
Azure Pipelines Continuous Delivery for Ruby on Rails

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20239 min reading time

Azure Pipelines Continuous Delivery for Ruby on Rails

Welcome to the Azure Pipelines Continuous Delivery for Ruby on Rails tutorial. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of setting up a continuous delivery pipeline for your Ruby on Rails application using Azure Pipelines. Continuous delivery is a software development practice that allows you to automate the deployment of your application to production as soon as new changes are made to the codebase. By implementing continuous delivery, you can reduce the time and effort required to deploy your application, improve the quality of your releases, and increase the speed of your development cycle.

In this tutorial, we will cover the following topics:

  • Setting up an Azure Pipelines account and creating a new pipeline
  • Configuring your pipeline to build and test your Ruby on Rails application
  • Deploying your application to a staging environment for further testing
  • Configuring your pipeline to deploy your application to production
  • Monitoring your pipeline and troubleshooting any issues that arise

By the end of this tutorial, you will have a fully functional continuous delivery pipeline for your Ruby on Rails application, allowing you to deploy changes to production quickly and reliably. Let's get started!

What is Azure Pipelines?

Azure Pipelines Continuous Delivery is a software development practice that allows developers to automate the deployment of their applications to production as soon as new changes are made to the codebase. This practice involves setting up a pipeline that automatically builds, tests, and deploys the application to a staging environment for further testing before deploying it to production. By implementing continuous delivery, developers can reduce the time and effort required to deploy their application, improve the quality of their releases, and increase the speed of their development cycle.

Azure Pipelines Continuous Delivery is a part of the Azure DevOps suite of tools and services provided by Microsoft. It is a cloud-based solution that allows developers to manage their entire software development lifecycle, from planning and coding to testing and deployment. With Azure Pipelines Continuous Delivery, developers can easily set up and manage their continuous delivery pipeline, monitor its progress, and troubleshoot any issues that arise.

Why use Azure Pipelines for Continuous Delivery in Ruby on Rails application?

There are several reasons why one should use Azure Pipelines for Continuous Delivery. Firstly, Azure Pipelines is a cloud-based solution that provides a scalable and reliable platform for managing the entire software development lifecycle. It offers a wide range of features and integrations that make it easy to set up and manage a continuous delivery pipeline, including support for a variety of programming languages and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails.

Secondly, Azure Pipelines provides a high degree of automation, which can help reduce the time and effort required to deploy applications to production. With Azure Pipelines, developers can automate the entire deployment process, from building and testing the application to deploying it to a staging environment and then to production. This can help improve the quality of releases and increase the speed of the development cycle.

Finally, Azure Pipelines provides a range of monitoring and troubleshooting tools that can help developers identify and resolve issues quickly. With Azure Pipelines, developers can monitor the progress of their continuous delivery pipeline in real-time, view detailed logs and metrics, and receive alerts when issues arise. This can help ensure that applications are deployed to production quickly and reliably, with minimal downtime and disruption to users. Overall, Azure Pipelines is a powerful and flexible tool that can help developers streamline their continuous delivery process and deliver high-quality applications to users faster and more efficiently.


To complete the "Azure Pipelines Continuous Delivery for Ruby on Rails" tutorial, you will need the following prerequisites:

  1. A basic understanding of Ruby on Rails development and deployment.
  2. An Azure account with an active subscription. If you don't have an Azure account, you can sign up for a free trial.
  3. A GitHub account with a Ruby on Rails application that you want to deploy using Azure Pipelines. If you don't have a Ruby on Rails application, you can create a sample application using the Rails framework.
  4. A basic understanding of continuous delivery and its benefits.
  5. A basic understanding of Azure Pipelines and its features.
  6. A code editor such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text.
  7. A web browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
  8. A command-line interface such as PowerShell or Bash.
  9. Basic knowledge of Git and GitHub.

Ruby on Rails Azure Pipelines step by step setup and configuration

Integrating Azure Pipelines into a Ruby on Rails project involves several steps. The first step is to create a new pipeline in Azure Pipelines and configure it to build and test your Ruby on Rails application. To do this, you will need to create a new YAML file in your project's root directory that defines the build and test steps for your pipeline. Here is an example YAML file that you can use as a starting point:

- master

  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

- script: |
    bundle install
    rails db:migrate
    rails test
  displayName: 'Build and Test'

This YAML file defines a pipeline that is triggered whenever changes are made to the master branch of your repository. It uses an Ubuntu-based virtual machine to run the build and test steps, which involve installing dependencies, migrating the database, and running the test suite.

The next step is to configure your pipeline to deploy your Ruby on Rails application to a staging environment for further testing. To do this, you will need to add a new deployment job to your YAML file that defines the deployment steps for your pipeline. Here is an example YAML file that includes a deployment job:

- master

  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

- script: |
    bundle install
    rails db:migrate
    rails test
  displayName: 'Build and Test'

- deployment: DeployToStaging
  environment: 'Staging'
        - script: |
            git clone
            cd yourapp
            bundle install --without development test
            rails db:migrate
            rails assets:precompile
            rails server -d
          displayName: 'Deploy to Staging'

This YAML file defines a deployment job that deploys your application to a staging environment using Git. It clones your repository, installs dependencies, migrates the database, precompiles assets, and starts the Rails server in daemon mode.

The final step is to configure your pipeline to deploy your Ruby on Rails application to production. To do this, you will need to add a new deployment job to your YAML file that defines the deployment steps for your pipeline. Here is an example YAML file that includes a production deployment job:

- master

  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

- script: |
    bundle install
    rails db:migrate
    rails test
  displayName: 'Build and Test'

- deployment: DeployToStaging
  environment: 'Staging'
        - script: |
            git clone
            cd yourapp
            bundle install --without development test
            rails db:migrate
            rails assets:precompile
            rails server -d
          displayName: 'Deploy to Staging'

- deployment: DeployToProduction
  environment: 'Production'
        - script: |
            git clone
            cd yourapp
            bundle install --without development test
            rails db:migrate
            rails assets:precompile
            rails server -d
          displayName: 'Deploy to Production'

This YAML file defines a production deployment job that deploys your application to a production environment using the same steps as the staging deployment job. You can customize the deployment steps for each environment as needed.

In summary, integrating Azure Pipelines into a Ruby on Rails project involves creating a YAML file that defines the build, test, and deployment steps for your pipeline. You can customize the YAML file to meet the specific needs of your project, including adding additional deployment jobs for different environments.

Azure Pipelines configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here are the Azure Pipelines configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration:

  1. Trigger: Defines when the pipeline should be triggered, such as when changes are made to a specific branch or when a new tag is created.

  2. Pool: Specifies the virtual machine image to use for running the pipeline, such as Ubuntu or Windows.

  3. Steps: Defines the build and test steps for the pipeline, such as installing dependencies, migrating the database, and running the test suite.

  4. Deployment: Defines the deployment steps for the pipeline, such as deploying the application to a staging or production environment.

  5. Environment: Specifies the environment to deploy the application to, such as staging or production.

  6. Strategy: Defines the deployment strategy to use, such as rolling deployment or blue-green deployment.

  7. Variables: Defines variables that can be used in the pipeline, such as environment variables or secret variables.

  8. Resources: Specifies the resources that the pipeline depends on, such as a database or a storage account.

  9. Jobs: Defines the jobs that make up the pipeline, such as build, test, and deployment jobs.

  10. Scripts: Defines custom scripts to run as part of the pipeline, such as scripts for running migrations or precompiling assets.

  11. Artifacts: Defines the artifacts that are produced by the pipeline, such as compiled code or test results.

  12. Triggers: Defines triggers for the pipeline, such as manual triggers or triggers based on external events.

These configuration options can be used to customize the behavior of the Azure Pipelines continuous delivery pipeline for Ruby on Rails applications. By configuring these options, developers can create a pipeline that meets the specific needs of their project and automates the deployment process from start to finish.


In conclusion, the Azure Pipelines Continuous Delivery for Ruby on Rails tutorial provides a comprehensive guide for developers looking to automate the deployment of their Ruby on Rails applications. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, developers can set up a continuous delivery pipeline that builds, tests, and deploys their application to production automatically. This can help reduce the time and effort required to deploy applications, improve the quality of releases, and increase the speed of the development cycle.

Throughout the tutorial, we covered a range of topics, including setting up an Azure Pipelines account, configuring a pipeline to build and test a Ruby on Rails application, deploying the application to a staging environment, and deploying the application to production. We also discussed the benefits of continuous delivery and how it can help improve the software development process.

Overall, the Azure Pipelines Continuous Delivery for Ruby on Rails tutorial is a valuable resource for developers looking to streamline their deployment process and deliver high-quality applications to users faster and more efficiently. By leveraging the power of Azure Pipelines, developers can automate their deployment process and focus on what they do best - building great software.

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