
Monitoring Ruby on Rails with Elasticsearch

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20237 min reading time

Monitoring Ruby on Rails with Elasticsearch

Ruby on Rails is a popular web application framework that allows developers to build scalable and robust applications quickly. However, as applications grow in size and complexity, it becomes increasingly challenging to monitor and troubleshoot issues. This is where Elasticsearch comes in. Elasticsearch is a powerful search engine that can be used to monitor and analyze application logs, metrics, and other data. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use Elasticsearch to monitor a Ruby on Rails application.

In this tutorial, we will cover the basics of setting up Elasticsearch and integrating it with a Ruby on Rails application. We will explore how to configure Elasticsearch to collect and analyze application logs and metrics, and how to use Kibana to visualize and analyze the data. We will also cover some best practices for monitoring and troubleshooting Ruby on Rails applications using Elasticsearch. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use Elasticsearch to monitor and troubleshoot your Ruby on Rails applications.

What is Elasticsearch?

Elasticsearch Monitoring is the process of collecting and analyzing data from Elasticsearch clusters to ensure their optimal performance and availability. Elasticsearch is a distributed search engine that is used to store, search, and analyze large volumes of data. As Elasticsearch clusters grow in size and complexity, it becomes increasingly challenging to monitor and troubleshoot issues. Elasticsearch Monitoring provides a comprehensive view of the health and performance of Elasticsearch clusters, enabling administrators to identify and resolve issues before they impact users.

Elasticsearch Monitoring involves collecting and analyzing various metrics, such as CPU usage, memory usage, disk usage, and network traffic. It also involves monitoring the status of Elasticsearch nodes, indices, and shards. Elasticsearch Monitoring tools, such as Kibana, provide visualizations and dashboards that enable administrators to quickly identify and troubleshoot issues. With Elasticsearch Monitoring, administrators can ensure the optimal performance and availability of Elasticsearch clusters, improving the user experience and minimizing downtime.

Why use Elasticsearch for Monitoring in Ruby on Rails application?

Elasticsearch is a powerful search engine that can be used for monitoring various types of data, including logs, metrics, and application performance. Elasticsearch Monitoring provides a comprehensive view of the health and performance of Elasticsearch clusters, enabling administrators to identify and resolve issues quickly. Here are some benefits of using Elasticsearch for Monitoring:

  • Scalability: Elasticsearch is a distributed search engine that can scale horizontally, making it ideal for monitoring large volumes of data. It can handle millions of events per second, making it suitable for real-time monitoring.

  • Flexibility: Elasticsearch can be used to monitor various types of data, including logs, metrics, and application performance. It can also be integrated with various tools and platforms, such as Kibana, Logstash, and Beats.

  • Real-time monitoring: Elasticsearch provides real-time monitoring capabilities, enabling administrators to identify and troubleshoot issues as they occur. This helps to minimize downtime and improve the user experience.

  • Visualization: Elasticsearch provides powerful visualization capabilities, enabling administrators to create custom dashboards and visualizations that provide insights into the health and performance of Elasticsearch clusters.

  • Alerting: Elasticsearch can be configured to send alerts when certain thresholds are exceeded, enabling administrators to take proactive measures to prevent issues from occurring.

Overall, Elasticsearch is a powerful tool for monitoring various types of data, providing real-time insights into the health and performance of Elasticsearch clusters. It is scalable, flexible, and provides powerful visualization and alerting capabilities, making it an ideal choice for monitoring large volumes of data.


Here are the prerequisites required to complete the "Monitoring Ruby on Rails with Elasticsearch" tutorial:

  • Basic knowledge of Ruby on Rails web application framework
  • Basic knowledge of Elasticsearch and Kibana
  • Ruby version 2.5 or higher installed on your system
  • Rails version 5 or higher installed on your system
  • Elasticsearch version 7.x installed on your system
  • Kibana version 7.x installed on your system
  • Logstash version 7.x installed on your system (optional)
  • A Ruby on Rails application to monitor
  • A text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) to edit code
  • Command-line interface (CLI) to run commands and scripts

It is recommended to have a basic understanding of web application development, Elasticsearch, and Kibana before starting this tutorial. You should also have the necessary software installed on your system to follow along with the tutorial.

Ruby on Rails Elasticsearch step by step setup and configuration

Integrating Elasticsearch into a Ruby on Rails project involves several steps, including installing the Elasticsearch gem, configuring the Elasticsearch client, and indexing data into Elasticsearch. Here are the steps to integrate Elasticsearch into a Ruby on Rails project:

  1. Install the Elasticsearch gem: The first step is to install the Elasticsearch gem in your Ruby on Rails project. You can do this by adding the following line to your Gemfile:
gem 'elasticsearch-model'

Then, run the following command to install the gem:

bundle install
  1. Configure the Elasticsearch client: Next, you need to configure the Elasticsearch client in your Ruby on Rails project. You can do this by creating an initializer file in the config/initializers directory. Here's an example of how to configure the Elasticsearch client:
# config/initializers/elasticsearch.rb

Elasticsearch::Model.client = ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_URL'])

This code sets the Elasticsearch client URL to the value of the ELASTICSEARCH_URL environment variable.

  1. Index data into Elasticsearch: Once you have configured the Elasticsearch client, you can start indexing data into Elasticsearch. You can do this by including the Elasticsearch::Model module in your Ruby on Rails model and defining the index settings and mappings. Here's an example of how to index data into Elasticsearch:
class Article < ApplicationRecord
  include Elasticsearch::Model
  include Elasticsearch::Model::Callbacks

  settings index: { number_of_shards: 1 } do
    mappings dynamic: false do
      indexes :title, type: :text
      indexes :body, type: :text

This code defines the index settings and mappings for the Article model. The indexes method defines the fields that should be indexed in Elasticsearch.

  1. Search data in Elasticsearch: Finally, you can search data in Elasticsearch using the search method. Here's an example of how to search data in Elasticsearch:
@articles =[:q])

This code searches for articles that match the query string specified in the q parameter.

By following these steps, you can integrate Elasticsearch into your Ruby on Rails project and start indexing and searching data in Elasticsearch.

Elasticsearch configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here are the Elasticsearch configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration:

  • url: The URL of the Elasticsearch server.
  • transport_options: A hash of options to pass to the Elasticsearch transport layer.
  • log: The logger to use for Elasticsearch.
  • reload_connections: Whether to reload connections on each request.
  • reload_on_failure: Whether to reload connections on failure.
  • retry_on_failure: Whether to retry failed requests.
  • retry_on_status: An array of HTTP status codes to retry on.
  • request_timeout: The timeout for Elasticsearch requests.
  • reload_on_stale: Whether to reload connections on stale connections.
  • sniffer_timeout: The timeout for the Elasticsearch sniffer.
  • sniffer_delay: The delay between sniffer requests.
  • sniffer_only: Whether to only use the sniffer for node discovery.
  • transport_class: The transport class to use for Elasticsearch.
  • transport_options_class: The transport options class to use for Elasticsearch.

These configuration options allow you to customize the behavior of the Elasticsearch client in your Ruby on Rails application. For example, you can set the url option to specify the URL of the Elasticsearch server, or set the log option to specify the logger to use for Elasticsearch. You can also set options related to connection reloading, retrying failed requests, and timeouts. By customizing these options, you can optimize the performance and reliability of your Elasticsearch integration in your Ruby on Rails application.


In conclusion, Elasticsearch is a powerful tool for monitoring Ruby on Rails applications. It provides real-time insights into the health and performance of Elasticsearch clusters, enabling administrators to identify and troubleshoot issues quickly. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can integrate Elasticsearch into your Ruby on Rails application and start monitoring your application logs, metrics, and performance.

We covered the basics of setting up Elasticsearch and integrating it with a Ruby on Rails application. We explored how to configure Elasticsearch to collect and analyze application logs and metrics, and how to use Kibana to visualize and analyze the data. We also covered some best practices for monitoring and troubleshooting Ruby on Rails applications using Elasticsearch.

By using Elasticsearch for monitoring, you can ensure the optimal performance and availability of your Ruby on Rails application, improving the user experience and minimizing downtime. With Elasticsearch, you can gain valuable insights into your application's performance and usage, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your application for your users.

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