
dotcms Content Management System in React Next.js

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20238 min reading time

dotcms Content Management System in React Next.js

In today's digital age, content management systems (CMS) have become an essential tool for businesses and organizations to manage their online presence. One such CMS that has gained popularity in recent years is dotCMS. dotCMS is an open-source, Java-based CMS that provides a flexible and scalable platform for managing digital content. In this tutorial, we will explore how to build a dotCMS-powered website using React and Next.js.

React and Next.js are two popular technologies for building modern web applications. React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, while Next.js is a framework for building server-side rendered React applications. By combining the power of dotCMS with the flexibility of React and Next.js, we can create a robust and scalable website that is easy to maintain and update. In this tutorial, we will cover the basics of dotCMS, React, and Next.js, and walk through the process of building a simple website using these technologies. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting out, this tutorial will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to build your own dotCMS-powered website using React and Next.js.

What is dotcms?

dotCMS is a powerful, open-source content management system (CMS) that allows businesses and organizations to manage their digital content with ease. It is built on top of the Java platform and provides a flexible and scalable platform for creating and managing websites, mobile applications, and other digital content. With dotCMS, users can create and manage content, design and customize templates, and publish content to multiple channels, including websites, mobile apps, and social media platforms.

One of the key features of dotCMS is its flexibility. It allows users to create custom content types and workflows, and provides a wide range of tools and integrations to help users manage their content more efficiently. Additionally, dotCMS provides a robust set of APIs that allow developers to integrate with other systems and build custom applications on top of the platform. Overall, dotCMS is a powerful and flexible CMS that provides businesses and organizations with the tools they need to manage their digital content effectively.

Why use dotcms for Content Management System in React Next.js application?

There are several reasons why businesses and organizations should consider using dotCMS as their content management system. Firstly, dotCMS is an open-source platform, which means that it is free to use and can be customized to meet the specific needs of each organization. This makes it an affordable option for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises.

Secondly, dotCMS is a highly flexible platform that can be customized to meet the specific needs of each organization. It provides a wide range of tools and integrations that allow users to create custom content types, workflows, and templates. Additionally, dotCMS provides a robust set of APIs that allow developers to integrate with other systems and build custom applications on top of the platform.

Finally, dotCMS is a scalable platform that can grow with the needs of each organization. It provides a wide range of features and tools that allow users to manage their digital content more efficiently, including content creation and management, workflow management, and publishing to multiple channels. Additionally, dotCMS provides a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for non-technical users to manage their content.

Benefits of using dotCMS:

  • Open-source platform that is free to use and customizable
  • Highly flexible platform that can be customized to meet specific needs
  • Robust set of APIs for integration with other systems and custom application development
  • Scalable platform that can grow with the needs of the organization
  • User-friendly interface for easy content management.


To complete the "dotCMS Content Management System in React Next.js" tutorial, you will need to have the following prerequisites:

  • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Familiarity with React and Next.js
  • A working installation of Node.js and npm
  • A text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) such as Visual Studio Code or WebStorm
  • A basic understanding of dotCMS and its features, including content types, templates, and workflows
  • Access to a dotCMS instance for testing and development purposes.

Having these prerequisites in place will help you to follow along with the tutorial and complete the project successfully. If you are new to any of these technologies or concepts, it may be helpful to review some introductory materials before starting the tutorial.

React Next.js dotcms step by step setup and configuration

Integrating dotCMS into a React Next.js project is a straightforward process that involves setting up a connection to the dotCMS instance and using the dotCMS APIs to retrieve and display content. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Set up a connection to the dotCMS instance: To connect to the dotCMS instance, we need to install the dotcms-rest-api package using npm. This package provides a set of APIs that we can use to interact with the dotCMS instance. We can then create a new instance of the DotCMS class and pass in the URL of the dotCMS instance, as well as the username and password for authentication.
import DotCMS from 'dotcms-rest-api';

const dotCMS = new DotCMS({
  host: '',
  username: 'your-username',
  password: 'your-password'
  1. Retrieve content from dotCMS: Once we have set up the connection to the dotCMS instance, we can use the dotCMS.content.get method to retrieve content from the instance. This method takes a content identifier as its parameter and returns a Promise that resolves to the content data.
const content = await dotCMS.content.get('content-identifier');
  1. Display content in the React Next.js application: Once we have retrieved the content from dotCMS, we can display it in our React Next.js application using standard React components. For example, we can create a Content component that takes the content data as its prop and renders it to the screen.
function Content({ content }) {
  return (
  1. Fetch content on the server-side: To ensure that our content is available when the page is first loaded, we need to fetch it on the server-side using the getInitialProps method provided by Next.js. This method takes a context object as its parameter and returns an object that will be passed as props to the component.
Content.getInitialProps = async ({ query }) => {
  const content = await dotCMS.content.get(;
  return { content };

By following these steps, we can easily integrate dotCMS into our React Next.js project and retrieve and display content from the dotCMS instance.

dotcms configuration options in React Next.js

Here are the dotCMS configuration options for React Next.js integration:

  • host: The URL of the dotCMS instance to connect to.
  • username: The username to use for authentication with the dotCMS instance.
  • password: The password to use for authentication with the dotCMS instance.
  • secure: A boolean value indicating whether to use HTTPS for the connection to the dotCMS instance.
  • timeout: The timeout value (in milliseconds) for requests to the dotCMS instance.
  • cache: A boolean value indicating whether to cache responses from the dotCMS instance.
  • cacheTTL: The time-to-live (TTL) value (in milliseconds) for cached responses.
  • cacheMax: The maximum number of items to cache.
  • cacheStrategy: The cache strategy to use (e.g., LRU, LFU, etc.).
  • cacheKeyGenerator: A function that generates cache keys based on the request and response.
  • cacheValueTransformer: A function that transforms the response before it is cached.
  • cacheValueParser: A function that parses the cached response before it is returned.

These configuration options allow us to customize the behavior of the dotCMS API client in our React Next.js application. For example, we can set the timeout value to ensure that requests to the dotCMS instance do not take too long to complete, or we can enable caching to improve performance. By understanding these configuration options, we can tailor the dotCMS integration to meet the specific needs of our application.


In conclusion, the dotCMS Content Management System in React Next.js tutorial provides a comprehensive guide to integrating dotCMS into a React Next.js application. By following the steps outlined in the tutorial, developers can easily retrieve and display content from a dotCMS instance in their React Next.js application. The tutorial covers the basics of dotCMS, React, and Next.js, making it accessible to developers of all skill levels.

One of the key benefits of using dotCMS in a React Next.js application is the flexibility it provides. dotCMS allows developers to create custom content types, workflows, and templates, and provides a wide range of tools and integrations to help manage digital content more efficiently. Additionally, dotCMS provides a robust set of APIs that allow developers to integrate with other systems and build custom applications on top of the platform.

Overall, the dotCMS Content Management System in React Next.js tutorial provides a valuable resource for developers looking to integrate dotCMS into their React Next.js applications. By leveraging the power of dotCMS and the flexibility of React and Next.js, developers can create robust and scalable applications that are easy to maintain and update.

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