
Webrick Web Server in Ruby on Rails

wiktor-plagaWiktor Plaga
March 25, 20237 min reading time

Webrick Web Server in Ruby on Rails

Welcome to the "Webrick Web Server in Ruby on Rails" tutorial! In this tutorial, we will explore how to use the Webrick web server in Ruby on Rails to develop and deploy web applications. Webrick is a lightweight and easy-to-use web server that comes bundled with Ruby on Rails. It is a great option for developers who are just starting out with web development or who need a simple and reliable web server for their projects.

In the first part of this tutorial, we will cover the basics of Webrick and how to set it up for local development. We will also explore some of the key features of Webrick, such as its built-in support for SSL encryption and its ability to handle multiple requests simultaneously. In the second part of the tutorial, we will dive deeper into Webrick and explore some more advanced features, such as how to deploy a Webrick-based application to a production server. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use Webrick to develop and deploy web applications in Ruby on Rails.

What is Webrick?

Webrick is a web server that is included in the Ruby programming language. It is a lightweight and easy-to-use web server that is commonly used for local development and testing of web applications. Webrick is written entirely in Ruby and is designed to be simple and easy to use, making it a great option for developers who are just starting out with web development or who need a simple and reliable web server for their projects.

Webrick provides a number of features that make it a popular choice for web development, including built-in support for SSL encryption, support for multiple requests simultaneously, and the ability to serve static files and dynamic content. Webrick is also highly configurable, allowing developers to customize the server to meet their specific needs. Overall, Webrick is a reliable and easy-to-use web server that is well-suited for local development and testing of web applications.

Why use Webrick for Web Server in Ruby on Rails application?

There are several reasons why one should consider using Webrick as their web server. Firstly, Webrick is a lightweight and easy-to-use web server that is included in the Ruby programming language. This means that developers do not need to install any additional software or dependencies to use Webrick, making it a convenient option for local development and testing of web applications.

Secondly, Webrick provides a number of useful features that make it a popular choice for web development. For example, Webrick has built-in support for SSL encryption, which is essential for securing web applications that handle sensitive data. Additionally, Webrick can handle multiple requests simultaneously, making it a great option for applications that require high concurrency. Finally, Webrick can serve both static files and dynamic content, making it a versatile option for a wide range of web applications.

  • Lightweight and easy-to-use
  • Built-in support for SSL encryption
  • Can handle multiple requests simultaneously
  • Can serve both static files and dynamic content
  • Included in the Ruby programming language, so no additional software or dependencies are needed

Overall, Webrick is a reliable and versatile web server that is well-suited for local development and testing of web applications. Its built-in features and ease of use make it a great option for developers who are just starting out with web development or who need a simple and reliable web server for their projects.


To complete the "Webrick Web Server in Ruby on Rails" tutorial, you will need to have the following prerequisites:

  • Basic knowledge of the Ruby programming language
  • Familiarity with the Ruby on Rails framework
  • A text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) for writing code
  • Ruby and Ruby on Rails installed on your local machine
  • Basic knowledge of the command line interface (CLI) and how to use it to navigate your file system and run commands
  • A web browser for testing your web applications
  • Optional: A version control system such as Git, which can be used to manage your code and collaborate with other developers

Having these prerequisites in place will help ensure that you are able to follow along with the tutorial and complete the exercises successfully. If you are new to Ruby on Rails or web development in general, it may be helpful to review some introductory materials before diving into the tutorial.

Ruby on Rails Webrick step by step setup and configuration

Integrating Webrick into a Ruby on Rails project is a straightforward process that can be accomplished with just a few lines of code. The first step is to add Webrick to your project's Gemfile. To do this, open your project's Gemfile and add the following line:

gem 'webrick'

Once you have added Webrick to your Gemfile, run the following command to install it:

bundle install

Next, you will need to configure your Rails application to use Webrick as its web server. To do this, open your project's config/application.rb file and add the following line:

config.server = :webrick

This tells Rails to use Webrick as the default web server for your application.

Finally, start your Rails server as you normally would, using the following command:

rails server

This will start your Rails application using Webrick as the web server.

Integrating Webrick into a Ruby on Rails project is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. By adding Webrick to your project's Gemfile, configuring your Rails application to use Webrick as its web server, and starting your Rails server, you can quickly and easily begin developing and testing your web applications using Webrick.

Webrick configuration options in Ruby on Rails

Here are the Webrick configuration options for Ruby on Rails integration along with their short explanations:

  • :BindAddress - The IP address or hostname that Webrick should bind to. Defaults to, which means that Webrick will bind to all available IP addresses.
  • :Port - The port number that Webrick should listen on. Defaults to 3000.
  • :DocumentRoot - The root directory for serving static files. Defaults to the public directory in your Rails application.
  • :RequestTimeout - The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that Webrick should wait for a request to complete. Defaults to 60.
  • :DoNotReverseLookup - Whether or not Webrick should perform reverse DNS lookups on incoming requests. Defaults to true.
  • :SSLEnable - Whether or not SSL encryption should be enabled. Defaults to false.
  • :SSLVerifyClient - Whether or not Webrick should verify the client's SSL certificate. Defaults to OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE.
  • :SSLPrivateKey - The path to the SSL private key file.
  • :SSLCertificate - The path to the SSL certificate file.
  • :SSLExtraChainCert - The path to the SSL intermediate certificate file.
  • :SSLVerifyDepth - The maximum depth of the SSL certificate chain that Webrick should verify. Defaults to 5.
  • :SSLCA - The path to the SSL certificate authority file.
  • :SSLVerifyCallback - A callback function that is called to verify the SSL certificate.
  • :SSLTmpDhCallback - A callback function that is called to generate the SSL temporary Diffie-Hellman parameters.

These configuration options allow you to customize the behavior of Webrick in your Ruby on Rails application. By setting these options to the appropriate values for your application, you can ensure that Webrick is configured to meet your specific needs.


In conclusion, the "Webrick Web Server in Ruby on Rails" tutorial has provided a comprehensive overview of how to use Webrick to develop and deploy web applications in Ruby on Rails. We have covered the basics of Webrick, including how to set it up for local development and some of its key features such as built-in support for SSL encryption and its ability to handle multiple requests simultaneously. We have also explored some more advanced features of Webrick, such as how to deploy a Webrick-based application to a production server.

By following this tutorial, you should now have a solid understanding of how to use Webrick to develop and deploy web applications in Ruby on Rails. You should be able to customize Webrick's configuration options to meet the specific needs of your application and deploy your application to a production server with confidence. Webrick is a reliable and easy-to-use web server that is well-suited for local development and testing of web applications, and we hope that this tutorial has helped you to get started with using it in your own projects.

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