
Clearance Authentication in Ruby on Rails

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20238 min reading time

Clearance Authentication in Ruby on Rails

In today's world, security is of utmost importance, especially when it comes to web applications. One of the most critical aspects of web application security is user authentication. In Ruby on Rails, there are several ways to implement user authentication, but one of the most popular and effective methods is clearance authentication. Clearance is a simple and lightweight authentication library that provides secure user authentication and authorization for Ruby on Rails applications.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to implement clearance authentication in a Ruby on Rails application. We will start by installing and configuring clearance, creating user models and controllers, and setting up routes. We will also cover how to customize clearance to fit your application's specific needs, including adding additional user fields and integrating with third-party authentication providers. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to implement clearance authentication in your Ruby on Rails application and ensure that your users' data is secure.

What is Clearance?

Clearance Authentication is a lightweight and easy-to-use authentication library for Ruby on Rails applications. It provides a secure way to authenticate users and manage user sessions, making it an essential tool for any web application that requires user authentication. Clearance is built on top of Rails' built-in authentication system, making it easy to integrate into existing applications.

Clearance provides a range of features, including password reset, email confirmation, and user authorization. It also includes a range of customizable options, allowing developers to tailor the authentication process to their specific needs. With Clearance, developers can ensure that their users' data is secure and that their application is protected against common security threats such as cross-site scripting and SQL injection attacks. Overall, Clearance Authentication is a powerful and flexible authentication library that can help developers build secure and reliable web applications.

Why use Clearance for Authentication in Ruby on Rails application?

There are several reasons why developers should consider using Clearance for authentication in their Ruby on Rails applications. Firstly, Clearance is a lightweight and easy-to-use authentication library that provides a range of features out of the box, including password reset, email confirmation, and user authorization. This means that developers can quickly and easily implement secure user authentication without having to spend time building these features from scratch.

Secondly, Clearance is built on top of Rails' built-in authentication system, making it easy to integrate into existing applications. This means that developers can add authentication to their applications without having to make significant changes to their codebase. Additionally, Clearance is highly customizable, allowing developers to tailor the authentication process to their specific needs. This means that developers can add additional user fields, integrate with third-party authentication providers, and customize the user interface to match their application's look and feel.

Finally, Clearance is actively maintained and has a large and supportive community. This means that developers can rely on the library to be up-to-date with the latest security best practices and to have a wealth of resources available to them if they run into any issues. Overall, Clearance is a powerful and flexible authentication library that can help developers build secure and reliable web applications quickly and easily.


To complete the "Clearance Authentication in Ruby on Rails" tutorial, you will need to have the following prerequisites:

  1. Basic knowledge of Ruby on Rails: You should have a basic understanding of Ruby on Rails and how it works. This includes knowledge of the MVC architecture, routing, and database migrations.

  2. Ruby on Rails development environment: You should have a Ruby on Rails development environment set up on your computer. This includes installing Ruby, Rails, and a database such as PostgreSQL or MySQL.

  3. Text editor: You should have a text editor installed on your computer. Popular options include Sublime Text, Atom, and Visual Studio Code.

  4. Git: You should have Git installed on your computer. Git is a version control system that is commonly used in software development.

  5. Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: You should have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This will be helpful when customizing the user interface of your application.

  6. Command line interface: You should be comfortable using the command line interface to run commands and navigate your file system. This will be necessary when running Rails commands and installing gems.

Ruby on Rails Clearance step by step setup and configuration

Integrating Clearance into a Ruby on Rails project is a straightforward process that involves several steps. The first step is to add the Clearance gem to your application's Gemfile and run the bundle install command to install it. You can do this by adding the following line to your Gemfile:

gem 'clearance'

After installing the gem, you need to run the Clearance generator to create the necessary files and migrations. You can do this by running the following command:

rails generate clearance:install

This will create several files, including a user model, a migration for the user table, and a configuration file for Clearance. You can then run the migration to create the user table by running the following command:

rails db:migrate

Once you have set up the necessary files and migrations, you can start customizing Clearance to fit your application's specific needs. For example, you can customize the user model by adding additional fields or associations. You can also customize the views and controllers to match your application's look and feel.

To use Clearance in your application, you need to add the necessary routes to your routes.rb file. You can do this by adding the following line to your routes.rb file:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  resources :passwords, controller: 'clearance/passwords', only: [:create, :new]
  resource :session, controller: 'clearance/sessions', only: [:create]
  resources :users, controller: 'clearance/users', only: [:create] do
    resource :password, controller: 'clearance/passwords', only: [:create, :edit, :update]
  get '/sign_in' => 'clearance/sessions#new', as: 'sign_in'
  delete '/sign_out' => 'clearance/sessions#destroy', as: 'sign_out'
  get '/sign_up' => 'clearance/users#new', as: 'sign_up'
  root to: 'home#index'

This will create the necessary routes for Clearance, including routes for signing in, signing out, and signing up. You can then use Clearance's helper methods in your controllers and views to manage user authentication and authorization. For example, you can use the current_user method to retrieve the currently signed-in user, and the signed_in? method to check if a user is signed in.

Clearance configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here is a list of all the Clearance configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration with their short explanation:

  1. allow_sign_up: A boolean value that determines whether users can sign up for a new account. Default is true.

  2. cookie_domain: The domain to use for the Clearance cookie. Default is nil.

  3. cookie_expiration: The time in seconds that the Clearance cookie should last. Default is 1.year.

  4. cookie_name: The name of the Clearance cookie. Default is _clearance_session.

  5. cookie_path: The path to use for the Clearance cookie. Default is /.

  6. mailer_sender: The email address to use as the sender for Clearance emails. Default is

  7. password_strategy: The password strategy to use for Clearance. Default is BCrypt.

  8. redirect_url: The URL to redirect to after signing in or signing out. Default is /.

  9. rotate_csrf_on_sign_in: A boolean value that determines whether to rotate the CSRF token on sign in. Default is false.

  10. routes: A hash of options to use when generating Clearance routes. Default is {}.

  11. secure_cookie: A boolean value that determines whether to use a secure cookie for Clearance. Default is false.

  12. sign_in_guards: An array of lambdas that are called before a user signs in. Default is [].

  13. user_model: The name of the user model to use for Clearance. Default is User.

  14. user_parameter: The name of the parameter to use for the user ID in Clearance URLs. Default is :id.

  15. user_password_parameter: The name of the parameter to use for the user password in Clearance URLs. Default is :password.

  16. user_password_confirmation_parameter: The name of the parameter to use for the user password confirmation in Clearance URLs. Default is :password_confirmation.

  17. user_remember_token_parameter: The name of the parameter to use for the user remember token in Clearance URLs. Default is :remember_token.

  18. user_validations: An array of validations to use for the user model in Clearance. Default is [].


In conclusion, implementing user authentication is a critical aspect of web application development, and Clearance Authentication is an excellent tool for achieving this in Ruby on Rails applications. With its lightweight and easy-to-use authentication library, developers can quickly and easily add secure user authentication to their applications without having to spend time building these features from scratch. Additionally, Clearance is highly customizable, allowing developers to tailor the authentication process to their specific needs.

In this tutorial, we have covered the basics of integrating Clearance into a Ruby on Rails application, including installing the gem, running the generator, and customizing the user model and views. We have also covered how to add the necessary routes to your application and use Clearance's helper methods to manage user authentication and authorization. By following these steps, developers can ensure that their applications are secure and that their users' data is protected.

Overall, Clearance Authentication is a powerful and flexible authentication library that can help developers build secure and reliable web applications quickly and easily. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, developers can implement Clearance Authentication in their Ruby on Rails applications and ensure that their users' data is secure.

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