
Amplitude Analytics in React Next.js

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20238 min reading time

Amplitude Analytics in React Next.js

Amplitude Analytics is a powerful tool that allows developers to track user behavior and gain insights into how their application is being used. When combined with React and Next.js, developers can create a seamless user experience while also collecting valuable data that can be used to improve their application. In this tutorial, we will explore how to integrate Amplitude Analytics into a React Next.js application.

Throughout this tutorial, we will cover the basics of Amplitude Analytics and how it can be used to track user behavior. We will then dive into the specifics of integrating Amplitude Analytics into a React Next.js application, including how to set up the Amplitude SDK and how to track user events. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use Amplitude Analytics in your React Next.js application, allowing you to gain valuable insights into how your users are interacting with your application.

What is Amplitude?

Amplitude Analytics is a powerful analytics tool that allows developers to track user behavior and gain insights into how their application is being used. It provides a comprehensive set of features that enable developers to understand user engagement, retention, and conversion rates. With Amplitude Analytics, developers can track user actions, such as clicks, page views, and form submissions, and analyze this data to gain insights into user behavior.

Amplitude Analytics is designed to be easy to use, with a user-friendly interface that allows developers to quickly set up tracking and start collecting data. It also provides a range of tools for data analysis, including dashboards, funnels, and segmentation, which enable developers to gain a deeper understanding of user behavior and identify areas for improvement. Overall, Amplitude Analytics is an essential tool for any developer looking to gain insights into how their application is being used and improve the user experience.

Why use Amplitude for Analytics in React Next.js application?

There are several reasons why one should use Amplitude for analytics. Firstly, Amplitude provides a comprehensive set of features that enable developers to track user behavior and gain insights into how their application is being used. This includes tracking user actions, such as clicks, page views, and form submissions, and analyzing this data to gain insights into user behavior. Amplitude also provides a range of tools for data analysis, including dashboards, funnels, and segmentation, which enable developers to gain a deeper understanding of user behavior and identify areas for improvement.

Secondly, Amplitude is designed to be easy to use, with a user-friendly interface that allows developers to quickly set up tracking and start collecting data. This makes it an ideal tool for developers who want to gain insights into user behavior without spending a lot of time on setup and configuration. Additionally, Amplitude provides a range of integrations with popular tools and platforms, such as Slack, Salesforce, and Google Analytics, which makes it easy to incorporate analytics into existing workflows.

  • Comprehensive set of features for tracking user behavior
  • Range of tools for data analysis, including dashboards, funnels, and segmentation
  • User-friendly interface for easy setup and configuration
  • Integrations with popular tools and platforms, such as Slack, Salesforce, and Google Analytics.

Overall, Amplitude is an essential tool for any developer looking to gain insights into how their application is being used and improve the user experience. With its comprehensive set of features, user-friendly interface, and range of integrations, Amplitude is a powerful analytics tool that can help developers make data-driven decisions and improve their applications.


To complete the "Amplitude Analytics in React Next.js" tutorial, you will need the following prerequisites:

  • Basic knowledge of React and Next.js
  • A working knowledge of JavaScript and Node.js
  • An Amplitude Analytics account
  • A React Next.js application to integrate Amplitude Analytics into
  • The Amplitude JavaScript SDK installed in your application
  • A basic understanding of how to use the Amplitude Analytics dashboard and tools for data analysis

It is recommended that you have a solid understanding of React and Next.js before attempting to integrate Amplitude Analytics into your application. Additionally, you will need to have an Amplitude Analytics account set up and the Amplitude JavaScript SDK installed in your application. Finally, a basic understanding of how to use the Amplitude Analytics dashboard and tools for data analysis will be helpful in understanding how to use the data collected by Amplitude Analytics.

React Next.js Amplitude step by step setup and configuration

Integrating Amplitude Analytics into a React Next.js project is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few simple steps. First, you will need to install the Amplitude JavaScript SDK in your project. This can be done using npm or yarn by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install amplitude-js


yarn add amplitude-js

Once the Amplitude SDK is installed, you will need to initialize it with your Amplitude API key. This can be done in your pages/_app.js file, which is the entry point for your Next.js application. Add the following code to your _app.js file:

import amplitude from 'amplitude-js';


Replace YOUR_API_KEY_HERE with your Amplitude API key.

Next, you will need to track user events in your application. This can be done using the amplitude.logEvent() method, which takes an event name and an optional set of event properties. For example, to track a user clicking a button, you could add the following code to your button component:

import amplitude from 'amplitude-js';

function Button() {
  const handleClick = () => {
    amplitude.getInstance().logEvent('Button Clicked', { buttonId: 'my-button' });
    // Your button click logic here

  return <button onClick={handleClick}>Click Me</button>;

This will track a Button Clicked event with a buttonId property set to my-button whenever the button is clicked.

Finally, you can use the Amplitude Analytics dashboard to analyze the data collected by your application. This includes creating dashboards, funnels, and segmentation to gain insights into user behavior. For example, you could create a funnel to track the user journey from signing up to making a purchase, or create a dashboard to track user engagement over time.

Overall, integrating Amplitude Analytics into a React Next.js project is a simple process that can provide valuable insights into user behavior. By following these steps and tracking user events in your application, you can gain a deeper understanding of how your users are interacting with your application and make data-driven decisions to improve the user experience.

Amplitude configuration options in React Next.js

Here are the Amplitude configuration options for React Next.js integration:

  • apiKey: Your Amplitude API key.
  • userId: A unique identifier for the current user.
  • deviceId: A unique identifier for the current device.
  • sessionTimeout: The length of time in milliseconds before a new session is started.
  • trackingOptions: An object containing options for tracking user events, such as whether to track location data or user properties.
  • logLevel: The level of logging to use for debugging purposes.
  • forceHttps: Whether to force HTTPS for all requests.
  • batchEvents: Whether to batch events before sending them to Amplitude.
  • savedMaxCount: The maximum number of events to save in local storage before sending them to Amplitude.
  • saveEvents: Whether to save events in local storage before sending them to Amplitude.
  • includeUtm: Whether to include UTM parameters in event properties.

The apiKey option is required and should be set to your Amplitude API key. The userId and deviceId options are optional but can be used to track user behavior across devices. The sessionTimeout option determines how long a user session lasts before a new session is started.

The trackingOptions option is an object that can be used to configure how user events are tracked. For example, you can use this option to enable or disable tracking of location data or user properties.

The logLevel option determines the level of logging to use for debugging purposes. The forceHttps option can be used to ensure that all requests are made over HTTPS. The batchEvents option can be used to batch events before sending them to Amplitude, which can improve performance. The savedMaxCount and saveEvents options can be used to control how events are saved in local storage before being sent to Amplitude.

Finally, the includeUtm option can be used to include UTM parameters in event properties, which can be useful for tracking the source of user traffic.


In conclusion, integrating Amplitude Analytics into a React Next.js application is a powerful way to gain insights into user behavior and improve the user experience. By tracking user events and analyzing the data collected by Amplitude, developers can make data-driven decisions and identify areas for improvement. With its comprehensive set of features and user-friendly interface, Amplitude is an essential tool for any developer looking to gain insights into how their application is being used.

Throughout this tutorial, we have covered the basics of integrating Amplitude Analytics into a React Next.js application. We have explored how to install the Amplitude SDK, initialize it with your API key, and track user events in your application. We have also discussed the various configuration options available for Amplitude Analytics, which can be used to customize how user events are tracked and analyzed.

By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you should now have a solid understanding of how to integrate Amplitude Analytics into your React Next.js application. With this knowledge, you can start tracking user behavior and gain valuable insights into how your application is being used.

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