Catch2 Unit Tests

Catch2 is a cross-platform, open-source C++ testing framework that is easy to use and supports modern C++ features. It provides expressive assertion macros and plugins to extend functionality.

#What is Catch2?

Catch2 is a modern, header-only C++ unit testing framework that aims to be simple to use, yet powerful and expressive. It is designed to provide an intuitive syntax for writing tests and supports a wide range of test scenarios, from simple unit tests to complex integration tests.

#Catch2 Key Features

Most recognizable Catch2 features include:

  • Expressive syntax: Catch2 provides an expressive syntax for writing tests, with a range of built-in assertions and the ability to create custom assertions.
  • Test cases and sections: Tests can be organized into test cases and sections, making it easy to group related tests together.
  • BDD-style testing: Catch2 supports Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) style testing, allowing tests to be written in a more natural, human-readable style.

#Catch2 Use-Cases

Some of the Catch2 use-cases are:

  • Unit testing: Catch2 can be used to test individual units of code, such as functions or classes, to ensure they behave correctly.
  • Integration testing: Catch2 can be used to test how multiple components or modules of a system interact with each other.
  • TDD: Catch2 can be used in a Test-Driven Development (TDD) workflow, where tests are written before the code, ensuring that code is written to meet specific requirements.

#Catch2 Summary

Catch2 is a header-only C++ unit testing framework that provides an expressive syntax for writing tests, with features such as test cases and sections and support for BDD-style testing. It can be used for unit testing, integration testing, and TDD.

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