
Preact UI Kit in React Next.js

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20238 min reading time

Preact UI Kit in React Next.js

In this tutorial, we will explore how to create a Preact UI kit in React Next.js. Preact is a lightweight alternative to React that offers similar functionality and performance. By using Preact, we can reduce the size of our application and improve its performance. Next.js is a popular framework for building server-side rendered React applications. It provides a number of features that make it easy to build complex applications, including automatic code splitting, server-side rendering, and static site generation.

In this tutorial, we will start by setting up a new Next.js project and installing Preact. We will then create a set of reusable UI components using Preact, including buttons, forms, and modals. We will also explore how to use these components in our Next.js application, including how to pass props and handle events. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to create a Preact UI kit in React Next.js and how to use it to build complex applications.

What is Preact?

Preact UI Kit is a collection of reusable user interface components built using the Preact library. Preact is a lightweight alternative to React that offers similar functionality and performance. By using Preact, we can reduce the size of our application and improve its performance. The Preact UI Kit provides a set of pre-built components that can be easily integrated into any web application, allowing developers to save time and effort in building user interfaces.

The Preact UI Kit includes a variety of components, including buttons, forms, modals, and more. Each component is designed to be highly customizable, allowing developers to easily modify the appearance and behavior of the component to fit their specific needs. The Preact UI Kit is also designed to be highly modular, allowing developers to easily add or remove components as needed. Overall, the Preact UI Kit is a powerful tool for building high-quality user interfaces quickly and efficiently.

Why use Preact for UI Kit in React Next.js application?

Preact is a lightweight alternative to React that offers similar functionality and performance. By using Preact for a UI Kit, developers can benefit from the following advantages:

  • Reduced bundle size: Preact is significantly smaller than React, which means that applications built with Preact have a smaller bundle size. This can lead to faster load times and better performance, especially on slower networks or older devices.
  • Faster rendering: Preact is designed to be fast and efficient, which means that it can render components more quickly than React. This can lead to a smoother user experience and better overall performance.
  • Easy to learn and use: Preact has a similar API to React, which means that developers who are familiar with React can easily learn and use Preact. This makes it easy to integrate Preact into existing projects or to start new projects using Preact.
  • Highly customizable: Preact components are highly customizable, which means that developers can easily modify the appearance and behavior of components to fit their specific needs. This can save time and effort in building user interfaces.
  • Modular design: Preact is designed to be highly modular, which means that developers can easily add or remove components as needed. This makes it easy to create a UI Kit that is tailored to the specific needs of a project.
  • Active community: Preact has an active and growing community of developers who are contributing to the project and building new tools and libraries. This means that developers can benefit from a wealth of resources and support when using Preact for their projects.

Overall, using Preact for a UI Kit can lead to faster load times, better performance, and a smoother user experience. It is also easy to learn and use, highly customizable, and has an active community of developers.


To complete the "Preact UI Kit in React Next.js" tutorial, you will need the following prerequisites:

  • Basic knowledge of React: This tutorial assumes that you have a basic understanding of React and its core concepts, including components, props, and state.
  • Familiarity with JavaScript: You should have a good understanding of JavaScript, including ES6 syntax and concepts such as functions, variables, and arrays.
  • Node.js and npm installed: You will need to have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your machine to create and run the Next.js project.
  • A code editor: You will need a code editor to write and edit the code for the project. There are many options available, including Visual Studio Code, Atom, and Sublime Text.
  • A browser: You will need a web browser to view and test the application as you build it. This tutorial will use Google Chrome, but any modern browser should work.
  • A basic understanding of HTML and CSS: While not strictly required, a basic understanding of HTML and CSS will be helpful in understanding the structure and styling of the UI components.

React Next.js Preact step by step setup and configuration

To integrate Preact into a React Next.js project, we first need to install the Preact library and configure Next.js to use it. We can do this by adding the following code to our next.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  webpack: (config, { dev }) => {
    // Replace React with Preact
    config.resolve.alias['react'] = 'preact/compat';
    config.resolve.alias['react-dom/test-utils'] = 'preact/test-utils';
    config.resolve.alias['react-dom'] = 'preact/compat';

    // Add Preact CLI plugin
    if (dev) {
      config.plugins.push(new (require('preact-cli-plugin-fast-refresh'))());

    return config;

This code replaces the React library with the Preact library and adds the Preact CLI plugin for fast refresh during development.

Once we have configured Next.js to use Preact, we can start building our UI components using Preact. We can create a new Preact component by importing the h function from the Preact library and using it to define our component:

import { h } from 'preact';

const Button = ({ text }) => {
  return <button>{text}</button>;

export default Button;

In this example, we define a Button component that takes a text prop and renders a button element with the text. We use the h function from the Preact library to define the component.

We can then use this component in our Next.js application by importing it and rendering it in our JSX code:

import Button from '../components/Button';

const HomePage = () => {
  return (
      <h1>Welcome to my Next.js app!</h1>
      <Button text="Click me!" />

export default HomePage;

In this example, we import the Button component and render it in our HomePage component. We pass the text prop to the Button component to customize the text on the button.

By following these steps, we can easily integrate Preact into a React Next.js project and start building high-performance UI components using Preact.

Preact configuration options in React Next.js

Here are the Preact configuration options for React Next.js integration:

  • resolve.alias['react'] = 'preact/compat': This option replaces the React library with the Preact library, allowing us to use Preact components in our Next.js application.
  • resolve.alias['react-dom/test-utils'] = 'preact/test-utils': This option replaces the React test utilities with the Preact test utilities, allowing us to use Preact components in our tests.
  • resolve.alias['react-dom'] = 'preact/compat': This option replaces the React DOM library with the Preact DOM library, allowing us to use Preact components in our Next.js application.
  • plugins.push(new (require('preact-cli-plugin-fast-refresh'))()): This option adds the Preact CLI plugin for fast refresh during development, allowing us to see changes to our Preact components in real-time without having to refresh the page.
  • plugins.push(new (require('preact-cli-plugin-flow'))()): This option adds the Preact CLI plugin for Flow type checking, allowing us to catch type errors in our Preact components during development.
  • plugins.push(new (require('preact-cli-plugin-eslint'))()): This option adds the Preact CLI plugin for ESLint code linting, allowing us to catch coding errors and enforce coding standards in our Preact components during development.
  • plugins.push(new (require('preact-cli-plugin-sass'))()): This option adds the Preact CLI plugin for Sass CSS pre-processing, allowing us to use Sass to style our Preact components.
  • plugins.push(new (require('preact-cli-plugin-less'))()): This option adds the Preact CLI plugin for Less CSS pre-processing, allowing us to use Less to style our Preact components.
  • plugins.push(new (require('preact-cli-plugin-stylus'))()): This option adds the Preact CLI plugin for Stylus CSS pre-processing, allowing us to use Stylus to style our Preact components.

These configuration options allow us to customize our Preact integration with React Next.js and take advantage of the many features and plugins available in the Preact ecosystem.


In conclusion, the "Preact UI Kit in React Next.js" tutorial has shown us how to create a set of reusable UI components using Preact and integrate them into a Next.js application. By using Preact, we can reduce the size of our application and improve its performance, while still maintaining the flexibility and power of React. The Preact UI Kit provides a set of pre-built components that can be easily integrated into any web application, allowing developers to save time and effort in building user interfaces.

Throughout the tutorial, we have explored how to install and configure Preact in a Next.js project, how to create reusable UI components using Preact, and how to use these components in our Next.js application. We have also learned about the many benefits of using Preact, including reduced bundle size, faster rendering, and easy customization. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, developers can create powerful and efficient UI Kits using Preact and React Next.js.

Overall, the "Preact UI Kit in React Next.js" tutorial provides a solid foundation for building high-quality user interfaces using Preact and Next.js. With the knowledge and skills gained from this tutorial, developers can create fast, efficient, and highly customizable UI Kits that can be easily integrated into any web application.

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