
Monitoring Ruby on Rails with Google Cloud Monitoring

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20238 min reading time

Monitoring Ruby on Rails with Google Cloud Monitoring

Ruby on Rails is a popular web application framework that allows developers to build scalable and robust applications quickly. However, as applications grow in complexity, it becomes increasingly challenging to monitor and troubleshoot issues. This is where Google Cloud Monitoring comes in. Google Cloud Monitoring is a powerful tool that allows developers to monitor their applications' performance, diagnose issues, and optimize their applications' performance.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to monitor Ruby on Rails applications using Google Cloud Monitoring. We will start by setting up a Ruby on Rails application on Google Cloud Platform and then configure Google Cloud Monitoring to monitor the application's performance. We will also explore how to create custom metrics and alerts to notify us when specific events occur. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use Google Cloud Monitoring to monitor and optimize your Ruby on Rails applications.

What is Google Cloud Monitoring?

Google Cloud Monitoring is a powerful tool that allows developers to monitor the performance and health of their applications running on Google Cloud Platform. It provides real-time insights into the application's performance, including metrics such as CPU usage, memory usage, and network traffic. With Google Cloud Monitoring, developers can quickly identify and troubleshoot issues that may be affecting their application's performance.

Google Cloud Monitoring also provides a range of alerting capabilities, allowing developers to set up custom alerts based on specific metrics or events. This means that developers can be notified immediately when an issue occurs, allowing them to take action before it affects their users. Overall, Google Cloud Monitoring is an essential tool for any developer running applications on Google Cloud Platform, providing real-time insights and alerts to ensure their applications are performing at their best.

Why use Google Cloud Monitoring for Monitoring in Ruby on Rails application?

There are several reasons why one should use Google Cloud Monitoring for monitoring their applications. Firstly, Google Cloud Monitoring provides real-time insights into the performance and health of your applications. This means that you can quickly identify and troubleshoot issues before they affect your users. With Google Cloud Monitoring, you can monitor a wide range of metrics, including CPU usage, memory usage, and network traffic, giving you a comprehensive view of your application's performance.

Secondly, Google Cloud Monitoring provides a range of alerting capabilities, allowing you to set up custom alerts based on specific metrics or events. This means that you can be notified immediately when an issue occurs, allowing you to take action before it affects your users. With Google Cloud Monitoring, you can set up alerts via email, SMS, or other notification channels, ensuring that you are always informed of any issues.

Finally, Google Cloud Monitoring is easy to set up and use. It integrates seamlessly with other Google Cloud Platform services, making it easy to get started. Additionally, it provides a range of pre-built dashboards and reports, allowing you to quickly gain insights into your application's performance. Overall, Google Cloud Monitoring is a powerful tool that provides real-time insights and alerts, making it an essential tool for any developer running applications on Google Cloud Platform.

Benefits of using Google Cloud Monitoring:

  • Real-time insights into application performance and health
  • Custom alerting capabilities to notify you of issues immediately
  • Easy to set up and use, with pre-built dashboards and reports


To complete the "Monitoring Ruby on Rails with Google Cloud Monitoring" tutorial, you will need to have the following prerequisites:

  • A basic understanding of Ruby on Rails web application development
  • A Google Cloud Platform account with billing enabled
  • A basic understanding of Google Cloud Platform services, including Compute Engine and Cloud Monitoring
  • A local development environment set up with Ruby on Rails and the necessary dependencies installed
  • A basic understanding of the command line interface and how to use it to run commands and navigate directories
  • A basic understanding of Git and how to use it to clone and push code to a repository
  • A web browser to access the Google Cloud Platform console and view the application's metrics and logs.

Ruby on Rails Google Cloud Monitoring step by step setup and configuration

Integrating Google Cloud Monitoring into a Ruby on Rails project is a straightforward process. The first step is to create a Google Cloud Platform project and enable the Cloud Monitoring API. Once this is done, you can install the google-cloud-monitoring gem in your Ruby on Rails project. This gem provides a Ruby client library for the Cloud Monitoring API, allowing you to send metrics and create custom dashboards.

To send metrics to Google Cloud Monitoring, you can use the google-cloud-monitoring gem's Google::Cloud::Monitoring::MetricService class. This class provides methods for creating and updating metrics, as well as sending metric data. For example, to send a custom metric for the number of requests to a specific endpoint, you can use the following code:

require "google/cloud/monitoring"

metric_service =
project_name = "projects/my-project"

    type: "",
    metric_kind: :DELTA,
    value_type: :INT64,
    unit: "1",
    description: "Number of requests to a specific endpoint",
    labels: [
      { key: "endpoint", value_type: :STRING, description: "The endpoint name" }

      metric: {
        type: "",
        labels: { endpoint: "/api/v1/users" }
      resource: {
        type: "global",
        labels: {}
      points: [
          interval: {
            start_time: ( - 60).to_i
          value: { int64_value: 100 }

This code creates a custom metric descriptor for the number of requests to a specific endpoint and sends a time series data point for the /api/v1/users endpoint with a value of 100.

To create custom dashboards in Google Cloud Monitoring, you can use the google-cloud-monitoring gem's Google::Cloud::Monitoring::DashboardService class. This class provides methods for creating and updating dashboards, as well as adding charts and widgets. For example, to create a custom dashboard for your Ruby on Rails application, you can use the following code:

require "google/cloud/monitoring"

dashboard_service =
project_name = "projects/my-project"

    display_name: "Ruby on Rails Application",
    grid_layout: {
      columns: 2,
      widgets: [
          title: "Requests per Minute",
          chart_options: {
            mode: :STACKED,
            x_axis_options: { mode: :EXPANDED },
            y_axis_options: { label: "Requests per Minute" }
          data_source_options: {
            time_series_query: {
              time_series_filter: {
                metric_type: "",
                label_filter: "endpoint=\"/api/v1/users\""
              time_range: {
                start_time: ( - 3600).to_i
              aggregation: {
                per_series_aligner: :ALIGN_RATE,
                cross_series_reducer: :REDUCE_SUM,
                alignment_period: { seconds: 60 }

This code creates a custom dashboard with a single chart showing the number of requests per minute for the /api/v1/users endpoint.

Overall, integrating Google Cloud Monitoring into a Ruby on Rails project is a simple process that can provide valuable insights into your application's performance. By sending metrics and creating custom dashboards, you can quickly identify and troubleshoot issues, ensuring that your application is performing at its best.

Google Cloud Monitoring configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here are the Google Cloud Monitoring configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration:

  • google-cloud-monitoring gem: This is the Ruby client library for the Cloud Monitoring API. It provides methods for sending metrics and creating custom dashboards.
  • Google::Cloud::Monitoring::MetricService: This class provides methods for creating and updating metrics, as well as sending metric data.
  • Google::Cloud::Monitoring::DashboardService: This class provides methods for creating and updating dashboards, as well as adding charts and widgets.
  • metric_descriptor: This is a JSON object that defines a custom metric. It includes the metric type, value type, unit, and labels.
  • time_series: This is a JSON object that represents a time series data point for a metric. It includes the metric type, labels, resource type, and value.
  • display_name: This is the name of the custom dashboard.
  • grid_layout: This is a JSON object that defines the layout of the custom dashboard. It includes the number of columns and the widgets to display.
  • title: This is the title of a chart in the custom dashboard.
  • chart_options: This is a JSON object that defines the options for a chart in the custom dashboard. It includes the chart mode, x-axis options, and y-axis options.
  • data_source_options: This is a JSON object that defines the data source for a chart in the custom dashboard. It includes the time series query, time range, and aggregation options.

Overall, these configuration options provide a range of customization options for integrating Google Cloud Monitoring into a Ruby on Rails project. By using these options, developers can send custom metrics, create custom dashboards, and gain valuable insights into their application's performance.


In conclusion, monitoring the performance and health of Ruby on Rails applications is essential for ensuring that they are running at their best. Google Cloud Monitoring provides a powerful toolset for monitoring and troubleshooting issues in real-time. By integrating Google Cloud Monitoring into a Ruby on Rails project, developers can gain valuable insights into their application's performance, identify and troubleshoot issues, and optimize their application's performance.

In this tutorial, we explored how to integrate Google Cloud Monitoring into a Ruby on Rails project. We covered the prerequisites required to complete the tutorial, the benefits of using Google Cloud Monitoring for monitoring, and the configuration options available for Ruby on Rails integration. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, developers can quickly and easily set up Google Cloud Monitoring for their Ruby on Rails applications, ensuring that they are performing at their best.

Overall, Google Cloud Monitoring is an essential tool for any developer running applications on Google Cloud Platform. It provides real-time insights and alerts, making it easy to identify and troubleshoot issues before they affect your users. By integrating Google Cloud Monitoring into your Ruby on Rails projects, you can ensure that your applications are running smoothly and delivering the best possible user experience.

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