • Enables vendor prefixing for CSS properties
  • Supports CSS variables
  • Allows for dynamic styling with props

#Linaria Use-Cases

Some of the Linaria use-cases are:

  • Developing React applications that require efficient and scalable styling solutions
  • Creating components that need to be shared across multiple projects
  • Building web applications that need to be optimized for performance and page load times

#Linaria Summary

Linaria is a lightweight and efficient UI kit designed for React applications that offers type safety, dynamic styling, and vendor prefixing. Its CSS-in-JS approach allows for efficient code sharing between designers and developers while reducing the CSS code’s size and improving performance.

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