
AWS Amplify Backend in React Next.js

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20237 min reading time

AWS Amplify Backend in React Next.js

In today's digital age, building scalable and secure web applications is more important than ever. AWS Amplify is a powerful tool that enables developers to build cloud-powered applications quickly and easily. React Next.js is a popular framework for building server-side rendered React applications. Together, AWS Amplify and React Next.js provide a powerful combination for building modern web applications.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to use AWS Amplify with React Next.js to build a scalable and secure backend for a web application. We will start by setting up a new React Next.js project and integrating AWS Amplify into it. Then, we will explore how to use AWS Amplify to build a serverless backend, including authentication, APIs, and data storage. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use AWS Amplify and React Next.js to build modern, cloud-powered web applications.

What is AWS Amplify?

AWS Amplify Backend is a cloud-based platform that provides a set of tools and services for building scalable and secure backends for web and mobile applications. It offers a wide range of features, including authentication, APIs, data storage, and analytics, that can be easily integrated into your application. With AWS Amplify Backend, developers can focus on building their application's frontend while leaving the backend infrastructure to AWS.

AWS Amplify Backend is designed to be flexible and scalable, allowing developers to easily add or remove features as their application evolves. It also provides a high level of security, with features such as user authentication and authorization, data encryption, and access control. With AWS Amplify Backend, developers can build cloud-powered applications quickly and easily, without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure.

Why use AWS Amplify for Backend in React Next.js application?

There are several reasons why one should use AWS Amplify for backend development. Firstly, AWS Amplify provides a set of pre-built backend services that can be easily integrated into your application, saving developers time and effort. These services include authentication, APIs, data storage, and analytics, among others. By using AWS Amplify, developers can focus on building their application's frontend and business logic, without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure.

Secondly, AWS Amplify is designed to be flexible and scalable, allowing developers to easily add or remove features as their application evolves. This means that developers can start with a simple backend and add more features as their application grows, without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. AWS Amplify also provides a high level of security, with features such as user authentication and authorization, data encryption, and access control.

  • Pre-built backend services, including authentication, APIs, data storage, and analytics
  • Flexible and scalable, allowing developers to easily add or remove features as their application evolves
  • High level of security, with features such as user authentication and authorization, data encryption, and access control.

Overall, AWS Amplify provides a powerful set of tools and services for building scalable and secure backends for web and mobile applications. By using AWS Amplify, developers can save time and effort, focus on building their application's frontend and business logic, and ensure a high level of security for their users.


To complete the "AWS Amplify Backend in React Next.js" tutorial, you will need the following prerequisites:

  • A basic understanding of React and Next.js
  • Node.js and npm installed on your machine
  • An AWS account
  • AWS CLI installed on your machine and configured with your AWS account credentials
  • A basic understanding of AWS Amplify and its services
  • A code editor such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text

It is also recommended that you have some experience with serverless architecture and AWS Lambda, as this tutorial will cover these topics in detail. With these prerequisites in place, you will be well-equipped to follow along with the tutorial and build a scalable and secure backend for your React Next.js application using AWS Amplify.

React Next.js AWS Amplify step by step setup and configuration

Integrating AWS Amplify into a React Next.js project is a straightforward process that involves installing the Amplify CLI, initializing a new Amplify project, and adding the necessary Amplify libraries to your React Next.js project.

Firstly, you need to install the Amplify CLI by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli

Next, you need to initialize a new Amplify project by running the following command in your terminal:

amplify init

This will prompt you to answer a series of questions about your project, such as the name of your project, the type of project, and the default editor. Once you have answered these questions, Amplify will create a new project in your AWS account and generate a configuration file in your project directory.

To add the necessary Amplify libraries to your React Next.js project, you need to install the following packages:

npm install aws-amplify aws-amplify-react

Once these packages are installed, you can import them into your React Next.js project and configure them with your Amplify project settings. For example, you can add the following code to your pages/_app.js file:

import Amplify from 'aws-amplify';
import awsconfig from '../aws-exports';
import { withAuthenticator } from 'aws-amplify-react';


function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return <Component {...pageProps} />

export default withAuthenticator(MyApp);

This code imports the necessary Amplify libraries, configures them with your Amplify project settings, and wraps your application with the withAuthenticator higher-order component, which provides user authentication and authorization functionality. With these steps complete, you have successfully integrated AWS Amplify into your React Next.js project and can start building a scalable and secure backend for your application.

AWS Amplify configuration options in React Next.js

Here are the AWS Amplify configuration options for React Next.js integration:

  • aws_project_region: The AWS region where your Amplify project is located.
  • aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: The Amazon Cognito identity pool ID for your Amplify project.
  • aws_cognito_region: The AWS region where your Amazon Cognito user pool is located.
  • aws_user_pools_id: The Amazon Cognito user pool ID for your Amplify project.
  • aws_user_pools_web_client_id: The Amazon Cognito user pool web client ID for your Amplify project.
  • oauth: An object containing OAuth configuration options, such as domain, scope, and redirectSignIn.
  • aws_appsync_graphqlEndpoint: The AWS AppSync GraphQL endpoint for your Amplify project.
  • aws_appsync_region: The AWS region where your AWS AppSync API is located.
  • aws_appsync_authenticationType: The authentication type for your AWS AppSync API, such as API_KEY, AWS_IAM, or AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS.
  • aws_cloud_logic_custom: An object containing configuration options for your AWS Lambda functions, such as name, description, and runtime.
  • aws_mobile_analytics_app_id: The Amazon Pinpoint app ID for your Amplify project.
  • aws_mobile_analytics_app_region: The AWS region where your Amazon Pinpoint app is located.

These configuration options allow you to customize your AWS Amplify integration with React Next.js to fit your specific project needs. For example, you can configure user authentication and authorization with Amazon Cognito, set up a GraphQL API with AWS AppSync, or track user analytics with Amazon Pinpoint. By using these configuration options, you can build a scalable and secure backend for your React Next.js application with AWS Amplify.


In conclusion, the "AWS Amplify Backend in React Next.js" tutorial provides a comprehensive guide for building a scalable and secure backend for your React Next.js application using AWS Amplify. By following the tutorial, you will learn how to set up a new Amplify project, integrate it with your React Next.js application, and use its pre-built backend services to add authentication, APIs, data storage, and analytics to your application.

Throughout the tutorial, you will also learn about serverless architecture, AWS Lambda, and other AWS services that are essential for building modern cloud-powered applications. By the end of the tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use AWS Amplify and React Next.js to build scalable and secure web applications that can handle a large number of users and data.

Overall, the "AWS Amplify Backend in React Next.js" tutorial is a valuable resource for developers who want to build modern web applications using the latest technologies and best practices. By leveraging the power of AWS Amplify and React Next.js, you can build applications that are scalable, secure, and easy to maintain, while also providing a great user experience for your customers.

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